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Wow, yeah he is big. I sometimes find it hard to tell what is normal because my son was abnormally small. He was only 11 pounds between 4-5 months. He wore size 18 months baby snap up clothes the summer before he started school and weighed 28 pounds when he was 4. He only gained 10 pounds between his first year and is 4th year of life. So he was one tiny little whipper snapper. Now he is about 5'6" and 112 pounds, 3 more inches and he tops his dad and he is not even 14. But the ped said he was going to be tall.( I do not know how that happened because I am 5'3" and a bit and my husband is 5'9")

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Wow, yeah he is big. I sometimes find it hard to tell what is normal because my son was abnormally small. He was only 11 pounds between 4-5 months. He wore size 18 months baby snap up clothes the summer before he started school and weighed 28 pounds when he was 4. He only gained 10 pounds between his first year and is 4th year of life. So he was one tiny little whipper snapper. Now he is about 5'6" and 112 pounds, 3 more inches and he tops his dad and he is not even 14. But the ped said he was going to be tall.( I do not know how that happened because I am 5'3" and a bit and my husband is 5'9")


I am only 5'2 myself, so clearly his height is from his dad (6'0). It's amazing all these babies with their different sizes.

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Yeah he was big! My son was just over 6 pounds at birth so he was small for a new born these days. He was the smallest of all his cousins and they are all GIRLS.....lol. 2 of them out weighed him by 3pounds at birth and the other by 2 pounds. He is still skinny and has small bones but the height is going like he is on fire. He says his knees hurt a lot and that is because he is growing and growing like mad. I have seen him grow an inch in a month.

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Wow - he's a big boy!!! But all babies are bigger to me since my niece and nephew were premature. My niece was born at 5 lbs. 1 oz. and at almost 3 years old I think she BARELY weighs 20 lbs. but the doctors say she is healthy and happy, she will just always be small and petite. My nephew who was 2 months early and came in at 3 lbs. 15 oz. is just over a year old and weighs over 20 lbs. But to me he's a clunker considering were he started out at.

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Wow, yeah everyone grows at different rates! I was a very small baby (6 pounds) and I can actually REMEMBER growing pains when I was around 8 or so, and how much they hurt. The body is really amazing.


I can remember them too. I remember crying because my knees and elbows hurt so bad at night. Back then they told you it was nothing. Now they know the pain is real. Yeah I was small when I was born too, I was about 4 pounds. My mother had to cut my diapers in quarters.....lol( cloth diapers cause that is all they had when I was born)

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Wow! Teeny babies must run in your family. I was tiny but Mark was only ounces bigger than my husband at birth, so I know where his size came from. I know my grandmother used cloth on my mother. My great-grandma offered to get her a diaper service and my grandma said no, need less to say she called her up in 3 days and said she'd changed her mind! Hahha, they are a lot of work those cloth diapers.

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Wow! Teeny babies must run in your family. I was tiny but Mark was only ounces bigger than my husband at birth, so I know where his size came from. I know my grandmother used cloth on my mother. My great-grandma offered to get her a diaper service and my grandma said no, need less to say she called her up in 3 days and said she'd changed her mind! Hahha, they are a lot of work those cloth diapers.


Yeah tiny babies do run in my family for sure. Not in my husband's though him and his sister were big oxes. They both weighed 9 pounds each. My grandmother got my mom a diaper service for me too. Small people run in my mom's family, I am the tallest of all the females in my family that are living and I am not tall.........lol. All my female cousins are about 5'1" or so and the females before that are shorter. They also weigh 90 pounds soaking wet in a parka. I have one cousin who weighs 79 pounds.

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Wow! Teeny babies must run in your family. I was tiny but Mark was only ounces bigger than my husband at birth, so I know where his size came from. I know my grandmother used cloth on my mother. My great-grandma offered to get her a diaper service and my grandma said no, need less to say she called her up in 3 days and said she'd changed her mind! Hahha, they are a lot of work those cloth diapers.


Actually both were born prematurely due to other circumtances. My niece (best friend's daughter) was born a month early because her mom was diagnosed with preeclampsia which sent her into early labor. When my sister had my nephew the placenta started to tear away when she was 31 weeks so they had to take my nephew 2 months early to save him and my sister.

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Yeah tiny babies do run in my family for sure. Not in my husband's though him and his sister were big oxes. They both weighed 9 pounds each. My grandmother got my mom a diaper service for me too. Small people run in my mom's family, I am the tallest of all the females in my family that are living and I am not tall.........lol. All my female cousins are about 5'1" or so and the females before that are shorter. They also weigh 90 pounds soaking wet in a parka. I have one cousin who weighs 79 pounds.


IT's weird how gentics play, isn't it? My brother has our dad's height (he has to be near 6 feet, if not he will hit that soon) and is as skinny as a rake, just like our dad. My sister is a little shosrter than me (I'm 5'4 1/2) and she's skinny like our dad. Me? I got the boobs, hips, and butt of the family. Thanks mom and Aunt D.

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Your mother in law sounds like a dream! Our parents are all alive but unable to help - we have to help them by traveling to where they live and helping three of them get to our house and get around our house -the grandparent who is in great shape cares for the spouse who is not so, no help there. No complaining - they adore him and love spending time with him and we are thankful they're all here to see him grow even though we became first time parents in our 40s!

