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Hope is your enemy


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HOPE is not a residual effect....HOPE is the single basis for everything positive, and every accomplishment in all of human history.


Disagree.... Hope is a time waster. People who actually accomplish things aren't sitting around hoping. They are out doing. In this case you should be out working on yourself. Average people hope and extraordinary people actually change things. So no, I don't think hope is this glorious thing that you are making it out to be, it is procrastination for the most part.

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A tiny bit of hope is natural. And even if people freshly dumped are out there bettering themselves, in the early stages at least, even if they say that it is for themselves, they still have the hope that their ex will come back into their lives and see how great they are doing. So it's not possible to get rid of all hope because that goes away with time and when the dumpee sees that their ex is not coming back.


But, it IS a choice to keep that tiny bit of hope alive and to make it grow bigger, but doing things such as staying in touch, looking at their facebook page, pining over photos every day (once in a while is fine if it gets all the emotions out), asking mutual friends about them, being inactive etc. That is a choice.


So hope is natural, but how much hope you choose to have, either a tiny speck or a lot, is a choice.

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I totally just FB-lurked you...it is so weird putting a face (or string instrument) with an internet identity!



I always imagine what people who post here look like. If I actually saw them, I don't know that I'd be able to believe it. I'm FB friends with someone I "met" through here. He's really happy now with a new love.

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I always imagine what people who post here look like. If I actually saw them, I don't know that I'd be able to believe it. I'm FB friends with someone I "met" through here. He's really happy now with a new love.


Ummm my picture is in my profile... Lol maybe I should delete it?

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