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HATE texting


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I hate giving out my phone number to guys I'm talking to on dating sites. I do because if they give me theirs, I feel like I should reciprocate, but then they start texting me all the time and I literally hate texting, period. It's not that I don't want to talk to them but I don't want to sit there and text, especially if I'm busy. I've just always hated it. But then the thing I have going with the guy gets ruined because they think I'm not interested when I don't answer. I don't mind texting AFTER I've met someone but I don't want to log countless hours or even minutes on the phone with someone who I might not even like when we meet in person! I also don't know how to end text conversations gracefully, like without seeming like I'm blowing the other person off since most people my age seem to have their phones constantly on, even in the bathroom, so any excuse to go sounds like I'm blowing them off.. but if I don't leave they go on forever. Guys also seem to expect me to get back to them like within the hour, or I'll get an email that they tried to text me and I didn't answer. Bahhhh. I guess the solution would be to not give my number out.. RANT OVER.. lol.

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I hate texting, too, unless it's something like trying to locate someone in a crowded place, say. I certainly don't use it to keep in contact with people; this isn't helped by the fact that many texts take three days to reach me - I live in an area behind a range of hills and there are often problems getting a signal at all.


I tell people this. I warn them that I probably won't get texts, and that if they want to communicate with me, please use the landline.

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Yeah, I just want to give out the number so we can make plans for the meeting better, since it's hard to keep checking POF when I'm out during the day. I don't mean that I want to text every day up until the meeting! lol.


I don't like talking on the phone before the meet either. I've just had so many experiences when I didn't like them in person (or worse, THEY didn't like me!) that I don't want to "waste time." Even the voice phone is totally different than in person.

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Yeah, I just want to give out the number so we can make plans for the meeting better, since it's hard to keep checking POF when I'm out during the day.


Here, try putting this on your POF profile:


"I will only give out my number when we need to make plans for meeting in person. Please respect the fact that I don't text for fun or because I'm bored. Thanx a bunch."


A gentleman will ask permission to call. If he doesn't, don't date him. He thinks too much of himself and/or probably doesn't respect people's space, privacy, independence.... IMO.


Good luck.

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Lol where i am from if i put on my profile that i do not text i probably wouldnt get anyone contact me. It sounds quite cold to put on your profile that you do not text. When it gets to the point of the guy asking for your number just tell him you would rather meet in person first before giving him you number, or at least arrange to meet, you will need to swap numbers at some point incase you are late for the date or if there is an emergency.


I dont get why so msny americans are so against texting

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Just tell them the first time they text you that you don't text ANYONE and if they want to talk to you, they should call you.


This is exactly what I tell all the girls I ever date and I never seem to have a problem with it. I only text if it's to say something along the lines of "hey, I'm running about 10 minutes late."

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I am a big texter, i text all the women i have met from online, and i spend 70 % of our contact through text. Its no surprise i have went from around 10 woman, to 2, because they like texting and dont mind being brave enough to call me on their own if they dont like the texting. One i really like, she texts me random questions, its cute, i havent met her and shes texting me while shes out with friends at a bar.

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Here, try putting this on your POF profile:


"I will only give out my number when we need to make plans for meeting in person. Please respect the fact that I don't text for fun or because I'm bored. Thanx a bunch."

Good luck.


I don't suggest putting this on your profile, it sounds kind of stuck up to me.


When you swap numbers with a guy, just say "I don't text much, so if we need to chat, call me instead If he texts you, just ignore it.

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Actually, the texting is going okay with this dude. He seems to not respond too quickly or expect a response too quickly from me. I don't think he texts while he's at work, which I like because I don't.


If a guy starts to cry because you dont text fast enough, then he has issues, either insecurity, or control/possessive traits. Its better to find that out in text than in person. Every night they or me fall asleep before texting goodnight, so we do leave on a question. We do text during work, but i notice those who do have more time to text, end up catching feelings for me, and me for them.


Not that its a bad thing, but if someone complains that they dont want me texting them, i would just stop contacting them. I'd be honest and say i would feel it was for a reason they arent telling me. I would rather they text, "hey, i am not a big texter, just call me to talk."

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