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Trying to not get too excited....


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I'm learning "home" by Michael Buble right now cause I always used to day outta no where "i wannago home". It wasn't ill we split I realized I started saying it again. That's when I knew what it ment all those gears, "home is where your heart is." My home is her.


This worries me. Get this sappy stuff out of your head. Those are the types of thoughts that will ruin this for you if you let them go crazy.

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Well I went and got my hair cut and, bought a nice pair of pants so I will look my best when I see her. Also lined up some work for the next few weeks. So I have the work aspect covered if she asks.


Good, good, good, goooood! xoxo


PS: Pants mean trousers, right? (...mental picture of you turning up at the party in nothing but your Y-Fronts, LOL.. you might not get HER back but you'd probably get a lot of new attention, LOL LOL)

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This worries me. Get this sappy stuff out of your head. Those are the types of thoughts that will ruin this for you if you let them go crazy.


I wouldn't call them sappy, I'd call them proof of a big, romantic heart (alzough, Ah am married to a Frenshman, trey romanteeek), but I would call them jumping the gun a littie, yes.



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This worries me. Get this sappy stuff out of your head. Those are the types of thoughts that will ruin this for you if you let them go crazy.


I was drunk and playing guitar when I posted this, don't plan on singing it to her. If we were to get back together then maybe I would. But now right now.

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Well it's the big night, I have a lot of mixed emotions right now. I'm excited to see her, scared, hopeful and a few others. Thanks everyone for the positive energy and support. I really hope tonight goes well, I keep telling myself "look good, feel good, have a good time and pit out positive energy!"


Wish me luck!


And to my girl, I love you more then I have words to explain, if fate does exist it will find its way of bringing us together once again! Xoxox

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Well everyone last night went fairly well. Was real nervous when I first saw her, stayed my distance for the first bit. Finally I figured I needed to approach her and did so while she was hanging out with my mom. We hugged and said hi, then talked about what we had been up to recently then went out for a smoke together, got a little awkward when we ran out of small talk but more people came out to smoke and took the weight off. She sat with my mom and my friends most the night, I was in and out from the table throughout the night as I was the announcer and dj for the evening. We shared some laughs, I didn't follow her around just left her to her own thing and mine to my own.


She had a talk with my mom about us and said with what had happened she just put her guard up, that she loved me very much while we were going out and that when my true feelings for her came out throughout the breakup it surprised her. My mom told her I still love her very much and that she had never seen me happier then when we were together. My ex told her she was impressed with how well I was presenting myself throughout the night and that I seemed much better then before. She also said she would like to be able to hangout and talk at some point. She said she missed my mom and missed being around us and that whole life she had. My mom told me basically that right now she's no where near ready to get back together that her guard is built up and that for now she wants to work on being friends and that she believes slowly my ex's wall will come down. That I have to rebuild the trust and confidence she had in me and our relationship once again and at that point her wall may come down enough that she'll allow herself to recognize her feelings for me again.


Unfortunately I was walking my mom to her car and was talking with her when my ex and her friend left the party so I didnt get a chance to say bye or tell her to call sometime etc... But my mom told her if she ever wants to go for a coffee etc... to call her.


I was strong, emotions were at the surface all night but I kept them in check, stayed positive and had a good time. I had a lot of friends tell me how proud they were of how I kept it together and that my ex noticed that as well.


The journey down the path to being with the one I love has only just begun, it's going to be one that will take my utmost patience, strength and determination. It's going to test me in ways I've never encountered. Sometimes in life you have to ask if the juice is worth the squeez, I've never been so sure of anything in my life, she is worth the squeez!

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Ah, there was her mistake, then - taking mere words said in the heat of the moment as if they held any weight in Situation Normal.












You plural. Hur-hur-hur-hur. Self-protecting euphemism noted. ;-) Can't blame her, though. It'll take more than merely the one demonstration of this better attitude and behaviour of yours to cancel out the prior bad events. But that's a jolly excellent start.




Yep. Not that slowly, though, from what I can tell. It'll start slowly and then suddenly speed up.




Not 'may'. *Will*. It's too obvious, not least from the giant ACTION! of her heart-to-heart being done with YOUR MUM of all people!


She's basically like a nervy toddler hiding behind your mum's legs and peering around them warily at you. So now you know: for all her lip and bravado, she's actually a bit of a little flower, right?




Your mum's exceedingly useful, isn't she? But - taking ex's own cue re your mum - how's about you send an 'It was so great to see you again, you looked really, really well, and I'd love it if you'd come for supper at mum's some time soon?'




Oh, how could she not when she'd have been the one looking the most closely?!




100% correct attitude - good for you - well done!!! And yes, it'll take patience and faith for a while, anyway, just until you see it start to pay off, after which you'll need them in the more usual way.




