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looking for some advice and venting simultaneously

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Quick cap, been 9 months since my ex left. limited contact for 7 then none for the last 2.


To be honest though, I still think about her quite often!


It's been 9 friggin months!!!! what the hell is wrong with me??


I was working today and thought about her for about 80% of the day. what the hell!!


We dated for 1.5 years, long enough yes but nothing crazy. It was a healthy relationship but nothing immensely intense. Why is she still on my mind all the time? Do I have love obession? is there something wrong with me?? I eat well, sleep well and am really busy with work and school but she is still there lurking in the back of my mind. I havent seen her in over 5 months and I can still picture her face like I saw her yesterday!


Anyways, was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this so long after a BU, someone just please tell me it will be better one day.



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Staying in contact is like procrastinating on grief, and it stalls your healing. So give yourself a break and consider that you've only been out of contact for 2 months. That's not the same as 9 months of healing, and your feelings are natural for a 2 month period of NC.


Head high.

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