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Is it fun/weird to travel alone?


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I've always wanted to travel to different places within my country, but whenever I ask anyone even if they say they'd like to as well they always have some excuse when I actually try and arrange things. So I was thinking what if I go alone? I enjoy my own company which is a plus but on the bad side I find it really hard to meet people so if I went away for a weekend I would likely be alone for the whole weekend.


Practically I thing I could manage it. I'm not to bad with money (and I'm not thinking of going away that often anyway), I'm happy on public transport and I have a car so getting places isn't a problem I have all the essentials to travel as I visit my friends a couple of times a year. I have GPS on my phone and am very proficient with it since I get lost a lot. I have loads of free time at the weekend since I'm single with few friends living near me (I'm in a social group but I don't really feel comfortable calling any of them up when I'm bored yet).


So really the only thing that's stopping me is fear that I won't enjoy it and the fact I haven't really done it before apart from one business trip. I'm not really considering going anywhere until summer but I wanted to plan it now if I decide to go so I don't end up wasting my summer again like I did this year.


So what do you guys think? Have you ever done something similar? Would you?

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I travelled for four months internationally...I found friends along the way so I was never really alone. There were times I remember thinking I wish I was alone actually. I had bouts of major homesickness though. Everyone is different I find...some people are too fearful to be alone for any period of time...others thrive in it...I think if you just do it, you'll be fine...and it's a personal growth experience

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I have traveled alone but not too far. I am a loner for the most and have very few friends since I gave so much time to my last M. I go into the state above mine alot by myself and take off alot alone. I think the most I have traveled outside of my town is about 200 miles by myself. I am though planning on starting this year. I have asked people to join me and of course NO ONE can due to responsibilities or just lack of desire. SOOOO, guess that just leaves me as always to go. I love to travel and I really do wish I could find a travel buddy. Seems it would be more fun. But, guess I will have to do it alone. Vegas this year is my current plan. Just got to get all the particulars together. Hopefully in about 7 months. But I want to travel, explore and take pictures.

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I traveled twice to africa to work with children. First time 10 days and second time 3 weeks(it supposed to be 2 months but I had some bad/ weird experiences, so I had to get a ticket back home sooner). It was totally adventure but it was dangerous. I could not explain to my family the half of things that happened to me.

But if you ask me now, I would say These two trips were GREAT. : D . I wish I could stay more, specially the first time and traveling alone this is more than GREAT.

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Hey Batya, tell us more about these singles resorts? I haven't heard about that but it sounds like something interesting. Like the OP, I would love to travel but I have no one to go with, and, while I know I might have a good time alone, something is stopping me from planning a trip by myself. I guess I'm just not looking forward to it, even though, probably once I'm there I'd be okay.

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I have traveled alone and loved it! It was a major decision for me, I really wanted to travel and all my friends were broke, so it was either keep waiting or just go and do it. It was one of the best experiences of my life and I met so many awesome people. I never felt alone, and i went to a country were the locals are notoriously friendly. I think if I had of gone with a friend I would not have had the same interactions that I did with the locals.


Initially I felt it might be weird to travel alone, but now that I have done it, I prefer it. You can do whatever you want with no compromises. If I had of traveled with someone else, there is no way I would have been able to see half of what I saw, or be spontaneous at all.


When I have told people about going it alone, generally I get a lot of admiration. People think it's ballsy for a woman to travel alone, and many people (men and women) have told me that they wouldn't have the guts to do that. No one ever made me feel like I was a weirdo for traveling by myself. The people I met when I was in the county (fellow travelers and locals) had nothing but praise for me being alone, and more than one woman told me that she admired my courage and wished she had the same. I think most people will probably think you are awesome for doing this!


Also, I met quite a fellow single, female travelers. More than I thought I would meet, so there are many women out there that are doing this too, you will be in good company!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been travelling alone since I was 21, and never regretted it. Beaches, ski stations, natural reserves (those with a guide), big cities, you name the kind of tour, I've done it. it's great, you do make new friends, sometimes you back, sometimes you don't, and it's ok either way. I don't know what else to say, I love travelling and tasting new food =D

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I traveled to Puerto Rico for 3 weeks alone. Went to luquillo beach, Ponce, Condado and Isla Verde. It was the best experience in my life. You just meet people while you are traveling alone and everything is on your time. Very relaxing and gave me a ton of time to think.

