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I have been going out with my boyfriend for many years and I cheated on him. He knew about my relationship with this other guy but he forgave me and wanted to move on with me. I know he loves me a lot and we are thinking of getting married. However, I had an abortion with this other guy. Should I come clean and let my boyfriend know ? I know that I will lose him forever if I told him the truth.

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Oh boy. This is a really tough one. In most cases I'd tell you to come clean with this. But he already knows you cheated. He forgave you. You both want to move on. I don't see what point would be served by digging it up again and hurting him even more.


I wouldn't tell him.

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No way if he was able to forgive the cheating then leave it at that. I mean if you tell him all it will do is remind him of how hurt he was when you strayed. Then to rehash the whole thing with a new tid-bit of information that he did not know about.






Good luck,


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If it was a one time cheating, then I would say don't tell him. But to be honest, I am feeling more sympathy for your boyfriend here then I do for you - you've cheated on him with two guys now. For his sake, maybe you should tell him so that he can be with someone who WON'T cheat.


And you should do some serious self-examination to find out why you are having a problem being faithful to this guy. Do you have a history of cheating on other boyfriends, too? As you can see, it is a real deterrent to a healthy, lasting relationship based on trust. I am sure you don't want to "cheat" yourself out of having that kind of relationship, so I would suggest you figure out why you are doing this.


Good luck, and keep us posted.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've heard some interesting debates in my lifetime...but abortion being referred to as a tidbit...that's new.


Tell him, if marriage is a possibility, he has the right to know.




No way if he was able to forgive the cheating then leave it at that. I mean if you tell him all it will do is remind him of how hurt he was when you strayed. Then to rehash the whole thing with a new tid-bit of information that he did not know about.






Good luck,


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Do you love this man? If you do, just keep it a secret. I am just amazed you killed your own child to have the man you want. I call this situation selfish. Although it is your life, I cannot guarantee everything will stay in the closet, but if he ever founds out, just tell him the truth; however, if he never founds out, Great...you got the ending you wanted....

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