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Ex bf and new girlfriend might come to a dinner at my house, break NC?


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My ex is dating a girl who happens to be good friends with one of my roommates. My roommate is hosting a dinner party for New Years Eve, and I am pretty sure she invited my ex and his new girl. I REALLY have no desire at all to run in to them at my own house, it would be uncomfortable to say the least. So how do I go about this? Should I break NC (which is going so well!) to ask him if he will be coming? Argh I hate this I was doing so good and now I feel sick again

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Hahah thanks James that sounds like a great idea. I'm afraid to ask my roommate because I don't want to come off as the angry ex girlfriend who is keeping tabs on people or something. Argh this sucks so much!!


Well, those are the reasons you don't want him there, that's who you are - why hide it?

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Hahah thanks James that sounds like a great idea. I'm afraid to ask my roommate because I don't want to come off as the angry ex girlfriend who is keeping tabs on people or something. Argh this sucks so much!!


Do not be afraid to speak to your roommate. Surely to god she should have asked you before inviting them. I bet you would have asked her before doing this. Does not matter how long ago it was you finished. Pretty dam stupid if you ask me.


You should find out who she use to date and invite him as your dinner date.

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Well, those are the reasons you don't want him there, that's who you are - why hide it?


Because I don't want to feel angry anymore, I just want to stop caring and I was doing a damn good job before this! I wasn't even invited so I'm just going to leave the house for the night

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Wow this situation seems awful. You are a strong person. I would definitely have no problem just staying away for the night and then moving out pronto. Your roommate is a terrible person. Soulless person.


Thanks I am just gonna steer clear of this one yeah.

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Or you could just leave for the night.


She shouldn't have to leave her own home.


Tell your roommate it makes you uncomfortable. You live there, you pay rent, you have a say-so. If the roommate declines and invites her anyway, then you might want to reconsider who you live with...


You're sharing a space... you HAVE to compromise.

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Yes! I truly hope he is able to show a glimpse of decency and respect and stay the hell away!


Knowing ex's he would love to turn up and see how you are doing while rubbing your nose in it. Maybe you should stay in and dress to impress. Make him see what he gave up

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I know I should face facts and just move out ASAP. This whole situation (along with the running in to the shiny new girlfriend in my kitchen two weeks ago) is so twisted and messing me up. I'm trying to better myself and really heal, and so far it has been working out great..But I really like living here, and I don't know if I could handle the stress of moving out along with the stress of dealing with this breakup


Also thanks for everyone's advice, means a lot!

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