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My Life- Thoughts and Happenings

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We did have school yesterday despite the,forecast. In fact, there was freezing rain on the way to school. But somehow the roads stayed clear all day.


Strangely the ice built up on tree branches but not the roads. I left work soon after kids left and made it home fine.


As I walked to my car, I heard cracking and crashing in the trees by a creek. The ice was just too heavy for those trees.


I made it home fine and thankful my power was still on for the evening. I told my son to charge up his phone and I did the same, because I was pretty sure the power would go out.


I went to bed early, as I was exhausted from a busy week. I checked Facebook and people were posting pictures of trees and limbs coming down in their yards. And I could here cracks and crashes all up the street.


I woke up at 3:30 this morning and the power has,been out. So no heat. I have not gotten up to look out the window, but I am sure it is a mess out there. I will not have school today, I am sure.


Brrrr, it is cold in the house. I am bundled up with blankets.

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Still little ice on the streets, but a layer of ice on the trees. So many friends had trees or big limbs come down, even onto their house aND car.


I am so thankful that all is well in my yard, although it is still a mess from last year's storm so it looks like it was hit again last year. Guess I had better clean up my act this year.


I suppose I could try to drive in to work to see if there is power there, but there is no pressing need since there is no school today.

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Still no power, and got down to 19 last night! So it is quite chilly in the house.


I went in to work yesterday, and thankfully they had power and heat. No school because so many have no power and there are downed trees all over.


We packed up food boxes for some of our low income families and they were delivered yesterday. Including one to a staff member who recently adopted her toddler grandson. She was so touched.

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Yay, I finally have power and heat!


My son told his dad that I had no power, so my ex called and offered to have me stay on their couch.


I quickly declined - just. No.

Didn't think his girlfriend would be happy with that offer either.


My friend C offered to have me stay at her place and also to get some laundry done. I went over and did two loads of laundry and went to get my haircut. I hadn't been able to wash my hair because there was no electricity for my hair dryer and no way was I going to get my hair wet with a house that was around 38 degrees.


I took C some dinner from a local market and we had dinner together before I went back to my chilly house.


On the way home I went to a few stores to see if they sold hot water bottles. I wasn't sure if they even make them any more. They do, but everyone was sold out. So I went home empty hznded.


When I got home, I started to light the first candle to get some light, and then the lights flickered on. Yay!


It took a long time to heat up my very cold house, so I just went to bed. It was so nice to wake up to a warm house . The cats are happy too.

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A rainy, grey day today. The wind was very strong last night and it was unusually temperate. It is chiller this morning, but will warm up a bit as the day unfolds.


Today I am taking my dad to explore the possibility of an assisted living facility- his idea-


It is just getting too difficult to take care of himself and my mom too. They have had a caregiver help out in their home 3 times and we all really like her. But my mom's dementia does not allow her to get to know her, and she does not understand why that stranger is there.


So every time she shows up, my mom and dad have a big fight. My dad just doesn't get that he cannot try to reason with my mom, because her brain does not work in that way any more.


My boys are getting quite an education. It has given me an opportunity to describe my wishes regarding similar care for me in (hopefully many) years to come.

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Hugs Lum. Yes, when it's time, there are not a lot of choices other than accepting it. My sisters were greatly relieved to find the wonderful home/hostel my mother lives in. It is far superior to any of the others they visited and the staff are lovely. My mother likes it a lot now although it took quite a long while for her to come to terms with.

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Home now. I felt so bad leaving my brother. He is on a leave from his job.


My mom has yelled at any care giver that comes to the house. She has so much fear and anxiety with her dementia that it expresses itself in extreme anger.


My dad has an occupational therapist anD a physical therapist come to the home on alternating days. There is also a personal care giver that comes in to do laundry, cooking, shopping, etc.


I spent a few days training the personal caregiver, but in the end the supervisor called and said that they cannot provider services with my mom the way she is, out of concern for the caregiver's safety. Understandable. She was there to provide help but my mom did her best to prevent that help.


My brother needs to get back to work soon, so the care giver was to take his place.


So, my dad finally came to the conclusion that he wants to look at assisted living programs. Unfotunately, my parents' needs are very different, so they will not be able to be together.


The place was not open, so I was not able to take my dad. My other brother will have to do it, while the other brother stays with my mom.


My mom is so determined to intimidate people when she is frightened, so she yells at them until they go away from her. Her coping mechanism.


When the physical therapist came to work with my dad in the living room, my mom came in and told everyone to get out. Or rather she yelled it to everyone. The PT decided it wasn't worth the argument, so they went to another room. Later my mom called her a horrible creature.


So sad to have my mom turn into such a mean and intimidating person. I know it is not the real her, but other people don't understand that.


My sons urged me to look into medical marijuana for her and go my dad. Anxiety management for my mom, and pain management for my dad. Fortunately they do have medical dispensaries in Michigan, so I will begin my research. Hope we find something that works!

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Oh, I'm so sorry to read this Lum. It did take quite some time for my mother to be able to genuinely accept her situation. She did have some behaviours which put her own safety at serious risk, and to be blunt, my poor sisters were turning into basket cases from the stress.


I didn't realise the medical marijuana was used for anxiety, thinking it was for pain management. I would think it would have a good chance of calming her down though.

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Yes, I think it is only for pain management and seizure disorder. My son did some research and said it could actually make her more paranoid.


My friend's father had dementia and he had to go on Prozac. It made him much more cooperative and less likely to yell at people. So there is likely a more traditional drug that can be used to help my mom with her anxiety and paranoia.


My brother is taking my mom to the doctor next week, so maybe that can be discussed.

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Snow day here - so no school. I actually read and slept and hung out with my cats. Shamefully lazy...


Today I found out that the dad of my 2 sons' friends is in the hospital and is close to death. His organs are shutting down. So sad. He was a great guy.


On a different note, my son is sick today at his dad's. He said he had a 103 temperature- yikes! He is likely going to be sick for a while.


Older son is still interviewing for jobs, although he won't be done with school for another few months.


My brother got both parents to the doctor. He said they changed my mom's medication (not sure what she was on before). Hope it helps.


Yesterday after work I went for a walk with my coworkers. It was a great walk and felt good.


Not sure if we will have school tomorrow. I really should have worked on some things from home today...

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Lol, not so busy yesterday! I did get a lot of sleep though, which is a good thing. My son had a wicked fever of 103.7 yesterday, and I don't want to catch it.


My cats are so happy I'm here because it is very cold out today. It got down below 20F last night (about -7C) and our high will be only 28F (about -2C).


Today will not be a lazy day. I have some work to do from home today and I'm about ready to dive in and get it done.

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We have had ice then snow then ice then more snow. They had school on Friday in between storms, but I messed up and hit part of the garage door. It stopped partway when it was going up, and I didn't know it when I backed out, and the rack on top of my car clipped the door. The door got stuck halfway up and I couldn't get my car out. I missed work on Friday, so I could get it fixed.


Then we got more snow and ice on Saturday and this morning and they even cancelled church today. Everything is supposed to be melted by tomorrow, but I think it is going to take longer. But- I am pretty sure they will have school, which means I will work.

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