Naaah. When the prize is worth it, it's a DODDLE! Particularly as the prize is everlastingly recurring.




Or the squeeze, even, LOL.


Anyway, I'd say overall it was a case of all round!



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PS: One tweak to your thinking: the existence of fate isn't obvious solely through whether you see so-called success. In the words of Ghandi, 'Sometimes, not getting what we need is a stroke of luck'.


In fact, if we DON'T get it, it's because it WASN'T what we needed but merely what we wanted or thought we needed (which was meaningless compared to what Fate knows that we don't).


The way things went at the party, however, it doesn't look like you're not going to end up getting what you want. But if you keep the above truth in mind WITH that strength, patience and determination, you'll have ALL FOUR of the skills required to succeed. To win, you see, you have to want something more than you fear not getting it/fear what might happen if you don't get it. You have to be prepared to so-called lose and be okay with the thought of the alternative it'll lead you to. Then you have nothing hampering your performance, meaning you do your very best.


Where it'll lead you to is only the unknown, which we all fear. But TODAY *IS* the very unknown you last week, last month, last year, last decade, feared. Not scary at all, is it.



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What an excellent way to begin again Rock. Not saying this in a patronizing way at all, but I am so very proud of you. You really took charge and are doing so wonderfully. Keep on the path you're travelling and I am sure you will end up victorious. Cannot wait to hear more of your journey!

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Thanks everyone!


It's going to be slow going, she's a very headstrong girl and her wall is tall. I have to go slow, be patient cause I can't push her, I have to let her come to me. It's going to be hard cause its been so long without her already but in the end getting to be with her is worth it.

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You're not going to have to do ANYTHING except what you'd do if this party had been the first time you and she had ever clapped eyes on each other (the first date).


This is nothing but the measuring-out, the self-awareness, the self-monitoring and -regulating, the high level of attentiveness of her and her emotional and attitudinal state and the being flexible in your approaches and dealings in reaction to that, that you should have been doing the FIRST time around. Instead, as the evidence in the form of the very fact you and she experienced your house crashing down (after, I imagine, a number of warning wobbles) glaringly proves - you and she rushed and thereby cut corners, leaving things undone or slapshoddily done, where building that foundation was concerned.


This time, that foundation will be laid strong and level enough whereby the resultant house that gets built atop it will actually LAST.


That simple.


So, assuming you don't ever let this new work ethic of yours actually disappear, it's really that incredibly simple where getting to stay with her forever is concerned (ta-daa!).




PS: I blame MacDonalds.

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Blame McDonalds? i dont follow lol.


I should be getting my cell phone reconnected in the next week or so, when I do I'm going to send her a txt just letting her know it's working again if she wants to get a hold of me. That way I'm putting it out there that I'd like to talk but not pushing by leaving it up to her to call me when she's ready.

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Instant this and instant that.


Actually - scratch that. I blame MONEY.


Actually - scratch that as well. I blame HUMAN GREED AND LAZINESS.


(AND it's parents! LOL)


Her get hold of you? Is she the knight on the White charger and you're the little damsel, eh?...eh?...eh? Or do you mean you'd give her the fuller message and END with saying she's welcome to call back if 'it' appeals? But... CALL back? Nay...Text back, surely? I mean, if you want a call, YOU HAVE TO CALL. That's the way it works, mush. If yours is a text, hers is a text. Capiche? YOU DA MAN - you first. She only gets to go first through doors 'n things n' stuff.


I personally would also STATE that I was texting rather than phoning so as not to place any pressure, so that she thinks "gentleman" rather than, "Buuuuck! Buuck-buuck-buuck-buuck-buuuuuuuck!" like so many women do when they get a "pathetic text".



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Her get hold of you? Is she the knight on the White charger and you're the little damsel, eh?...eh?...eh? Or do you mean you'd give her the fuller message and END with saying she's welcome to call back if 'it' appeals? But... CALL back? Nay...Text back, surely? I mean, if you want a call, YOU HAVE TO CALL. That's the way it works, mush. If yours is a text, hers is a text. Capiche? YOU DA MAN - you first. She only gets to go first through doors 'n things n' stuff.


I personally would also STATE that I was texting rather than phoning so as not to place any pressure, so that she thinks "gentleman" rather than, "Buuuuck! Buuck-buuck-buuck-buuck-buuuuuuuck!" like so many women do when they get a "pathetic text".




i just mean that she's got a wall up and shes cautious, i cant push her so letting her know my phone is back on and that she can call or txt me when she feels is a way of opening up communication with her and leaving it to her to txt or call me without any pressure. Therefore her coming to me, the whole push pull theory.

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