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Life in the Driver's Seat


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She does this to me every time! She always wants me to know in a heartbeat and can you do it next week or the ultimate ,can you do it tomorrow? Yet when I want to favour of babysitting it's always, "well,can you give me a few months notice and I'll let you know when it's closer to the date because I don't really know what's happening and I don't really know if I can do it." But if she wants me to do it she's like ,"oh well you know they will be so disappointed if I can't come.... You wouldn't want my brother to be upset now would you?" She has the guide book for guilt trips down pat just like her mother.

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Well my Shay carved me up getting him into the carrier. He wasn't falling for that a second morning in a row. He catches on very quickly that cat. They said his blood work yesterday revealed something but I have to wait for the vet to call me. I can just hear more $'s now. And his surgery should be around $900. But I should be able to pick him up around 4 o'clock.

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I drove up to the vet office and they had started his surgery around 12 o'clock. I talked to the vet and said I was a little anxious for him but she gave me a big hug told me actually that his blood work was fine it's just that their machine was a little goofy. So she ran some tests again but he came out perfectly fine. So now I'm just waiting for the phone call to tell me how many teeth she had to take out.


And when I can pick my Shay up.

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I got my kitty back! And even better they didn't have to do any extractions!!! They said according to the x-rays the teeth were still intact and the roots were still really good. They did really deep scaling under his gums and he needs his teeth brushed every day. So the bill was less than I thought only $550.


I also had to send a questionnaire booklet out to one of my son's teachers for his testing. Some of it that was revealed in there really broke my heart. The teacher said he felt my son was often bullied and therefore struggled with peer relationships. It just shatters my heart. I asked my son if he felt bullied and he said no. But in the past he has hid bullying from me. Right now I think he just doesn't understand when people make snide or ignorant comments about him. That breaks my heart for him. I burst into tears and sobbing telling my husband that they felt he was very bullied. But they said in the questionnaire that he was a very happy and upbeat positive person. They said he really wants friends but struggles to attain them.


It literally kills me that people bully my son because he is different. If I ever see it I'm going to plant my shoe up somebody's ass.

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Aw good that your cat made it through!! it's so scary when they have to have surgery, eh? My dog is going to need his teeth done in the next few years because they are becoming a mess and I am already scared about it!


Right now I think he just doesn't understand when people make snide or ignorant comments about him.


I was like this too when I was a kid--because I was such a people pleaser. I was friends with these two girls from grades 1-4, who manipulated and bullied me the entire way through--in that subtle way that only girls can do. I didn't realize it, my mother saw it though and refused to let me hang out with them, I think she also had some words with the girls' parents too. So ya, if you need to take action then do it for sure--sometimes mamabear needs to kick some ass! Bullying can do lasting damage. It's good that the teacher saw it and said something, I don't think enough teachers do this.

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Animals need a lot of health care too,just like humans and it can be so expensive but what can you do? Yeah ,it is really distressing to see your pet have to go through surgery.


About my son he's always been bullied because he's different. He has been swarmed ,he's been beaten, he's been called names snide remarks, he has been physically assaulted. And it just kills me. But through it all he's never been vengeful and always forgiven. He has the most beautiful soul I know. Where I would have lashed out in anger he has not. Where my own experience of being bullied as a child has in ways crippled me it has not to him. He has a very generous heart of forgiveness and letting go. And he blissfully let's it pass over. But you are right I am a MamaBear and I will put boot to ass if I have to.


Kids can be so horribly cruel. I am sorry that you had common experiences as well Happybear .

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My Shay is the happiest stoned cat I've ever seen....lol. Even the vet tech said he is one happy cat coming out of anesthetic. Of course it reacts differently on every animal like people. But she said he's very happy. When he came home he was licking and rubbing everything ,furniture ,tables, bags and people. And he just looks drugged out mellow and happy. Lol poor guy.

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I wonder how many other people's children have positional palgiocephaly. The other day I saw another baby with it. And I don't often see that. My son had it as an infant. And his head never regained the proper shape. He had very mild plagiocephaly though. Now it is covered by his hair. They are seeing a lot more plagiocephaly because we are laying children on their back.

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I can understand why you are so proud of him! I am sure you must have played a very major part in his wonderful disposition and his success.


Awwww thank you SB. Isn't it wonderful to see the fruition of all the work and love you put into a human being? You pour all that love and support and guidance and when you see them pour it back out into the world it is such a beautiful thing. I hear teachers and other people say such beautiful things about my son and that's when I know I did a great job. Your child really is your life's work and the most important work you'll ever do. Recently ,I was talking to a doctor that is on mat leave right now. She said being a mother was the hardest thing she's ever done. And it is the most important thing she's ever done.

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She said she was so proud of me for the amount of work I have put in and not just in the hour I was there. She said you have so many skills now and never back away from a challenge. And your level of self introspection has been amazing. I'm here if you need me but I expect that you will fly very well on your own. Just remember how amazing you are.

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