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Ex contacted me after 1 yr apart

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Hi all, iam really confused my ex contacted me his mum and i are still freinds on facebook and he contacted me through her facebook, i replied to him and we spoke on the phone he said you dont realise what youve got until youve lost it! we chatted about what we have both been up too


he said he would take me out this thursday so we could catch up so i said that would be nice, so since last week we have been texting and ringing each other now and then and while we were talking, last tuesday he was saying he hasnt got much money so i said well we dont really have to go out with money being tight


so he said maybe you can come to mine over the weekend, meaning weekend just gone i said ok so weekend came i didnt hear anything from him on friday then saturday came it was about 5.30 pm and i still hadnt heard anything so i text him saying hope your ok what ya been up to etc, he then rang me we chatted all very nice i said you sound like your getting a cold he said no i was out last night having a drink with freinds and lost my voice singing,


i then said oh iam going out tonight as he never mentioned us meeting up, he said have a nice night, he then txt me saying if you change your mind and dont go out then come to mine i txt back saying sorry that would have been nice but iam going out as its my brothers birthday he text back saying have a nice night


Anyway that was saturday and i havent heard anything since


am i worrying over nothing? is he playing mind games with me or should i wait until thursday to see if he contacts me to take me out


any advice please i fel very confused

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I mean, it's pretty clear that he's already putting you on the backburner, but if you really want to pursue it then tell him that you'd be happy to talk with him again in person. Then stop the phone chatting/texting. If he doesn't step up to ask you out/follow through, then you have your answer.

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Let him chase you now. You've made a little mistake already by texting him when you didn't hear anything from him. Do not change the life you have built since you stopped seeing him. Do not go out of your way for him if you already have plans. You run the show now. Eventually through this, you will understand what he's looking for. As long as you make yourself available, he'll string you along and probably disappear again. Unfortunately, it's a game you have to play for now.

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you shared too much too son, and now he know where you stand, so either he is gathering him self to make the next move, or he is forging, either he gets something or not he knows you are out there, accessible and available, there is something we call budget plans, save some for the date,, etc, beside this if he was really really wanting to see you, he could just take you to a date, and to hell with the money, but that`s only my opinion, now just take the back sit and let him initiate contact again, if he sound serious and deep down you want things to do that way, then go with it, if not you will know what to do

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He is ringing you up for a booty call. He forgot/had been drinking when he asked you out. Then said he had no money -- which means not a date...


He is not playing mind games -- he is calling to hook up.

haha, same thought came to mind


"hey you wanna go out?"




"ohhhhhhh....damn. I dont have any money. Why dont you just....y'know...come over."


he's just looking to hook up, hon.

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I'd be very careful. I will bet he will contact you again. But when he does, it would be good if you knew what you are looking for from this and to listen to what he is saying (saying with words and with actions).


So far, he has put just a tiny bit of effort to reconnect with you, and he now knows you are open to seeing him. He also knows you still have some feelings for him.


He may be sniffing around for any number of things. He might even just be bored and wanting to see where you are at. If he still has an "in".


But since you still have feelings and want to date him again, it is you who has more to lose here. SO you direct that pace and or interaction. No mind games. Just straight up tell him what you want. If he isn't interested, personally, I'd cut him off. Not leave a door open for him to stroll through whenever and however he pleases.


You decide whether he can toy with you or not. Based on what he has 'given' so far, I'd lock the door.


Why are you so open to dating him again right now? Serious question. Did you ever move on from him?


I'd worry less about him and what he wants here, and more about you. Why did you break up in the first place? Why is he allowed to stroll into your life so casually now?

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You didn't have a chance to begin with.


He calls and asks if you want to do something. When you agree -- he states he has no money. Implying that either you pay for him, or you go over to "hang out".


Then he "forgets" he asked you to come over? Come on ---- open your eyes.

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we broke up because of his back problems he was very depressed and i think it got both of us down i changed my number moved house and tried to move on i would never have contacted him but when he contacted me i just didnt want to ignore him were in our 40"s and life to short

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he has no job because of illness, he was just saying money is a bit tight and when he gets his social security he wants to take me out and see were we go with the relationship


Yet he had money to go out drinking.


I agree with the others, he isn't being fair with your time. Leave the ball in his court.

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we broke up because of his back problems he was very depressed and i think it got both of us down i changed my number moved house and tried to move on i would never have contacted him but when he contacted me i just didnt want to ignore him were in our 40"s and life to short


I gotcha.


So you are hoping he has come back to get back together, right?


ANd you thought, if you didn't let him know how interested you were, you would blow your chances and regret it? "life is too short".


But has any of what was there before that broke you up been solved?

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so he said maybe you can come to mine over the weekend, meaning weekend just gone i said ok so weekend came i didnt hear anything


How is that not forgetting?


I get he contacted you. And then said he didn't have any money. And that he was out the night before with friends...drinking and singing.


What you are refusing to see is that besides his initial contact, he hasn't followed up at all.

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