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Faint positive pregnancy test and then heavy bleeding, don't know what to feel


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I am taking some extra iron supp pills I have on hand because of the heavy bleeding. I don't want to get too low and feel anymore tired than I already am. Still working 40 hours all night shift, so I need to have my wits about me.

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Hi Fudgie,


I'm sorry to hear you had to go through what sounds to be like a very early miscarriage. I'm no doctor though so best to check with a professional.


I know how hard it can be to not want children and suddenly be faced with that faint positive, only mine turned out to be true. At the time I was very conflicted but sure deep in my heart that I wasn't ready, so I had an abortion. I wouldn't wish anyone to go through it.


After losing something that potentially could have morphed into life is traumatic for any woman whether she wanted it or not, or whether she made that decision or not. It took me many, many months to get over a weird, sad, confused feeling I had.


I'm sure it'll pass much quicker and you'll soon forget it even happened. You just focus on getting yourself better and looking after your partner, you sound like you do a great job.


Best of luck,



- Lolita

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No matter your stance, it's still hard because it was a person or potential person (depending on what you believe). I know my attitude about children has changed since becoming pregnant. I would still get checked out by your doctor just to make sure everything is in check if you haven't already.

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When my sister's test was a faint positive, she was pregnant. I remember standing in the bathroom with her while she took it,and I had to read the instructions and tell her that if the 2nd line was faint, it meant she was pregnant.


I hate to say, but it seems really irresponsible for your OBGYN to not call you back. Go in the office, tell them you have an emergency and never heard back, demand to see him right away. He should also have an after hour emergency line you can call. After this, if I were you, I'd get a new doctor. Not responding in a case like this is irresponsible, if you had wanted to keep the pregnancy this could be a law suit.

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Lolita, I just wanted to say that the way you felt is so normal, I volunteer at an abortion clinic walking ladies inside and those feelings you just explained are right on target. So many women know what they want to do but that does not make it easy, there are so many "what-ifs" and it makes it so difficult. Know that you did what you needed to for you and your partner at the time, potential life does not have to become life, look at the quintuplet (I can't believe I spelled that right!) mom, she had the sperm/eggs on ice and was worried about destroying potential life, so he got pregnant with 8 babies! You were very strong and courageous to make the decision you did and I applaud you for that. You can always have a baby on down the road if you want to, when the time is right and you are able to support the child in a healthy and steady environment.

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mylolita the


You're a strong woman to go through with that. I know if this pregnancy stuck, I would have gone that route too. I'm sure it was hard emotionally but I respect that you made a choice that was right for you and followed through. I will be okay for sure. This is nothing compared to an abortion.




I heard from him yesterday. Although I don't consider it his fault because I didn't contact him in the right way for an emergency. See, if there's an emergency, I have to go to the ER off hours, or I could have called him up during business hours. I opted to send him a message in a system that is really not for emergency concerns, and that's stated a lot. He is reachable for emergencies and I just didn't think this counted as one.


The reason why I didn't consider it an emergency is because I bled after the faint positive and I bled a lot, so I knew whatever was inside came out. The negative test I had later just confirmed it to be true.


He asked about my IUD strings and I told then they were intact. He does want to see me but he's not super concerned, given my negative test, so he thinks I'm okay but wants to see me.


I'm trying to decide if I want to pay the copay and go or just wait and see. My bleeding is almost completely gone and I did another test and I'm definitely not pregnant.


I'll have to see. I got paid today but I have a lot of bills to pay and am paying them all today. Normally my boyfriend helps with my medical costs when he can, but I haven't told him what happened. He's still out of sorts but getting better.

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As it was a very early miscarriage I'm sure you're fine. If the bleeding is stopping I'm sure you're fine. Very early miscarriages very often clear on their own. All three of my early ones cleared on their own. After my second trimester miscarriage the bleeding never stopped even after a month. That is how I knew I was still in trouble. I am pretty positive that physically you're fine if the bleeding is stopping.

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Fudgie, you got the IUD somewhat recently, right? Last few months? If you haven't had a period for hormonal reasons, and then may have ovulated due to your prescription, it really could have been a very heavy period.


But then there's the faint positive...


Just wanted to throw another idea out there. I'm sure you'll keep your head on straight either way.

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As it was a very early miscarriage I'm sure you're fine. If the bleeding is stopping I'm sure you're fine. Very early miscarriages very often clear on their own. All three of my early ones cleared on their own. After my second trimester miscarriage the bleeding never stopped even after a month. That is how I knew I was still in trouble. I am pretty positive that physically you're fine if the bleeding is stopping.