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I'm not brave enough to travel alone I get nervous in places I have never been before and I do not like flying alone..I worry too much I need a seat companion I know to comfort me. I have a friend who is currently traveling all over the world...has been for a few months. They love it each new place they make new friends and have taken lots of great pictures to share with friends and family.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm going to the same thing. I want to take a trip and no one can go with me.

I've never travel entirely alone, its always visiting a friend or relatives and staying over at their places.

It seems like you do need a lot of guts to do it. But freedom of doing what you want and when you want would be pretty sweet. Good luck!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Traveling alone was one of the best things I did in my life. I am already planning my second solo travel. I didn't find anyone who wanted to go backpacking with me. I waited for few years thinking I need to find some company. Finally, I just thought, "am I going to regret when I am old that I couldn't travel because I couldn't find companion". I decided I didn't want to regret. I went alone. I met really wonderful people. Had great conversations with them. Saw things that I had dreamt of only. Ate crazy weird stuff and then stuffed myself with diarrhea medicine. Got lost in a city where I didn't speak the language, got rescued by a local college kid and dropped off to my hostel. Used hand gestures pretty much my entire trip to find toilets (no one understood my stupid 10 day language crash course language). Sometimes I felt lonely but most of the times I met fellow travelers who shared their weird stories. Best experience of my life.


You should travel alone. Use common sense to keep yourself safe. Common sense goes a long way.

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It's not for everyone, and a lot of people don't have the guts.


Travelers get it though.


I've traveled 25+ countries by myself, and love it. Right now I'd mostly travel only by myself OR with a trust friend/ girlfriend that I know is a good/compatible travel partner.





The freedom you experience is delicious. You are much more open to your surroundings. No one will hold you back. You are more willing to look up on the train, and say hi. Of course it's not for everyone. I enjoy being immersed and lost in new places...the mystery and learning about places first hand is my passion.



Unfortunately now I'm a little broken, I like to go off the beaten path...sure I'll do the cookie-cutter vacation sometimes (Pre-paid, guided stuff), but if the choice is mine...I'm taking a small backpack, 2-3 pairs of clothes, some cash, and my passport and I'm figuring the rest out. Not to mention when I travel women tend to radiate towards me like a moth towards the light...I think it's since I'm having so much fun

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  • 1 year later...

I was 2 weeks alone in South Asia because my friend had to leave before... the most interesting 2 weeks of that trip... sure i had a couple of moments of loneliness, but then I met a lot of people and had a lot of experiences that just wouldn't have happened if i would be with somebody, because u don't need to discuss what to do all the time with another person and it's way easier to talk with and join other travelers than if your friend is waiting for you. I wouldn't want to travel always alone, but it's nothing wrong with it and can be very refreshing.

Also it doesn't mean being alone, u can join a course about whatever u like (cooking, photography, surfing...), join some excursion, sleep in hostels... all that pretty much guarantees meeting some people

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  • 1 month later...

I live in Ontario, Canada and went to the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland by myself, flew from Toronto. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I like travelling anyway. It was nice to do what I wanted when I wanted.


I also went from Toronto to London England by myself tho part way into my trip I met up with a friend who lives there. It was great fun and a good challenge for myself to see how I fared on my own.


I have a friend who goes from here to different parts of Mexico every winter for several months. Most times he is by himself and he prefers it that way. He's a solitary person so enjoys his own company.


I say go for it, you won't know how you feel til you've done it.

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  • 1 month later...

I went from Canada to England by myself altho I did meet up with a UK friend when I got there so I wasn't totally alone the whole time. I really enjoyed being by myself and found it good for me to rely on myself to get where I wanted or needed to be and have to fend for myself. I can't begin to understand why are you are so reluctant, especially if you stay in your own country. Life is for living, having adventures etc. so pack your bag and go!

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