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My son had a bonnet too........LOL.... he looked like a china doll. He had the full gown with diamontee on it and the ermine cape and bonnet and all...poor baby...........lol. He looked like a royal doll or something. I had bought him an outfit for a boy but my brother's wife cried because she wanted him to wear the outfit SHE was baptized in. My mother got on me and told me to not insult her. So I had him wear it. He was GORGEOUS in it but looked like a girl..........lol.....poor boy. He was also 8 months old so he was pulling at it all the time. However though when she Baptized her kids her kids did not wear the royal outfit.

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Haha, that is too funny! Memories, at least! His is very simple, just a white cotton romper (it's kind girly, but it was all they had!), I would have gotten something nicer I think, but I was under time constraints. We were supposed to get the Christening dress that belonged to my husband, but they lent it to a family member and have asked for it back COUNTLESS times, and she has yet to send it. I know my MIL and my husband are a little disappointed (I am too) but the show must go on!


I'm really excited to have this happen in my home time with my family and friends, and at parents church. We leave on Thursday and then my husbands family will fly in on Friday. I'm a little nervous about flying with the baby, but it will be an experience and at least my husband will be there and I'm not doing alone, I can imagine THAT would be difficult.

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Oh yeah he was dying to get it off. Especially that bonnet.....LOL.... I won't tell if you won't but I stuck my son in bonnets all the time.......the wind really bothered him and I did not want him to get too too much sun.


I don't blame you, I am always concerned about the sun, especially since we live in Florida. It's really hard to find practical hats that keep the sun out and actually fit little babies.

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I'm sorry Tinker. I hope your hubbie gets the better paying job. What field are you in?

Thats a nice plan. I'm planning on doing the same--after I have the babies, spring semester I'll be back in school. I too got a degree in a field I despise that just isn't as flexible as I would like. I also figure I'll have another baby within the next two years--while I'm still in school. And go back to work when they are older.

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We are really hoping things work out, I know they will, just might take longer than we hoped. We haven't struggled financially and I'd work than have that happen, but of course, we are still praying the better job works out. I am in social work- horrible stressful jobs, long hours, HORRIBLE pay. Luckily though this particular job lets me do a lot from home, but I still do need to visit clients, etc.


I will definitely want to work when my kids are in school, which is why it's practical for us to have them close together. I think ultrasound tech is good for me, because the money is great, especially as a second income, the hours are flexible and the schooling is not long. And mostly it's something I am interested in.

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So tomorrow we fly out, eek!! We probably have wayyy too much packed, but I am a first time mom, so I think I have an excuse. I'm really excited to see my family and have his Baptism, and party afterwards. It'll be a whirlwind, because we have SO much planned in just a few days.


Mark started on Zantac a few days ago for his reflux, hopefully it'll help the little man out. All that reflux has got to hurt his little throat!


I am going back to work on Wednesday, blah. But, I know it'll only be for a short period of time (August, hopefully) and I can work mostly from home. My friend who I work with is also coming off of maternity leave within 2 weeks of me, so it's nice to have the moral support! My husband has had a lot of interviews for some good jobs, so hopefully something will pan out very soon.


But, here are some pictures of my guy.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, it's been a while! Things have been good, I'm now working (only outside of my home about 10 hours a week-- including drive time, so I can't complain!) and it's been a challenge getting back into the swing of things. I am obsessed with my baby!!! I can't get enough of him, haha, I really can't! He is starting to LAUGH now, and it is SO stinking cute! He only does it when I am changing his clothes and his onesie tickles his neck, he scrunches up his shoulders so I know it tickles! It makes me want to change his clothes 30 times a day, just to hear it!


He slept in his crib last night (has been in pack and play in our room) and I have to admit I was kind of sad. My husband has been sick and so I've been caring for Mark 24/7 with no help, so last night he suggested I take Tylenol PM and he'd take care of Mark. I took him up on that offer! I woke up around 1:30 am and saw he wasn't in his pack and play so I walked out the door, and nope, not in his swing, so I knew where he was. I tip toed into his bedroom and there he was, fast asleep in his crib. I stood in there for a while watching him and he was so peaceful.


He slept awesome (I hate admitting it, believe me!) and this morning my husband got up with him and he was just laying in his crib cooing and smiling (he never does that!). He had leaked his diaper so DH undressed him and left him hang out in the crib with his diaper and a soft blanket, oh MAN was he in HEAVEN! I came in and we just watched him for a while playing and cooing for a while. He seems to LOVE being in his diaper now, it's his new thing. He looks so cute too like that.