Your baby is so adorable!

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Batya- My MIL is pretty awesome! I am extremely grateful for her, especially since my mom lives so far away.


Speaking of my MIL, she took me and my SIL out to buy some clothes for our birthdays (since they are days apart) because they will just be coming back from abroad when they fall. She took us to my favorite store- Ann Taylor Loft who was having a HUGE sale, and I had not been there since before I got pregnant. It was REALLY depressing at first, because things do not fit exactly the way that they used to. But, my SIL made it fun and I ended up getting some things that make me feel good. I ended up getting 6 tops/sweaters for less than $60.00, because my MIL got the discount for opening a credit card and for sales, so I think all in all we saved over $90.00! It was so nice of her, and because she spend $130.00 on my SIL, she insisted that since I didn't want anything else she HAD to give me a check for $70.00. I told her no 95x that I OWED her for all the FREE babysitting she does. She laughed and said that she considers that a privilege. I feel privileged to have a great set of in laws.


Afterward we went out and had a drink and talked for a while, it felt so nice to get out of the house! My husband also enjoyed his time alone with Mark, and then when he went to bed just having some time alone.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I can't believe how big my baby has gotten, he is growing like a weed and I just love him so much! He's been to the babysitter twice so far, and he'll go back on Monday for a few hours while I go to the doctors, he does really well with her! I really like her, and it's nice to have someone that you trust. She's a really nice lady and her prices are reasonable.


I ordered a nice, higher end (for 55% off!) umbrella stroller the reclines for Mark because honestly the huge stroller is a pain for short trips and with me being pregnant again I really don't want to lift any more than I have to. Mark weighs enough as it is haha, he's 18 pounds and the car seat is 11 pounds, and with me being 5'2, well it's just a blast! It should be here on Monday, and as soon as it gets cooler I'm going to take him for walks every day.


I'm still in shock about the pregnancy (it feels like a run on from #1!), and I find myself feeling very guilty and sad for Mark. I know he will not remember ever NOT having a sibling but it makes me sad that it won't be all about him once baby #2 is here. After this I need to get an IUD or something, because apparently my husband and I are VERY fertile together! The funny thing is that I had a doctor when I was younger tell me I had PCOS and I'd struggle with fertility, which makes me laugh a little bit because both my pregnancies were unplanned and I honestly couldn't tell you when I was ovulating for the life of me. I think this will be it, though I might consider a 3rd many years down the road.


I do worry, though, because this pregnancy is NOTHING like my first. I have had NO morning sickness (slight nausea like twice), food aversions, cramping, or spotting. I had that with Mark. I DO have back pain and tiredness which I also had with Mark. The only symptom I had that signaled me to think I was pregnant was that one night I flipped over in bed and I felt this odd cramp, and I had only ever felt that cramp when I rolled over in bed when I was pregnant with Mark, and sure enough the next day the test was positive. I go to the doctor on Monday and I should be almost 7 weeks by then. I know ALL pregnancies are different and I honestly worried more with Mark than I do with this one (don't have as much free time this time around!) but I can't help but wonder if something is wrong. I guess I will find out on Monday, I really hope they give me an ultrasound like my last OB did at my first appointment.

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It's not! It's past us now completely. At first it was supposed to COMPLETELY cover Florida, and I will tell you I was SO excited because they were talking about how work would be cancelled, etc. I normally work from home most of the time, but the last Friday of every month we do this horribly boring meeting, so I was hoping to get out of it. Let me tell you we did not have a DROP of rain today! But, they did feed us Cheesecake Factory for lunch, so it made it bareable!


I lived in Philly/Jersey for a while, and have a lot of friends there and NJ is supposed to get SLAMMED, some of my friends who lived by the ocean have to evacuate. My parents are in Mass, and it doesn't look like they'll get much more than a tropical storm.


How about you??

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Yeah, I think we're a little more prepared down here, but like in Jersey they are FREAKING out. I know they were closing the parkway, evacuating, boarding up, etc. People are in an all out frenzy, I believe it wasn't since 65 that NJ was hit with anything, so this is huge for them. I heard even parts of NYC and long island were being told to evacuate.

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We have, yes. When I got the positive (I KNEW the second I peed it was turning pink immediately) I called my husband, who naturally did not answer. Then I texted my close friend and all she kept texting back was, "you're pregnant?" haha. After I got my husband on the phone I called my mom who was like, "YOU ARE NOT SERIOUS!!!" and then we both kinda laughed about it, and she went on to tell my grandma who in turn told everyone else. My husband called his parents who were pretty much boarding a plane to Australia, and they won't be back until September 2nd. My MIL is ALWAYS excited about babies, but I think she's a little concerned about my body because I JUST had a c-section, which is a legit concern, I'm worried too. But, I haven't and won't talk to to them until they get back.


Both my SIL's know and we had a game night playing Taboo to celebrate and me and my one SIL (she's due in November) were the only ones not drinking! I did worry because my other SIL just had a miscarriage, but she's a wonderful, wonderful person and is very happy for us.

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I did like being pregnant... once it was over hahha! I look back on my pregnancy very fondly, though at the time I did not enjoy it as much. I fear for this one because I will be carrying Mark all around and etc. I REALLY worry how I'm supposed to tote him around when I'm huge and I worry how I'm going to work full time with 2 under 2, but I know it'll work out.

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