Yeah my bleeding has pretty much stopped on its own. I feel okay physically. I did "check" down there and my IUD strings are doing fine and my cervix feels fine too.


Fudgie, you got the IUD somewhat recently, right? Last few months? If you haven't had a period for hormonal reasons, and then may have ovulated due to your prescription, it really could have been a very heavy period.


But then there's the faint positive...


Just wanted to throw another idea out there. I'm sure you'll keep your head on straight either way.


If it weren't for the faint positive test that I got, I would absolutely agree with you. I got my IUD in March (and it was so, so very painful to have put in). The prescription was for something else completely unrelated to sex/fertility but I know ovulation is a side effect for me and when I ovulate, I do bleed a lot.


I'm thinking I probably ovulated on the drug and since N and I have sex (ALL unprotected, and he always, always ejaculates inside of me) that well, it happened. But the IUD made the uterus inhospitable and then I bled out. Amazing that it went as far as it did, really. Doctors have told me that I would probably not be able to get pregnant if I waited to have children, plus I was on an IUD.




Anyway, I know this sounds really, really, really stupid on my part, but this whole experience has really pounded into my head "sex = babies". Okay, I know that's obvious but it was so removed for me. Obviously I took proper precautions. I had an IUD for crying out loud! I've never really thought about pregnancy with sex because I was always on the pill or IUD and never really had to worry ever. I don't necessarily think I have cause for worry now, but I do think it's important for me to remember and respect that I am doing an act that nature intended to be pleasurable so that people would BREED. There's a lot at work here. This is why I must be careful and not be careless because I know I'm not to be a mom. It is not in the cards. But Nature is at work and Nature by it's very core is not conducive to not spreading your genes...so I know now (again) that I must be careful.




I just have to say, it's been a strange time. Around the time that this has happened, 2 women I know (2!!!) have come out in the past 1.5 weeks to say that they are pregnant. One wanted to be pregnant and is happy, so I am happy for her, I'm sure she'll be fine. The other? Oye. She's this girl I know from work. She's a convicted felon who is ALWAYS out of food and having her utilities shut off because she can't pay her bills. She got pregnant by her on-off boyfriend, whom she doesn't use protection with because she claims he's sterile from "drugs he used to do."


It actually bothered me because she's telling EVERYONE at work that she's pregnant....yet behind closed doors, she pulled me aside and told me that she was going to abort it because she can't afford it and doesn't want a kid. I asked her why bother telling everyone then and she said "Well, I'm pregnant!!" Uhh.


I haven't told anyone outside of you guys here. And my therapist. As in, I'm going to tell her when I see her next. I haven't had the chance to see her last week but will this week.

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I notice that you live in the US, have you ever applied for family planning medicaid? As far as I know, it is offered in every state and would make your OBGYN (most of them, pretty much any of them related to your birth control and some doctors would count this) visits free. Look into it. Pretty much every women who doesn't make a crazy high amount of money can qualify. You pay taxes, I assume, so there's no reason why you should feel ashamed about getting it.


And FYI that the health department can also take a look more quickly.


And yes, anything like this is considered an emergency. I once forgot to fill my BC on Saturday, and on Sunday my pharmacy was closed and I needed it. i was so apologetic to my OBGYN but she said no problem, she gets calls like that all the time and does not mind, she was glad I wasn't going without my BC and risking pregnancy. I love my OBGYN. I think that is pretty standard. Don't hesitate to use the emergency line, it is there for a reason.

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I make too much for state aid. Not that I look into it anyway, my parents are very well off but I don't ask them for help. My copay is $35 but I took a hit in my income lately cause I was out of work with a work injury, and I had stuff to pay for my car, bills, other medical crap, etc.


The truth is, my boyfriend and I both have savings but the only time I'd dip into that is if one of us had to go to the ER and thus had to pay a deductible. I don't stick my hand into it, ever.


I do think not getting your BC on time would be an emergency. Still not sure if this was. Urgent? Yes. Had I not started bleeding that day I would have gotten more and more worried and urgent. But keeping the pregnancy has never been an option for me. Ultimately, I would have gone to my ob gyn and gotten a chemical abortion done, probably with pills. No matter how bad it would feel emotionally or otherwise it would have to be done. My dad has told me in the past that if I wanted an abortion, he'd help me obtain and pay for one. Not a pleasant thought but there you go.


That's one reason why I like my ob gyn. He's very not nonsense. I told him I wanted an IUD and I didn't care that I was young/no children/possibility of losing fertility, I just wanted one. And he understood and gave it to me. He's been the only ob gyn for me who hasn't undermined or questioned my choice.

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