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I have just got back together with my ex of 6 months after he called me confessing his love and apologising for treating me bad. He is narcisstic and even though i believed he had changed i have discovered he is still a selfish, imature moron.

I have travelled Dubai with his 6 yr old twins to discover what a mistake it is. He left me in pieces and now again I think i am back to square 1. He wants me to move here with him and leave everything i have in London, i came here thinking it can work but now i am sure it can not. I am having hatred feelings for him and wishi could give hi a good slap and forget he ever existed, easier said then done, he has done me so much harm financially and emotionally i want him to suffer.

Pls help as I am just so depressed and have thought of sucide to get rid of the hurt.

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Pls help as I am just so depressed and have thought of sucide to get rid of the hurt.
No no no, that's letting him win, and if for no other reason you shouldn't go down that dark road.

Things will get better, you will see brighter days.


You know everyone here is here for each other Cheeky as it sounds: all for one and one for all.


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Having one through the hrt ache once i can not cope with it again. I can not deal with the down days the dark cloud over my head and feeling like a fool once again. It needs a strong person to think like that and i am weak, hurt,broken and embarrassed having given him another chance to hurt me again, he values money more than me and his kids.

Suicide seems a quick fix

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There are many people who have gone through breakups, felt weak, suffered unimaginable hurt (not just through breakups but when they've been attacked, or someone close has been murdered, etc.). They make it through not because they are strong people but because they express their hurt to safe people to get support, like here on enotalone.


FWIW, I took my ex back after six months and then it ended again after another six months. I hated him for coming back but still being selfish, and I hated myself for taking him back. It took time for me to get over it and stop hating him, but now I'm in a good relationship with a man who cares deeply about me.


Just know that there are people in this world who wish you well and want the best for you. They want to see you happy and want you to have a healthy relationship. Leave the toxic situation you're in, go back to London and let GOOD things come your way.

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Look, I'm not going to go into detail, but some of that dark cloud has blocked the light for me too in my past. (I can't believe I'm coming out about this)...


You are not weak, you *feel* weak. Right now you don't know the difference, and that's ok. Please trust me that there is a difference and you are not weak. Celadon is right, hop back home, where you know people and places (and have a crunchie bar for me, gawd I miss those things). Pick up your chin, look around, walk in the park, feed the birds, go see the tourist attractions and look at the dumb yanks (like me) gawking at the stonework. Stand at the fountain of Piccadilly Circus at 1:00AM on a Saturday night and watch the crowd. Go try and make one of the palace guard smile.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks for all the support. I just wish i ould wake and everything be good. I hatethe way i feel and wish i could snap out. Worse thing is there are 6 yr old twins involved.



Dubai is a very difficult place to try and settle! I know from experience. It can be a very lonely place. Somebody once told me that you go there with cracks in your relationship - they become chasms overnight.

Try and be strong and think positively


i hope that you manage to work something out - SB

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Dubai is a very difficult place to try and settle! I know from experience. It can be a very lonely place. Somebody once told me that you go there with cracks in your relationship - they become chasms overnight.

Try and be strong and think positively


i hope that you manage to work something out - SB


Dubai sounds like the ultimate location test for relationships, especially for women. I personally know three of whom visited or temporarily moved to Dubai, and their relationships exploded practically overnight.

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Dubai sounds like the ultimate location test for relationships, especially for women. I personally know three of whom visited or temporarily moved to Dubai, and their relationships exploded practically overnight.


Seems to be the case. Mine did (my ex ex ex). There is a lot of pressure. Long hours, mad partying, suddenly being able to afford things you couldn't before. Yes, I would say many people change overnight.

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