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Life in the Driver's Seat


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Somebody brought up in a thread just now if you would beat up or kill somebody who molested your child. My mother was faced with that dilemma. After I had been molested and things were in court my mother brought her car to a stop at a red light in an intersection and walking accross the crosswalk was my uncle. She very badly wanted to run him over. However she realized that she would have gone to jail and I would've been left with no mother. I would've had no mother for love help and support and guidance. What would've been the use in that? So I am glad she chose to remain with me.

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Yeah I wanted to respond to that question before the thread closed. I feel the same way. If you beat up a molester, the molester "wins". They essentially ruin your life too. Your mom needed to be there for you, not locked up in a jail cell, and I'm glad she made the choice not to mow him over like the piece of crap he is. You deserve to have a mother.

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Yeah I wanted to respond to that question before the thread closed. I feel the same way. If you beat up a molester, the molester "wins". They essentially ruin your life too. Your mom needed to be there for you, not locked up in a jail cell, and I'm glad she made the choice not to mow him over like the piece of crap he is. You deserve to have a mother.


Exactly ,I was still going to have the same damage whether he was dead or not. And you're right I deserve a mother and I'm glad she had the common sense to realize that too. Can you imagine if I'd been left alone with my father?? How tragic would that have been? She thought of that too that I would've been stuck with my father. I can tell you if that had happened I would've killed myself absolutely 100% for sure. If my mother had gone to jail at that point in my life I would have committed suicide. Because I would've had no help ,no love ,no nothing. So killing the perpetrator only creates more damage. Vigilantism just never works.

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My father on the other hand had a more insane response. He chased his brother out of the house and down the street with an axe . Lucky I was not there to see it. My father had sent me and my brother to a trusted friend of my mother's. She was a very lovely lady and her family was just the happiest family I had seen. She was also a really good nurse. And my father felt we would be safe there. Then he called my mother and had her flying out from Ontario to BC.

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Today I had a really nice time out with my son for lunch. I found out I can get his vaccinations done at the health department which is right next-door to his high school. He said that he also wanted the Hep B shot. I told him well he was 16 and he could decide that as it was his own body. He was telling me how they had learned about vaccinations in health class. I guess this came up because we saw show last night about unusual deaths. And on there they had the last person to die of smallpox in 1978. And the woman was a medical photographer working in a research lab. And that is how she contracted the smallpox. I guess apparently she had never gotten the vaccination as a child. And in 1980 smallpox was designated as eradicated. I told him that when I was a child we still received smallpox vaccinations. And that his dad had a scar but I did not. Not really sure how that works because neither my brother nor I have a scar from smallpox vaccination. My mother doesn't have a scar either. However my dad ,my husband and my sister-in-law all have a scar.

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I have always wanted to go back to the town where I was happy as a kid. I have not seen it since I was 18 years old. I just really really want to go there with my mom and my son. It would be so precious to me. I just called my mom and she said she would love to go there too. I would love to see the prairies again I was so happy there.

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Well today is my counseling appointment so my last one was a month ago. I found that to be extremely long in between appointments. I have really suffered from a lot of anxiety this month. And really she can't help me with the source of the anxiety. The source of the anxiety is the big a hole lump next door. And there is zero she can do about that.


I've been thinking to that probably we have reached the limit of what she can do for me right now. I don't know if the next step is a psychiatrist but either way I can't pay for that.


But at the same time maybe I should keep going to my counselor because I'm reaching the point where I can't think clearly again. This conflict is driving me right over the deep end.


Two days ago my son wanted to go visit his friend. But a hole, his wife and about five of their friends were standing in talking in the driveway. Including all their kids running around in my driveway. My son went out to go to his friend's house noticed all the commotion and turn around and ran back in the house. I told him I would walk him to the end of the driveway or even take him to his friend's house and he absolutely refused.

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I think I'm going to make another afghan for the church bazaar this year. I was thinking of a nice Catherine's wheel in fall colours.


And I have a few things to do for some other people. But my neck has been just so sore lately. I have a heated neck wrap that I usually put on it though. It is one of those ones that you can heat in the microwave or even freeze in the freezer. And it has all these medicinal herbs in it. Unfortunately though it includes lavender. Lavender makes me itch and I hate the smell.

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My mom and I created way for my sister to act better. Well ,not really created we talked about it over the phone. I told my mom that she had to create rewards to create a different chemical pathway in her brain. And make her goals really short. Basically my sister can act well for a week. So I told my mom to reward her at the end of each week that she acted really good. And the reward that she get has to mean something to my sister. So like a new book that she wants or CD or something like that. And if she acts really good for another week then she gets another treat. I just sent my sister a text telling her that I heard she was acting really really good and told her to keep it up and I was proud.

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Yesterday my counselor talk to me about joining her wellness group. So I think I will be doing that.




Yesterday when I came home from my counseling session the neighbour's " besties" had an MP over at their house. I saw the neighbour's wife talking to them and then the MP let the kids play with his squad car. The kids were turning on the sirens ,screaming out of the megaphone. So my husband said that would be something he would be reporting. Because it's not something that they should be doing on worktime. And they are supposed to appear impartial and be professional. And you don't just pull over your squad car and let kids play with it if they aren't your friends and that's not impartial or professional.

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We were coming home from dinner and the neighbour's dog was in the yard. As we got out of the car the dog started growling viciously at us and charging the fence. He actually got himself halfway under the fence and if it hadn't been for the neighbour's wife hauling him back into the house he would've made it all the way under and into our yard and would have attacked. That makes me very worried because I have been attacked by a dog before. I don't want the dog to attack me or my son.

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What kind of fencing is there- can you fortify it on the bottom?


I actually can't touch it Lum, it is their fence. The dog had his head and shoulders shoved all the way under the fence and he has broken the links. It is a metal linked fence. If she was not there to grab him he would have made it under. The kids encourage it to be aggressive. If it attacks my son all bets are off. I will have them charged and I will sue them.

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I know it is not your house, but it might be worth it to put up a new fence on your side - because what good is suing and money when your son or you are mauled and traumatized for life.


Putting up a wood fence or one with slats would give you more privacy too.


We might have to do that. It might be close to a thousand dollars to do it.

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On Monday R is going to CFHA and tell them that the neighbours have to fix the fence because the dog can escape. There are many people in the area with small kids. The people on the other side of me have three very small children. As well as the people accross from me. The people on the other side of me 2 of their small kids are special needs kids. The daughter has cerebral palsy and their son has autism. And the other daughter is only six months old. And all the time the idiots have been bating this dog to be more aggressive which he wasn't when he got here.

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