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Seeing spiders after waking up - Hallucinations?

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So I've done some reading and apparently this is quite a common occurrence. Here's what happened to me:


I've been having a rough time since the break up and my health is seriously in decline. I've been having massive migraines all week. Pretty much everyday. I went to see the doc and she gave me some meds which are helping me cope with the pain.


Anyway, today I take a nap and when I wake up, there is this HUGE (and I mean as big as my hand) spider, not even 10cm from me. Im staring right at it. It takes me a split second but I bolt out of bed and all I can say is "oh my god, oh my god, oh my god"... Im absolutely petrified of spiders.


My mom hears me and asks whats wrong. It takes me a few minutes to catch my breath and I tell her about this huge spider. She calls my stepdad because he is the one to usually deal with the bugs. They literally pull my bed apart looking for the thing. My mom took my sheets off, took all of my pillows out their cases, they checked my whole room... Nothing.


I was utterly convinced there was a spider on my bed... But now the more I think about and after having done some reading, the more I think it was some kind of vivid hallucination which I know many people experience. It all seemed so real, but I doubt a spider that size could just vanish like that. When I think about it more I cant say im sure it was even there. It was kind of weird how it was facing me and kind of "staring" at me and apparently they dont like body heat either so there shouldnt be a reason as to why it was so close.


Have any of you ever experienced hallucinations like this? Care to share stories? Apparently they are called Hypnopompic or Hypnagogic hallucinations which happen when you are coming out of sleep and are waking up... Im starting to question my sanity


Apparently some meds can cause these disturbances. Im too afraid to go to bed tonight. Unfortunately I stay paranoid about bugs in my room for weeks...

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No, so far I have had no side effects


Apparently people say these things have to do with sleep disorders. Its just really creepy and leaves me paranoid and questioning my sanity. Not sure if there was/is a spider somewhere or if I was hallucinating it all.


Google ethereal spiders or astral spiders

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I would Google this to figure it out for myself, but as an arachnophobe I don't want to unwittingly stumble upon photographs of huge tarantulas.


Are there spiders this size in South Africa? If there are, it's possible you had some sort of half-awake dream where your mind is still confusing things you've actually seen in your house with what's in your imagination. As you've only listed one occurrence like this, it might not have anything to do with the medication.

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Well, Yes it is possible for there to be a spider this size but thats usually only during the rainy season and we are going into winter now so there is no more rain.


Like I said, we literally turned my room upside down looking for the thing... havent found a trace. I will force my parents to help me do a sweep before bed. Im highly arachnophobic too... so imagine how I feel and how I felt waking up to this thing so close to my face.

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imagine how I feel and how I felt waking up to this thing so close to my face.

I don't want to imagine myself in that situation, but I think I can imagine how you feel about it.


Anyway, if investigation reveals it's not in the house, then it's not in the house. Try and get some sleep. Again, I wouldn't take an isolated incident as a symptom of regular hallucinations, either.

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Shucks! Im highly arachnophobic too, so I really feel what you're going through is it possible for you to sleep in another room? That has really helped me, when I see a spider, and I can't find it in the room... For me the feeling of not being in the room only lasts a couple days...

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It's possible to be half asleep and half awake, and yes, have hallucinations because of this. One of the most common manifestations of this is a phenomenon is known as Sleep Paralysis, and one of the most common symptoms associated with this is, you guessed it, hallucinations.


Essentially, part of you is still in dreamland, and the other in reality.


I wouldn't worry about it too much. It happens to most people at least once in their lifetime.

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Wow, I've had this same exact thing happen to me. And I'm not even terrified of spiders. It hasn't happened in awhile but I've woken up a couple of times in the past, in the middle of the night, just frantically throwing sheets off my bed because I was convinced I just saw a spider. There never was a spider! Like I said, this hasn't happened in awhile, but I'm a pretty vivid dreamer as it is... I'd had surgery a little while back and my mom mentioned that the anesthesia from surgery can cause very strange dreams for awhile.. Then again, I'm sure lots of medications can do this. Either way, I'm still sleeping just fine now... There's been no further issues.

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