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Life in the Driver's Seat


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What was it Vic?


In those tests, amongst others suggested for me was always Inspector.


It says I should be a therapist. But there is no way. That would bury me. I feel far too much for the plight of others. I could never take it. I would go home sobbing on a daily basis. I know my life is meant to serve others but I could never do it that way. Almost everything I have ever chosen to do has been in someway to serve other people. Mostly I have worked with children and old people. I am meant to serve society but not in a way that will break me.


I have always felt though I would make an excellent FBI or CIA agent. I am perceptive enough but the horror of it might just put me off.

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Oh that makes sense! It makes sense why it would be suggested for you, and it makes sense why you might not want to go into that line of work.


Yeah, I feel the same way about working as an inspector. I think I would do very well in that line of work, BUT, it would probably drive me mad. The bureaucracy! The politicking! I fear what it would do to my personality.

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Oh that makes sense! It makes sense why it would be suggested for you, and it makes sense why you might not want to go into that line of work.


Yeah, I feel the same way about working as an inspector. I think I would do very well in that line of work, BUT, it would probably drive me mad. The bureaucracy! The politicking! I fear what it would do to my personality.

That is it exactly!! What it could do to a personality!

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If little R gets a job that is just going to add a whole new monkeywrench in a busy schedule. But he has to grow up and get his own money and learn how to fend for himself. He's starting to feel the stress of return to school time though we had a few little meltdowns today.


One of the other volunteers I was working with today she says, "you should get a volunteer of the year award, you never leave here. Whenever I come here you're here in some capacity." It feels good and in a way it's crazy. Even my husband and son say you're always running around doing something for somebody that you get nothing for.

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Ha ha oh my god this is just so not purple. I misread the box it is a shocking red. It looked "purpley" on the chick on the box. I used to be able to rock red but will have to see this might be too shocking. Lol. It will either look good or I'm going to look like Bozo the clown. Tomorrow we have to go get the school schedule and pay fees this outta be cute. My kid is going to run away and deny he knows me. Lol


Too funny! Lol!!!

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Tomorrow my neice has her operation. She is my stepsister's eldest daughter. She has to have her outer portion of her ear her ear canal and part of her skull replaced. She has some condition where her ear ,ear canal and adjoining structures just dirt to disintegrate. She also had a stroke at about 19 months which has left her with garbled speech and very learning disabled. She can't read and she can't write and she's 14.

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What will be his limitations?


What are his strong points?


What are his interests and abilities?


Can you see him working in a particular field?


His limitations: Well , I only partially know those. His learning disability is labeled as communication disability. And what that means for him is he cannot get what is in his head onto a paper very easily. He does write but at an incredibly slow speed. He writes at 10 words a minute. And it is printing. He has joint instability and extremely low muscle tone in his hands. So writing for him is extremely laborous. He has a computer for every day work but he prefers not to use it he wants to learn on his own how to keep up. He has scribes for exams.


He also has a hearing processing disorder so he slower to process things. It takes time for him to actually decifer in his head what you actually said and then respond.


Then Asperger's well, a lot of social situations are just a complete flummox for him. Even filling out the job application he was getting extremely stubborn because he wants it to fit in his strict regimen of how he wants things to work. And I had to explain about 1050 odd times how it can't work this way. And if things don't fit into his pre-written script in his head that's when we have meltdown heaven. And many people don't understand that he's not having a tantrum because he's a jerk or spoiled or whatever reason they've made up and are completely ignorant of the disorder. He's having a tantrum because he's overwhelmed and he doesn't understand the way society works. When we watch social things on TV he's constantly asking me questions about why people would do things that way or if he has interpreted the situation correctly. So I am his liaison with the world. And I have to pull away from that for his own good because he won't always have me. And it scares the crap out of me to imagine what the world is going to do to him and I can't stop it.


And ADHD, well you know that story well.


His strong points? He is very smart. He is hilariously funny. He is kind and gentle. He is persistent as all hell. He has a very avid interest in learning.


His interests? Well, he loves science. He is creative and he wants to create story lines for games.


Eventually he wants to work for Nintendo doing story line.


And every teacher he has ever had has said he's an amazing amazing kid who can achieve amazing things with the number of disabilities he has and they're constantly amazed with what he knows and what he can do.

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Wow- my son has similar issues! Getting the words down on paper was excruciating. Especially because he is a perfectionist and wouldn't write unless it was perfect...


However, I saw some of his writing from university and it turns out he is a beautiful writer. So there is hope! It is still very hard for him to get the words out, but he can do it-


Focus on the strong points for your son- he has so much going for him. There are careers that don't require as much writing and communication. I suspect my son will end up in engineering or the tech sector. This week, his majors are: math and computer sciences.


Don't forget that your son still has some years of maturing ahead of him.

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I just wish people understood a slice of my life sometimes. SIGH. But it is a part of my life I don't talk about. To me now it just IS my life. Keep in mind this is every day from sun up until sun down. I try and explain to my son endlessly the way the world works and why sometimes it does not fit into the way HIS world works. And I explain the same situations over and over and over and over and over about the same things over and over and over ABOUT THE. SAME. SOCIAL. SITUATIONS. every. day. It is exhausting And I have to do it without frustration and irritation because it is not his fault his brain works the way it does. Some days I do get irritated and even angry. I am only human . Now I find I even repeat myself with other adults in hopes they understand. And I don't need to do that. ;/ SIGH.


Imagine taking someone from another planet and explaining Earth society to them. You get the picture. ASD kids do not learn about society in the way we do. They do not mimic and they do not just automatically learn the way society works like we do. You have to constantly and repeatedly explain situations even the same ones endlessly.


But yes he is maturing and matures more every year. He has hit the about 14 level socially now.

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