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My Life- Thoughts and Happenings

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Today I took my mom shopping at the grocery to get supplies for dinner. I think she likes to do that, although I needed to do the choosing and I would never leave her in an aisle unattended or she would either go off somewhere or become panicked.


I marinaded and then grilled some chicken, made a quinoa salad with red onion, cherry tomatoes, red and orange pepper, chopped parsley and mint leaves, and Kalamata olives, with a dressing made of fresh lemon juice, olive oil, and seasoned with cumin. Yumm!


For dessert we had an ice cream cake for my brother.


My other brother and my nephew drove in from out of town and they gave my sister a ride. We had a great time tonight.


Unfortunate my sister-in-law couldn't come as she just had surgery on her leg and needs to rest it. My brother needs to change the dressing twice a day! My SIL has diabetes, so they are very careful on preventing infections.


My brother said that she fell because she was drunk. She has been in recovery, so I guess she has relapsed.


We may drive over to see her - it is an hour away from my parents.

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It sounds like you are having a good time with your parents .


Well, I am, but it is also a lot of work. I am really glad to see family members. But foremost we are here to support my parents.


In my mom's case, she is very proud and stubborn, so I have to sneak in the help. She doesn't want anyone to swoop in and take over her life, so it is all in the timing and/or wording.


As far as laundry, I wait until she goes to bed to do it. I have done 7 loads in the past few days.


She does like to do some mundane things. After breakfast, she sweeps the whole kitchen, then she goes out and sweeps the driveway.


Anything I can do to occupy her focus is good for my dad. Otherwise she gets anxious if she doesn't know where my dad is, so she is constantly calling out for him.

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Well, I am, but it is also a lot of work. I am really glad to see family members. But foremost we are here to support my parents.


In my mom's case, she is very proud and stubborn, so I have to sneak in the help. She doesn't want anyone to swoop in and take over her life, so it is all in the timing and/or wording.


As far as laundry, I wait until she goes to bed to do it. I have done 7 loads in the past few days.


She does like to do some mundane things. After breakfast, she sweeps the whole kitchen, then she goes out and sweeps the driveway.


Anything I can do to occupy her focus is good for my dad. Otherwise she gets anxious if she doesn't know where my dad is, so she is constantly calling out for him.

I totally get you , my mom is a very prideful person. This week she hasn't used her cane or her walker and has been using my arm to hold herself up.

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So, today I went with my parents to their church for a memorial service. A neighbor up the street passed away from cancer. I used to babysit their kids, who are now grown and have children. It was a nice service. My dad needed me to hold his arm for support.


Later this afternoon we went to see the Woodward Dream Cruise. Anyone with classic cars, hotrods, or any other special car can drive up and down a road. People bring their lawn chairs and sit there all day to watch the cool cars go by. We were going to go to a car show, but we had so much fun driving along that we did that instead. It was fun- plus my brother knew all of the cars.

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My boss is back to work and she emailed me a great idea. I start back on the 30th, but I will go in before that in order to get organized.


It got my brain going, and when I woke up this morning I was dreaming about work! All about moving furniture and setting things up - tasks I have to face when I get back, because I had to move my office to amother building. Silly me. I guess I am itching to get back to work.

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Yesterday the boys and I drove an hour to see my sister in law, neice, and nephew, and my sister just moved to their town too. We made the rounds - went and saw my sister's new apartment which is adorable! My other sister had just sold her home and gave her some beautiful furniture.


Then over to see my niece's apartment. She starts community college next week. Then over to my brother's house to see my sister in law, who had taken a bad fall and injured her leg, resulting in surgery and intensive wound care.


My brother was working so I didn't see him, but I saw him over the weekend anyway.


The bunch of us had dinner at the restaurant where my niece works and she was do cute. Very proud of her.


My nephew is just starting his teacher training and I am really excited for him. He will be an amazing teacher! It has been a long road for him, deciding what to do with his life. He barely graduated high school, and all of his friends have graduated from college already. But now he is buckling down and is very serious about achieving his goals. And he will do it!


