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Life in the Driver's Seat


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All the best for your husband and family Vic. I hadn't heard of Alert, but there is talk here from time to time about the American satellites in Australia. My understanding is that there will be US military exercises in the very northern part of Australia soon, and some countries are not happy about that. I'm not sure - some people think it makes us a target, but I think that it likely is in our interests, if not right now, then at some point in the future.

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All the best for your husband and family Vic. I hadn't heard of Alert, but there is talk here from time to time about the American satellites in Australia. My understanding is that there will be US military exercises in the very northern part of Australia soon, and some countries are not happy about that. I'm not sure - some people think it makes us a target, but I think that it likely is in our interests, if not right now, then at some point in the future.


Lots of issues in the world for sure.

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Seriously, you never really know someone. My one gf at work is a naturist. That kind of blew my mind.lol. I didn't say anything when she told me but I am sure the look on my face was oooooookay. She just really doesn't look the type I guess. She is a 55-year-old grandma. But she was telling me her and her husband don't wear clothes at home and they go to a naturist trailer park every weekend. Hmmm never judge a book by the cover .

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Seriously, you never really know someone. My one gf at work is a naturist. That kind of blew my mind.lol. I didn't say anything when she told me but I am sure the look on my face was oooooookay. She just really doesn't look the type I guess. She is a 55-year-old grandma. But she was telling me her and her husband don't wear clothes at home and they go to a naturist trailer park every weekend. Hmmm never judge a book by the cover .


hahaha, I love people like this! Just doing there thing, strong and proud! I'm suprised she told you though, it's one of those things that is still really taboo.


I'll never forget the time my grandfather told me he wanted to grow marijuana in the forest behind his house. It was just so surprising, he used to be a cop, and he was fairly religious too--all about what is good and right.

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hahaha, I love people like this! Just doing there thing, strong and proud! I'm suprised she told you though, it's one of those things that is still really taboo.


I'll never forget the time my grandfather told me he wanted to grow marijuana in the forest behind his house. It was just so surprising, he used to be a cop, and he was fairly religious too--all about what is good and right.


People are fun sometimes. As the layers come off. ( sorry for the pun) I am a pretty accepting person when something does not affect me or is not harming anyone. I mean her lifestyle is not harming me or anybody else. I was just kind of shocked because she is a Christian person as well. I was thinking today how she reconciles that. But hey not for me to judge you know?

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The day surgery waiting room was interesting today. I had some pretty good conversations with some elderly people in the waiting room. Even my son eventually got drawn out after 45 minutes of conversation. He just listened for 45 minutes and then he started talking a little bit.


Today he thought of a new idea he would like to do as a job. As he matures he gets more of these what I would call "real moments." I call them real moments because they are truly about him. They are little nuggets of gold. And I treasure every single one of them. When 90% of the time you listen to your child discuss Yu-Gi-Oh or Pokémon when you get those real moments they are so precious there are no words for it.

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hi Vic. Unfortunately, the video wouldn't load for me.


Couple of years ago, I had a gf who belonged to a nudist club with her family. She was a sporty person and used to say what a fantastic lifestyle it was. She used to play tennis at the club, and I remember being surprised when she told me she wore a bra to play tennis as it was uncomfortable without it.

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R is going to visit his sister tomorrow. They are going to the Labour Day game together. When they were kids they would always go to the Labour Day game with their dad. It has been a 40 year tradition now. Me and little R are staying home so we can get ready for school.

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