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Sexual Frustration Is Going To Kill Me Soon


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So I just got back with my ex a week ago.


I feel like the sexual attraction is there because we already make out at the end of the day.


Since a few days ago, I've started hinting about sex through text messages and she kind of did too. (She actually said she wanted it, in one text)


Now the problem is, when we meet up outside, we always find a discrete spot to make out (usually on a small/quiet street), and since it's in public we can't go further than hugging/kissing.


I have invited her to come over to my place multiple times, but she's always busy or don't want to go for some reason. (She knows damn well why I ask her to come over)


We can't go to her place because her parents are home 24/7.


We've had sex before though.


I'm just soooooooooo frustrated. I don't want to seem desperate for sex, even though I AM pretty desperate.


I'm pretty disgusted posting this but I'm literally going to die soon out of frustration.


ughhh ](*,)



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Ask her why she does not want to come over.

She needs to tell you.


Till then resort to Mr Palmer and his five daughters.


Because she reckon there's "nothing" to do at my place.


She knows full well that [coming to my place = sex] which is probably the reason why she avoids coming over.


Past few days, she's also told me that her monthly is coming. She would say that her monthly will probably be tomorrow, but the next day, she said it'll be tomorrow, and the day after that, she'll say it's tomorrow again lol.


Mr Palmer doesn't cut it AT ALL. It's not just the physical pleasure of sex I want the most, but the emotional rewards that I get out of sex.


Right now I feel unwanted.

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I looked at your other posts about this girl and it seems like every time you are not together she ends up with another guy. Is it possible she is keeping you at arm's length because there is another guy she is interested in? You wrote in other threads that you don't feel as interested in her. Perhaps you want sex from her as a way to feel needed and desired given how she has a short attention span for you and bounces to other guys. I am sure there are lots of girls who would love to date you..why be with this one when she seems rather fickle.

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If a woman wants to sleep with a man she will. Shes saying whatever she likes in the comfort of text land and possibly email land as well. When the heat is on what happens in real life speaks volumes over words. Comb your hair..shave and go find someone who does want you.

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What does she do at her place that she can not do at yours?


Anyway it's only been a week of getting back together.

Are you showing any other signs of affection besides ones which head towards the direction of your pants?


Well before, she seemed more comfortable having sex at her place for some unknown reason. But we did have it at my place a couple of times.


What do you mean other signs of affection?


I looked at your other posts about this girl and it seems like every time you are not together she ends up with another guy. Is it possible she is keeping you at arm's length because there is another guy she is interested in? You wrote in other threads that you don't feel as interested in her. Perhaps you want sex from her as a way to feel needed and desired given how she has a short attention span for you and bounces to other guys. I am sure there are lots of girls who would love to date you..why be with this one when she seems rather fickle.


I'm 200% certain that she's not keeping another guy aorund. But I agree that she is fickle.


And you're right, I want to feel desired beyond kissing.


To be quite honest, I don't expect this relationship to last very long, but I do have feelings for her. I came into this relationship with a "just have fun" mindset.


I know there are probably girls out there who would love to date me but I'm very young and right now, my priority is school + studying. I don't have the time and effort to go look for someone else. I'm not a very social person either. I don't go to parties etc. so I barely meet new girls.


If a woman wants to sleep with a man she will. Shes saying whatever she likes in the comfort of text land and possibly email land as well. When the heat is on what happens in real life speaks volumes over words. Comb your hair..shave and go find someone who does want you.



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Well before, she seemed more comfortable having sex at her place for some unknown reason. But we did have it at my place a couple of times.


What do you mean other signs of affection?


Sentimental things.

Things which are sweet, like knowing her favorite colour then getting flowers or something which are her favorite colour for example.

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Sentimental things.

Things which are sweet, like knowing her favorite colour then getting flowers or something which are her favorite colour for example.




I walk all the way to her school to pick her up in the afternoon.


I have a final exam tomorrow and I was suppose to stay home and study but I still went and saw her in the afternoon because she said she missed me.


When her hands are cold, I'd warm it up for her.


It's been just 1 week since we got back together. I haven't bought anything for her yet, (expect for transport ticket + ice cream LOL).


But yeah, I try to be as sweet as possible.

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I walk all the way to her school to pick her up in the afternoon.


I have a final exam tomorrow and I was suppose to stay home and study but I still went and saw her in the afternoon because she said she missed me.


When her hands are cold, I'd warm it up for her.


It's been just 1 week since we got back together. I haven't bought anything for her yet, (expect for transport ticket + ice cream LOL).


But yeah, I try to be as sweet as possible.


That's about nice enough I'd say.

I know this will be hard, but it looks like you will have to show restraint.


As you mentioned it has only been a week.

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That's about nice enough I'd say.

I know this will be hard, but it looks like you will have to show restraint.


As you mentioned it has only been a week.


I know that a few days or a few weeks seem pretty short. But trust me, when you're sexually frustrated, days and weeks seem like eternity.


I might explode soon...

