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Ex contacted me after 1 yr apart

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My ex did contact me again, i did what everyone said to do and not contact him first he said are you not talking to me you havent spoke to me since i asked you to come over to mine he said i thought i would leave it a few days to contact me as i had been to a babys funeral and i may have wanted time on my own


he also said the offer for me to still go over was there and it would be nice to see me


my reply was i had been busy and yes i would like us to meet up

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So did he ever arrange a time and place for you to actually meet? At this point you need to just tell him, "Pick a time and a date OR come pick me up at such and such time on such and such date," the next time he calls. Expect him not to change his plans and if he does or stands you up then you can get upset with him and go NC for good. Otherwise it's all too vague since neither one of you is just laying down a specific time and place to see each other, which is sort of silly when you think of it. The two of you can keep calling each other and saying, "We should meet..." until the end of time unless real plans are made.

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