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Well now doesnt this pretty much stink


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So a couple nights ago i got a randomn text from an old flame that i havent seen or talked to in 4 years. We ended up talking on the phone for 2 hours and it was all great. Before he hung up, he said he wanted to c recent pic of me. Ok. I look the same since i last saw him, soi took a few selfie pix and sent them. Lighting wAsnt great and i wasnt gussied up, but i looked ok enough. Didnt hear back from him until 2nite and all he said was " nice pix ". I thanked him And asked him for one. No response. In fact, he may have blocked me. Dont i feel great.

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You are creating stories about what happened that may be totally inaccurate.


It is just as plausible that he was blown away by the pics, was overwhelmed by the feelings that were awakened by talking to you for 2 hours after 4 years, and seeing your pictures.


Men don't usually have great pics of themselves at their fingertips ready to send you. I have found that it is nearly impossible to get a man to send you a pic, although they love to ask for yours. Maybe he is working on it, or afraid that you won't find him attractive.


Your thoughts are extremely powerful, and they create your reality. Try not to hold negative thoughts like these in your mind. They are toxic. You are very special with a unique purpose to fulfill and don't forget it.

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He might have had some overblown fantasy in his head that you now look like a model or something. One time I sent a guy who I hadn't seen from high school a naughty pic (I know, bad idea, first and last time) and he said I looked really hot (btw, wasn't completely naked) but then after we met up and he saw me in clothes, it seemed like he was disappointed and he quit talking to me. I guess he was thinking I'd show up wearing almost nothing? Jk. Maybe that's what this guy was thinking when he asked you for pics..

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I think the day he sent you the first text he was bored out of his mind, going through his contacts in his phone and sending around hellos, you happened to answer quickly and conversation ensued. Maybe he was even hoping for nude pictures.

Then someone else must have answered, and here you go...guy was no longer bored.


I don't think it has anything to do with the way you looked in your pics, everything to do with the fact that he was filling a few hours of boredom.

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Oh, my suspicion would be that he has a steady GF and is bored and wants a 'wanking' object... I once had an ex who asked for my picture, only to discover he had gotten MARRIED and was trying to start up a little dirty talk/fantasy whenever his wife wasn't home because he was bored with her. It sounds gross, but it happens! Some men keep a whole library of photos of various women and exes for fantasy wanking.

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I always thought being called the girl next door is a good thing.. am i wrong?


Anyway maybe he was drunk, saw you on FB and got all nostalgic and sentimental and then sober regretted it as he remembered why you split up...


i generally don't think going backwards is a good thing. I would have ignored him if I were you. You have been without him for 4 years and it didn't work the first time for a reason so what is the point?

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