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Should I call/text him?


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So I'm talking to this new guy, we've been talking for a month. He's over my house atleast three days a week, I've met his friends and brother blah blah. (And yes this is the old friend that I have talked about in previous threads)


Anyways, two days ago he dropped a bomb on me. He said "you know what, we oughta get me a key made since I'm here so much." And forget what I said exactly, but it was some sort of teasing along the lines of "why would you deserve a key" and he said "well I damn near live here, and I am your boyfriend and all." What?!


Being my awkward, introverted self, I completely ignored what he said and acted like I didn't hear it.


He went out of town yesterday with his father for work, he'll be back tomorrow. He left my house yesterday morning and hasn't contacted me at all since then? Normally we talk atleast once a day.


I want to talk to him about the whole dropping the boyfriend bomb on me, I mean I'm kind of old fashioned and I would like to be ASKED if I would like to make it official, not awkwardly told in the middle of a conversation lol.


But I'll let that convo wait until he gets back into town? And, should I call him or text him to chat, or leave him alone since he's working?

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I wouldn't bring up the bf bomb or the key bomb, just a quick text to say hi, how are you? Or something innocent like What's for dinner?


He's only been with you a month. I wouldn't give him a key. Do you know him well? And yes, I'd also like to be asked to be exclusive, rather than told "I am your boyfriend."

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Wait for him to get back...



and I supposed congratulations on your new boyfriend? That's a really weird way to just slip it in there, by the way I need a key SINCE I just proclaimed myself as your boyfriend.




Possible red flag?


I don't think so, I've known him for years and every gf he had he treated like gold. He's naturally very goofy, think "Jim carrey", and that's how he said it.


Reading it as text, yeah it sounds odd. But in person it wasn't like that. I'll keep my eyes open though.

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I wouldn't bring up the bf bomb or the key bomb, just a quick text to say hi, how are you? Or something innocent like What's for dinner?


He's only been with you a month. I wouldn't give him a key. Do you know him well? And yes, I'd also like to be asked to be exclusive, rather than told "I am your boyfriend."


Yes I know him well, we've been friends for three years. Since highschool.

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For once, just try to be cool. Instead of having a big convo, just say "Welcome back Boyfriend" and give him a hug when he returns. Later on you can casually bring up what that means in terms of keys etc etc.


I'll def. Bring it up casually

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For once, just try to be cool. Instead of having a big convo, just say "Welcome back Boyfriend" and give him a hug when he returns. Later on you can casually bring up what that means in terms of keys etc etc.


Yeah, be cool.


And then I'd invite myself over to his place for once! lol.


Why is he at your house all the time?? Mix er up.

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Yeah, be cool.


And then I'd invite myself over to his place for once! lol.


Why is he at your house all the time?? Mix er up.


He lives with his dad and grandpa, I live alone. We have more freedom to do whatever here without worrying about disturbing his grandfather and such.

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Man, how i long for the old days when you NEVER had to have 'the talk'. You just KNEW you were bf and gf...and 'exclusive' was a given ....especially once you had sex! lol


Maybe he was just trying to gauge your reaction with dropping the 'boyfriend' bomb...or maybe he really thinks of himself as your boyfriend. And if he's the Jim Carey type, he maybe was just joking about, "hey, geeze i should have a KEY...i'm here so damn much! hahahahahaha"


Just text him a quick "hi" and keep it light and easy! If he brings up the key subject again, and isn't joking just say, "well...you're never here without me, so why would you need a key? Or jokingly say, "i gave all my OLD bf's a key, so i have none left....and i don't want too many floating around out there!!! lol"


Honestly, why would he need a key anyway? Is he showing up there when you're not home?

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No, he hasn't ever been here when I'm not.


Actually, I take that back. He was horribly sick a week ago and I was helping him, taking care of him and such and I had to go to a job interview and he was here alone for an hour or so. But that's it.


Ahhh why must guys be so odd lol.

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What termus123 said. What do YOU want? I imagine you want him as your boyfriend. If you do, then you must decide if you're comfortable with him having a key. Personally, I've never given anyone a key, not in a 1yr relationship, not in a 5yo relationship, not in any relationship except when I lived with someone 'officially'. Noone ever asked either.

Could it be that he doesn't trust you enough?

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