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Life in the Driver's Seat


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Our friends are coming with us to the lobster dinner. Yay! It is so great that they are so much happier and way more friendly again. His mother living with them did such a number on every aspect of their life. It was funny when we invited them to go he always says talk to her I don't handle social arrangements.


And here I am again dreading getting out of bed. It has been this way since I can ever remember. I am not one of those people that jumps out of bed happy and revving to go. Even when I was a kid I wasn't like that. It was like oh dear God is sleeptime over already? I always dread falling asleep I mean dread it like crazy but once I am asleep it's like ahhhhhhh. But responsibility drives me. It is time to go to work.

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My brother and the hag have no official custody agreement or official custody schedule yet. It has just been at her Majesty's discretion. And then she a few weeks ago she told my mother she would never see her grandchildren again. Well yesterday my brother went over to the house and he said give me my kids or I'm calling the cops. He told her he had been to a lawyer and the lawyer said he could have his children anytime he wanted he could pick them up from wherever he wanted and there wasn't anything she could do about it and she doesn't make the rules. So he told her give me my kids or I the cops. She handed them over. Good for you D for getting a pair of balls. The girls are now at my mother's.

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And what is scary is that the hag's own sister doesn't even want to spend time with her anymore. She says to my brother can you drop me off at my parent's because this woman is bat crap crazy, vindictive and mean and evil. When your own sister who's crazier than you says that about you what else is there to say.


This woman needs a lot of prayers. I keep praying for her all the time but I can't help being angry at the things she does to my brother and my nieces and my mom.

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Getting so close now to when we do an intake history with the psychiatrist. I have to call our insurance company tomorrow . I have to find out which tax form I need for the tax evaluation. I am getting excited and nervous. But I might finally know for sure what exact situation is wrong with my son. Now that he's older they might know for sure.


Shay is booked for surgery on the 9th for some teeth removal due to his immune disorder.


Lots of money leaving this house in 2 weeks.

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R will be going to and staying in Alert rather than Thulie. They need a crewmember in Alert. Ha ha at least he'll spend way less money. There ain't squat to buy in Alert. Although they say you need about four livers to survive in Alert. Mind you he doesn't drink. And because he will still be in Canada we can still talk and face time.

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As I was taking little R out to his Yu-Gi-Oh game the nice neighbor on the other side stopped to talk to me. He said Friday he had knocked on the door to invite us to his big barbecue that he had Friday night. I said oh I'm sorry but R was on shift I was at work and then we went to the surf and turf. I said though within the month we will be having our last big barbecue of the year and if they wanted to come. I said R was going to the Arctic so we would be having our last barbecue early. Then he said he was going on course for nine months. They have three children under five and the two oldest are disabled. I said we would be getting a snowblower and we would do their driveway as well this winter. He looked really relieved that somebody would help this family out while he was gone. I told him to tell his wife to come on over and get my cell number that way she could text me if she needed anything.

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I'm glad you have some nice neighbors! You can be a support to each other when your spouses are gone.


Glad you will still be able to be in touch with R while he is stationed elsewhere.


As far as the psych appointment- so glad you are getting that done. I just had to dig up my son's evaluation papers so he can get his meds from the university. They were from second grade! I have so much more experience and wisdom since then!


It was interesting to see the reports and to see how things played out these past 12 years...

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I'm glad you have some nice neighbors! You can be a support to each other when your spouses are gone.


Glad you will still be able to be in touch with R while he is stationed elsewhere.


As far as the psych appointment- so glad you are getting that done. I just had to dig up my son's evaluation papers so he can get his meds from the university. They were from second grade! I have so much more experience and wisdom since then!


It was interesting to see the reports and to see how things played out these past 12 years...

That is the thing they would have to re do another assessment anyway because his last one is 2005 and college would not accept it. But I am anxious for a final diagnosis for my son. It was kind of ambiguous last time and you can not get services based on ambiguous. SIGH. I took all medications away from my son when he was 12 because in one way or another they made him worse off. I know they work for many people though. My son and I have some really odd brain chemistry. What works so well so many makes us right bat crazy. But I want a sure diagnosis for my son no matter what it is so we can plan his future.


Yeah, the women around here have to stick together. I joined an online FB page for military wives. It will be helpful I think.


Is your son able to get his medication based on an old assessment? I believe it really helps him, yes?

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Well, he tried to get it through the health center at uni but they wouldn't do it without all of his records. So we had some sent from the pediatrician's and he tried to have some sent from the psychiatrist, who he hasn't seen for three years. One month later the psych had not sent them so when my son called, they said the psychiatrist was planning on writing something up and hadn't gotten to it.


Then it turns out that they only have one psychiatrist for the whole university! So they recommended he find his own doc. The pediatrician is done with him since he is over eighteen. So I called the psychiatrist to let him know the situation. He wrote a temporary prescription and is willing to add him back as a patient and see him every three months. I think that is doable, although it will take effort on my son's part to get himself to that office.


It will work out. Medication seems to help my son- he has tried going without so many times but his grades tanked last year and he has lost his scholarship temporarily. And the final straw was that when he lost his last job one of his coworkers told someone that he was too spacey and didn't do a great job. His boss liked him, but coworkers didn't. Good feedback for my son. So he is taking a bit of meds for his job too.


My mom used to react way differently when they gave her meds- I think she is wired differently. A few times she went in for surgery and they tried to give her something to knock her out but it had the opposite effect!

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If the medication works for your son that's awesome! Whatever you have to do to get where you want to go is what I always say. If it helps him have a great life then that's what he has to do. It's great that the psychiatrist is willing to take him back on as a patient.


In some ways I think my son and I have inherited my father's brain chemistry. Not in that he is bipolar because we are not but just strange reactions to medications.

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Ha ha oh my god this is just so not purple. I misread the box it is a shocking red. It looked "purpley" on the chick on the box. I used to be able to rock red but will have to see this might be too shocking. Lol. It will either look good or I'm going to look like Bozo the clown. Tomorrow we have to go get the school schedule and pay fees this outta be cute. My kid is going to run away and deny he knows me. Lol

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