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Life in the Driver's Seat


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Your poor mom- it's not like she didn't already have enough on her shoulders with your foster sister...


You wouldn't believe the horrible things she said to my mother. She took my brother's kids away while on his week. She was banging on my mother's door screaming and yelling at her. And she called later to scream out my brother and wanted to talk to my mom so my mom talked to her and she was horribly disgusting to my mother. She also told my mother that she would never see her grandchildren again. And that my mother was a horrible mother, a horrible grandmother ,horrible cook and everything about her was horrible. I am just so angry it's unbelievable.

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Your ex SIL sounds scarey Vic. I don't blame you for being angry and upset.


Oh yeah she's flipping crazy. I can't wait for them to be officially divorced. My brother is dragging his heels on that because they have a lot of assets to split up and he knows he's going to get screwed. And she has vowed to fight him to the last dime. And she doesn't really care because she expects her multimillionaire father to bail her out.

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Not as far as I know Silver but you can aquire allergies at any time I guess. I've been using hydrocortisone cream to take away the last of the itching but it's kind of gross to put your hair.


I have to be at school at 7:30 tomorrow morning to start getting ready for Bible camp. The whole back of my van is loaded up with stuff for camp.


I just saw great news story. There is this elderly couple I believe in Kansas City who require donated wedding dresses. So the husband who is 81 goes around to garage sales and asks for people to donate wedding dresses. He takes them home to his wife who takes them apart and sews little burial gowns for babies who have been miscarried or stillborn. What wonderful people and what a very worthy cause for a wedding dress. I might look into their story and see if I would be able to send my own wedding dress for that purpose.

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I just saw great news story. There is this elderly couple I believe in Kansas City who require donated wedding dresses. So the husband who is 81 goes around to garage sales and asks for people to donate wedding dresses. He takes them home to his wife who takes them apart and sews little burial gowns for babies who have been miscarried or stillborn. What wonderful people and what a very worthy cause for a wedding dress. I might look into their story and see if I would be able to send my own wedding dress for that purpose.


That's lovely Vic.

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Today my brother meets with the hag. He had some paperwork for her to sign where he was giving her extended benefits. Anyhow ,you know how they have those little family stickers to go on the back of cars? Well ,she cuts the dad figure out of it and hands it to him in front of their children and says we don't need this anymore. Wth??!!!! IN FRONT OF HER KIDS! As my brother is getting her extended health benefits before he divorces her. My mom said my poor brother just got in his car and started to cry. And then he heard his favourite comedian committed suicide.

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I co-chaired ours last year and for two years before that. I told them I didn't have time or energy this year so instead of finding someone else to do it they cancelled it all together! So miffed. Hope the rest of the week goes well for yours.


That is awesome that you cochaired yours!!! I am just running the kitchen this year. But next year I might cochair Bible camp because the lady who has chaired it for 11 years is not doing it anymore.

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