My husband went to the movies tonight and he asked me if he could go if he got Mark fed and to bed and I said it was fine. I had one condition though, he had to sleep in the pack and play (I'm so bad, I know! I just wanted him with me, especially if my husband isn't home!) and he agreed, and Mark is sleeping peacefully next to me


Some new pics, one from this morning in his big boy crib

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So cute! We had the baby in our room until he was 6 months old (in a crib) and since then he's always slept in his own room. So glad he is sleeping well! I also take tylenol PM (but rarely these days) after a few days of not sleeping well (and not because he cries, but it is related to the new mom thing) and I find that if I only take one it doesn't have a strong effect, just enough to get a good night's sleep.Sorry your husband's been ill but it sounds like he's a real help when he's feeling well.

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Awwwwwww he is so cute!! You sound just like I was Tink! I hated my son being parted from me. I just loved him so much I wanted him with me all the time and I just wanted to see him smile and hear him giggle all the time. I was just mental about him. Mind you we did co sleeping.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay mom's I could use some advice or at least support...


Basically I know every baby has a "cranky" period throughout the day, but Mark seems to be more and more fussy lately. I have taken him to the doctor and there is nothing medically wrong with him, and honestly I really think it's because he fights his sleep. He does sleep through the night now, but he is fighting naps and sometimes will only nap for 45 minutes in an entire day (he is only 16 weeks old) but he's extremely fussy and SCREAMING for up to 2 hours sometimes. I know he is sleepy, as even today he was crying in my arms and then his head basically hit his chest and he was out. I don't feel right to just let him cry and I will try to soothe him, but sometimes I really can't, and end up just holding a baby who screams in my ear for 35 minutes. It's really awful and I just don't know what to do. I feel so sad for him when he does that because he really works himself up to the point of tears running down his little face and choking on his own saliva.


Also, I find that if my husband (when he is home) puts him down, he soothes MUCH better. If I try to put him down he will just scream and scream, and sometimes it will take me over 10 minutes to soothe him and I am afraid to put him down because I do not want to do that to him. It's really hard as I do work from home, so I need to have at least a little time to do my work (even if only during naps) but the last few days I have been unable to do that.


Any tips for making nap time easier? And why does he really seem to only meltdown with me? My MIL watches him for about 6 to 8 hours a week (over the course of two days while I am out visiting clients) and says he does not do that with her. He will on occasion meltdown with my husband, but not to the degree he does with me. Does it sound like he is overtired? That's really all that I can think of. It's just so hard on both of us, I hate seeing him so upset.

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I know with my niece and nephew they sometimes just prefer one sex or the other. there are days no one can calm my nephew but my brother, and my mom and I are the ones with baby experience! So the doctor ruled out colic? acid reflux? But it wouldn't explain why he does it with some and not others... do you have any kind of lotion that might help him sleep that you can put on him before his naps?

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He does have refkux, but he's medicated for that and he's definitely improved, because he used to scream during feedings. He may need to increase it though, due to his weight. He HATES having lotion applied, I have no idea why, but that's a fight especially since he has dry skin. But, I do have some of that 'nighttime' lotion, maybe I will try.


Colic is hard to diagnose, but I really don't think he has it. I'm going to start giving him gripe water in his bottles though again, because it supposedly helps with colic, and tummy aches (it's basically baby ginger ale) to see that helps at all.

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Well, little man is MUCH better since I have forced naps. He was NOT too happy with me, but I did not give up. Usually once he starts really fussing I can tell he is sleepy, so I put him in the crib, get him settled, and leave. When he cries I will comfort him, but I do not take him out of the crib, so far the longest time it's taken me to get him to sleep is 10 minutes, I think that is pretty good!


My in laws are leaving to go abroad for a month, so I have to find childcare for him. Since I do work from home mostly (I do have to go see clients sometimes) I really only need a sitter for 8-12 hours a week, which isn't too much. I signed up for a nanny website, so hopefully something will come along. I'll just be happy when I find someone I like/trust, because it'll be great to have a backup in case my MIL can't or does not want to watch him. She is retired, and she really enjoys watching him (especially since it's only a few hours a week and I just go on her schedule since my job is flexible) so of course we want her to do it as much as she'd like! It's been nice, because she has really gotten to bond with him. All she can talk about is how much she reminds her of my husband when he was a baby, which I believe, since he looks so much like him.


We got some professional pictures done, I have attached a few

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Yeah, the only reason we are changing mine later is the material this band is made up will not hold up with the amount of times I bash my hands around. But I really don't even see it as my e ring, I'll always see my promise ring as it.


My nephew has that pig nose and cheeks. He does this thing were he'll turn his nose up and he literally looks like a pig and I die laughing when he does it. He knows he can do it when he's in trouble and get out of trouble as well.

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