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Feeling all warm and fuzzy after taking anti depressant?


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I've been taking celexa for about five days now. The only negative thing I can say is I have been getting some stomach pains, near my upper belly. They've gotten better and I think they were just a result of my body getting used to the medication.


Anyways, I've felt so full of love today. It's crazy. Just warm and fuzzy and happy. I've texted my bf a couple times just saying love you because I feel so full of love. I'm guessing this is normal and just my brain producing more happy hormones, and I'm not complaining!


Any one else feel like a gaint mushy ball of love after taking there anti depressant for a few days?

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I have an appointment in a month to get an antidepressant... I'll let you know then.


I always ask my pharmacist about side effects- that's their job and they know so much about those things.


I hope it works out well for you! The only side effect I've had is some pretty bad stomach cramps. But they've slowly went away.

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...like the psychedelic?


It was originally used as a drug in psychotherapy and there are many efforts underway to make it legal so it be prescribed this same way again. Point is - the only one looking out for you is you. Drugs are prescribed all the time which are far from safe and have lots of side effects. What you're taking sounds a little out there to me and I wouldn't want to be artificially happy like that all the time.

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It was originally used as a drug in psychotherapy and there are many efforts underway to make it legal so it be prescribed this same way again. Point is - the only one looking out for you is you. Drugs are prescribed all the time which are far from safe and have lots of side effects. What you're taking sounds a little out there to me and I wouldn't want to be artificially happy like that all the time.


I'm not artificially happy, I'm just not super anxious / constantly thinking about things that are going wrong, so that in turn is causing me to be more carefree and happy. I still get frustrated/upset when it's needed.

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I'm not artificially happy, I'm just not super anxious / constantly thinking about things that are going wrong, so that in turn is causing me to be more carefree and happy. I still get frustrated/upset when it's needed.


How do you know you're no supposed to be an anxious person? Not everyone is carefree. Can you imagine a world where everyone is carefree and not anxious? Nothing would ever get done. Would you trust someone who only says I love you when they're on x? How is this any different?

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How do you know you're no supposed to be an anxious person? Not everyone is carefree. Can you imagine a world where everyone is carefree and not anxious? Nothing would ever get done. Would you trust someone who only says I love you when they're on x? How is this any different?


If you are against anti depressants or anti anxiety medications that's totally fine and your opinion, but I know I honestly was a wreck. I don't think I'm just an "anxious" person and I don't think going days without sleep, barely being able to swallow food, and crying at the drop of a hat was healthy for me. I'd much rather take this medication and go to therapy, than deal with that and think its just "who i am". And I tell my boyfriend I love him plenty, I just felt the need to make it more known last night.

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Many of history's most influential people were driven by their anxiety. You could be the next Steve Jobs but you'll never find out because the drugs you're on are suppressing that drive. You could learn to channel it in healthy ways and use it to your advantage. Instead, it's just hugs. Plus, now who you are, your identity, depends on the effects of pharmaceuticals.

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please3help - meds help the brain work in the way it's meant to work. End of.


You still have a full range of human emotion on anti-d's you just hate yourself and want to die less. If someone wants to live like that, that's up to them, but having a quality of life is nothing to turn your nose up to.


Depression is the suppression of who you are. Not the meds.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am on anti depressant, super low dose, I adjust the dose myself as I know my own moods better than doctors. I take only 2 to 3 times a day, 5 mg. it helps to drive mood swings away, and give me little boosts when I need it. I am who I am when I am on it, happier, more love to give.


Depression turns a person into a monster, and make life not worth living. Use anti depressant wisely, it can be a life saver.

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