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Babysitter's Club Books appropriate for a 7 year old?


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I loved the baby sitters club books - I read them when I was about 10 years old. My niece is now 7 years old and a very good reader, reading several grade levels ahead of where she is. I think she would love the babysitters club books, but i'm not sure if they are age appropriate for a 7 year old (talk of kissing and boyfriends). I was thinking about getting her some for christmas but wasn't sure.



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oh she reads everything. i got her the judy blume books 2 years ago and she loved them. she reads all sorts of books - i saw shel silverstein books in her bedroom too. she's also getting into greek mythology. she's read all the Roald Dahl books.


i just wasn't sure if BSC was too "racy" for her age, lol.

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Greek Mythology... has she read the Percy Jackson series? It's a bit on the fifth grade reading level, but if she's an avid reader she might be able to enjoy them.


I also highly recommend Judy Moody. It's big in the elementary division. Diary of a Wimpy Kid is also a major go. I know a couple of people who are currently reading Dork Diaries (it's like the girl version of Wimpy kid), but it might have boy talk in it... I'll ask them about it tomorrow

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I read Babysitters Club books when I was seven since my reading level was higher than the average seven year old. There isn't much talk about kissing. It might mention somewhere that someone kissed someone else on a first date or something like that, but it doesn't go into detail at all. I think some Judy Blume books are more 'racy' than BSC.

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I read Babysitters Club books when I was seven since my reading level was higher than the average seven year old. There isn't much talk about kissing. It might mention somewhere that someone kissed someone else on a first date or something like that, but it doesn't go into detail at all. I think some Judy Blume books are more 'racy' than BSC.


It depends. There are some Judy Blume books like Superfudge that would be appropriate, but not her later books. What about Beverly Cleary and the Ramona books?

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I read those books about that age and even wanted to start my own BSC! dawn was my favorite.


Are they still printing those books? I've seen a lot of them in used book stores.


The little sister aeries is really good for that age bc the main character Karen is 7 or 8.


Superfudge and tales of a 4th grade nothing are really good too. I loved those books! How to eat fried worms was great at that age for me too.

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Thanks for all your input! I bought her the Percy Jackson set on your recommendations! I hear she is really into mythology now so that will be good. I think Boxcar children will be good for her birthday. Or babysitters club of course! Thanks!!


Good choice.


For a future gift you should look for the Catwings series by Ursula Leguin. Sweet little books about a cat family whose members were born with wings.


Love the Boxcar series


The "Doll People" and the sequels were great books and my sons loved those books. I think the author is last name Martin.


Then some great classics: "The Secret Garden" and "The Little Princess" are great. Also "The Door in the Wall" is very moving.


So many great choices!

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  • 1 year later...

Bumping this old thread!! I gave my niece the Percy Jackson series. She didn't read it for a while but she recently did and loved it! She talks about it all the time and wants to visit Athens and see the Parthenon. she is such a bright kid. She reads nonstop. Thanks for the suggestions!

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It's been a while. You can maybe introduce BSC to her now! I've read about 5 of them in the last year. They're so quick and easy and nostalgic for me now that I read them as an adult so it's something fun for me to do. I still love them!

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Rick Riordan has two other series, as well. If she enjoyed the Percy Jackson books, she'd probably enjoy those, too.


There is also a continuation on the Harry Potter books by an author other than JK Rowling, if she enjoys those.


How old is she now, 9?


The Secret Garden and Island of the Blue Dolphins would be solid choices, too.

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She like the "Magic Tree House" series. Good for kids that age. She sounds like a bright young girl who likes to visit cool foreign places in her reading so I would highly recommend Magic Tree House.


I know it's old fashioned but I liked Nancy Drew growing up at that age so I always recommend those books.

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I'm glad she loves Percy Jackson. As an English teacher I tend to keep my ear to the ground for popular contemporary books. I haven't met one student who has read Percy Jackson and said they hated the series.


My other personal recommendations:

1. Any books written by Neil Gaiman. The Graveyard Book was a smashing hit with my younger readers. He has a wicked sense of humor and I always find his writing very quirky and entertaining.


2. Diary of a Wimpy Kid- very amusing series. There's a girls version (written by a different author) called Dorky Diaries... I prefer Wimpy Kid.


3. Harry Potter is a must.


4. Narnia is amazing story-telling seeing that she loves Percy Jackson.


5. Holes by Louise Sacher.


6. Girl Who Owned A City by O.T. Nelson. A virus kills all the adults and the only survivors are children ages 12 and under. Great survival story. Many students who hated reading were glued to this book and got so upset when they had to stop reading it in class.


7. Tuck Everlasting. Girl meets a boy and his family who drank from a spring, which causes them to live forever. Heavy dark themes on mortality, though it's an easy read. I love it because it really gets readers thinking about the values of life.


If you want more ideas, I Highly recommend checking out link removed. I like the reviews better there than on Amazon. Here's a link to children's fiction: link removed


Also, check out Scholastics website for more age appropriate book titles: link removed

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  • 1 year later...

I'm in high school now, and I've always loved to read. I definitely think the babysitters club books are age-appropriate. When I was younger, I also loved Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle, Louis Sachar's Wayside School books, the Boxcar Children mysteries, The Giver, Holes, and Maniac Magee. The best books I've ever read were the Harry Potter series, and I started them when I was about that age, and I think I was about 11 when I read the last book. One warning though is that those books get dark after about book 4. It's nothing that would be bad for a kid to read, but there are some characters who die and a lot of depressing parts. If I had a niece, I'd probably read the books too so if it was upsetting, she had someone to talk to about it.

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