So good to catch up with them - we live so far away from each other.

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I am so proud of my boys. They have been so sweet with their grandparents.


Today I looked out the window and saw my 98 year old dad walking down the block with my boys on each side of him to make sure he didn't fall.


My older son said he was sad to see my parents so frail and aged. I am more matter of fact about it because they are in their 90s and they have lived long and full lives. Also, I have been flying here every 4 months to help out. The last time my boys were here was last year. So it is likely a shock to them to see the deterioration.

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Whew! We made it home. We left for the airport at 4:45 am (which is 1:45 am west coast time). Once we got on our flight, they taxied out to take off, only to be told that we had to go back to the gate and wait for 3 hours because of thunderstorms in the Chicago area.


We finally got through that flight, caught the next one (thankfully it was delayed too, so we didn't miss it) and then on to the last connection in San Francisco.


Long, long day.


The cats are so happy we are home.


Unfortunately there were 2 dead mice to greet us here-yuck!

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So glad to be home. My younger son wrnt to fix his schedule at the high school. I have been doing errands at home and reading. Older son is presumably unpacking his boxes and organizing his new apartment.


Surprisingly I woke up at 7:30 this morning. I figured I would wake up earlier due to the time change - I must have been tired.


The cats are both very happy we are home, although I think one of them brought in a live mouse last night that has yet to be caught. The cat keeps staring at the space behind the refrigerator.


I have a book club meeting tonight, so I have to catch up on the chapters. It is a book about social justice and faith. Took some ratatouille out of the freezer so we are set for dinner.

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Sigh, summer is over and time to go back to work.


I've actually had dreams about work, and I have done a lot of reading and preparation all summer. So I am looking forward to it.


But now I have to get up early and go to bed on time and eat right and fit exercise inoty schedule - all those important things. ..


Students don't start until after Labor Day (Sept 6 ). But I have to move rooms, get set up, figure out my schedule, meet with the principal, etc. She has already been sending me random emails as she is back to work. She told me to ignore them until I am also back, which I have, mostly.


So tomorrow is not a paid contract day for me but I want to paint a wall in my new room, so I need to go in and get it done. I will take the plunge!

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Yay, I went to work today! So fun to catch up with everyone and to meet our new peeps!


Kindergarteners were coming in to meet their teacher today and they were super cute.


I'm a bit wistful to leave my office in the other building but I will make the best of this smaller room. I think it will be fine.


I moved bookcases into my new room, and wrestled with tables. I gave up one table to a teacher that was coveting it, and I swiped one from a study room instead.


Tomorrow I will paint before I move the rest in. It is a very very light lavender color, because the other walls are a purple gray. I hope they match, but if they don't then I will paint the whole room.


Went for a short walk with my coworker at the end of the day. I am going to take my walking shoes tomorrow as they are more comfortable.


Then I have computer stuff to do, getting things set up.

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Lots of meetings, plus a workshop.


In the midst of it all, I am trying to get my office together. I did finish painting, and the color really brightened up the room! It did turn out more lavender than I intended, but it looks great.


Today after a morning meeting I worked on moving 25 boxes from one building to another. Phew! Tomorrow I unpack .


I did get a reprimand from my supervisor for not including me in an impromptu "meeting". Ack. No matter, she was right, and I will watch my mouth when questions are asked of me in the hallway.

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Busy days at work. Everyone working so hard to get ready for the first day of school. I spent today packing and moving 6 more boxes of stuff from a storage shelf I had to give up.


One of the teachers helped me anchor my bookshelves to the wall for safety, especially since the floor is uneven and the shelves were unstable. Once that was done I could begin to unpack.


I will be there over the weekend to get the rest set up. School starts after Labor Day.

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Went in to work. I thought I would be the only one, but there were many of us there, organizing for next week when the students come. I will go in tomorrow too.


Today I went for a 2 hour walk with my friend C and her dog. Then I went in to work.


The weather is ever so slightly cooling- it was probably mid-70s today with a cooler breeze. Nice. Fall is just around the corner, and I am ready for it!

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