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I know that a few days or a few weeks seem pretty short. But trust me, when you're sexually frustrated, days and weeks seem like eternity.


I might explode soon...


Yes I know what you mean.


Either way it will take care of itself but I'd rather not go there.


But there is another thing about abstaining.

When you don't do and don't play with it, when you get to do it, it's a lot better.

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Sounds like your priority right now is having a girlfriend and sex rather than school. What happens if she gets pregnant...accidents happen. Sex is not just about fun, it is about responsibility if there is a pregnancy or an STD. If she is out there sleeping with other guys then how do you know she doesn't have an STD? If you are sexually frustrated then there is always your hand...can't get anyone pregnant that way, nor will you contract an STD. By getting all uptight about when you are going to get laid, you are indeed taking the focus away from school and your future.

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Sounds like your priority right now is having a girlfriend and sex rather than school. What happens if she gets pregnant...accidents happen. Sex is not just about fun, it is about responsibility if there is a pregnancy or an STD. If she is out there sleeping with other guys then how do you know she doesn't have an STD? If you are sexually frustrated then there is always your hand...can't get anyone pregnant that way, nor will you contract an STD. By getting all uptight about when you are going to get laid, you are indeed taking the focus away from school and your future.


Not at all. School is still my priority at the moment.


I have a girlfriend so my life wouldn't be so boring studying 24/7, but I could definitely still do without one.


I don't want to find someone just for some action, but since I DO have a girlfriend...then...you know, guys have those needs right?


I'm the only person she has slept with so no STDs for us. If we do have sex, we use condoms so it's safe.


I'm frustrated because I think I may be investing time + effort into a relationship with 0 sex, and no improvements in the near future.


Again, using my hand doesn't cut it. It relieves the physical desire for like 15 minutes but the emotional ego is still unaddressed.

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Not at all. School is still my priority at the moment.


I have a girlfriend so my life wouldn't be so boring studying 24/7, but I could definitely still do without one.


I don't want to find someone just for some action, but since I DO have a girlfriend...then...you know, guys have those needs right?


I'm the only person she has slept with so no STDs for us. If we do have sex, we use condoms so it's safe.


I'm frustrated because I think I may be investing time + effort into a relationship with 0 sex, and no improvements in the near future. Again, using my hand doesn't cut it. It relieves the physical desire for like 15 minutes but the emotional ego is still unaddressed.


This comment alone tells me that perhaps this is more about sex than a relationship. You just got back together a week ago..give it some time. As for a boring life just studying...life can be very interesting even without a gf. It really sounds like you are in this for all the wrong reasons...alleviate boredom and have sex....you are not even overly thrilled about her and don't see this lasting anyway. This is how a lot of teenagers end up getting pregnant, accidents do happen.

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I don't want to find someone just for some action, but since I DO have a girlfriend...then...you know, guys have those needs right?


I'm frustrated because I think I may be investing time + effort into a relationship with 0 sex, and no improvements in the near future.


Again, using my hand doesn't cut it. It relieves the physical desire for like 15 minutes but the emotional ego is still unaddressed.


I don't wish to be rude, but your post makes you come accross as a bit immature or childish. Not only are you expecting way too much out of a relationship which just restarted one week ago, the way you speak of "needing" sex is disingenuous at best. You're an adult and should be able to live without sex without any sort of serious repercussions emotionally or physically. It's not an excuse to justify the attitude you're taking here.

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I certainly don't want to take her as a blow-up doll. And I'm acing pretty much everything at school so I'm not stressed at all.


Just because I'm here complaining about sex doesn't mean sex is all I care about. It's just that everything else is fine right now and sex is the only issue.


I'm in this relationship because it adds something other than school to my life, and getting some relationship experience when you're young is always good.


I know what you guys are talking about; but can you give me some tips on how to improve this situation instead of dishing out lectures?

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Snowy--what's the longest period of time that you've been single since developing sexually? I think my concern is that you're focusing on the sexual side of things to an extreme and using rather strong language of "about to explode", etc. Have you had the chance to learn how to live on your own, be single, etc?

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It sounds to me like she is playing games with you.


If you have been sexually intimate in the past and you are now officially back together, there really is no other reason to hold out on sex unless she became a born again virgin.


It sounds like mind games and a dynamic of control.


If I were you I would not initiate anything and definitely don't beg for it. She has too much control right now. Change the dynamic so that she is asking for it from you.

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It sounds to me like she is playing games with you.


If you have been sexually intimate in the past and you are now officially back together, there really is no other reason to hold out on sex unless she became a born again virgin.


It sounds like mind games and a dynamic of control.


If I were you I would not initiate anything and definitely don't beg for it. She has too much control right now. Change the dynamic so that she is asking for it from you.


How do I change the dynamic? Any specific tips?

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Snowy--what's the longest period of time that you've been single since developing sexually? I think my concern is that you're focusing on the sexual side of things to an extreme and using rather strong language of "about to explode", etc. Have you had the chance to learn how to live on your own, be single, etc?


Yes. I've had 1 year of being single.


I think it's more about the mental side of sex than physical.

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