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Who will wish me a happy birthday?

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Tomorrow is going to be my birthday. Who is going to call me to wish me a happy birthday? Will my friends (guy friends, girl friends), online friends, friends from real life, and ex-boyfriends call to wish me a happy birthday? Which one of those (guy friends, girl friends, and ex-boyfriends) will call to wish me a happy birthday?

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Happy Birthday. Take the time to treat yourself and be happy, don't worry about who will remember and contact you. Let it be a treat if they do. My day is coming up in a few weeks and like 98 percent of ENA I'm secretly wishing for a surprise contact even though it'll screw me up.


Happy Birthday, tell us about when you can!

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Thank you for wishing me a happy birthday. I feel quite lonely and insignificant and that is why I am worried that nobody is going to acknowledge and wish me a happy birthday. I really wanted to spend this year's birthday with my boyfriend and one of my bestest friends, but plans have changed. My boyfriend (now ex-boyfriend) broke up with me a week before my birthday and I am spending my birthday with someone else. I really hope that he will call to wish me a happy birthday, but I don't want to get disappointed, sad and down if he does not do so at the end of the day.

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without sounding fierce, you don't NEED happy birthday wishes from an ex to make it a happy day. It's you that makes you happy. Spoil yourself and celebrate regardless of who does or doesn't call. It might only be 1,2,5 or 10 people. These are the people that really matter.



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Hi In_the_dark,


Since my boyfriend broke up with me so close to my birthday this year, I really do hope that more people will wish me a happy birthday this year than before. I was really looking forward to celebrating my birthday with my boyfriend and spending my birthday with my boyfriend this year and it was really devastating for me after hearing that my boyfriend is breaking up with me a week before my birthday. I am feeling particularly lonely and depressed at a time like this and I do not know how long it will take for me to get over this break up with my boyfriend. It's like I have not even been able to completely let go of my past yet and now I don't know....it's just too much. I will try my best not to care if some people wishes me a happy birthday while some others don't. I am usually spoiled and gets what I want, but I know that it isn't always possible to get what I want.




Who will?

If they do they do, if they don'

t they don't.

Just wait for the presents......J/K



image removed

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Hi fwdthinker,


I agree with you. It is true that my best birthday present would be having someone who will be able to appreciate everything that I say and do, someone who will not create even more drama in my life, someone who will be able to put me as their priority, someone who will be able to work together with me as a couple, someone who is truly in love with me, someone who will be patient with me as I do my best to become the best that I could be, there's so much more where that comes from. I think I will always have the longing to have a boyfriend, and yet I know that I will not find Mr. Right until the right time and place, that right time and place just isn't right here and it just isnt right now. I know that until I make the necessary changes and improvements that I need to make, Mr. Right is not going to appear. All I can do is "live on a daily basis"; "focus on the present"; "let go of the past, live in the present moment, and strain forward into the future".




Your best birthday present will be the gift of a future without painful drama from someone who did not fully appreciate you.


I understand the longing, though. Why are we built this way?


I hope your day brings you peaceful joy.


Happy Birthday

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Yeah things like that happen notgivingup.

rig back the memory of when my ex broke up with me while trying to rekindle a relationship with my Father.

She told me I should forgive and I am not the forgving type....but I was gong to give it a real try even if the outcome was not going to be one of peace.

Before any actions took place, she decided to break up with me for reasons and actions I can not forgive.


Learn not to rely on others for something such as birthday congrats.

People forget.

My Father used to never wish me happy birthday, until I made the effort to take a step forward and say I am here.

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Hi In the dark,


Even though my ex boyfriend has hurt me, I have learn a few things here and there. I depended on my boyfriend at the time for my happiness; I saw him as my only source of happiness. I wanted to be on the phone with him ALL the time, I wanted to be with him ALL the time. A month of that made him feel like I did not respect his time, space and solitude; I was suffocating him. I had trouble trusting him and his love for me, I also kept testing him and his love for me, there were a lot of things that ruined the relationship that we had. I was not happy with things that he had said or done/things that does not say or do, and he felt the same way with me. One of the biggest mistakes that I have made is rely too much on my boyfriend, once I do have one, my boyfriend is the only source of support that I would turn to. There are a lot of changes that I need to make and a lot of improvements that I need to make.




Yeah things like that happen notgivingup.

rig back the memory of when my ex broke up with me while trying to rekindle a relationship with my Father.

She told me I should forgive and I am not the forgving type....but I was gong to give it a real try even if the outcome was not going to be one of peace.

Before any actions took place, she decided to break up with me for reasons and actions I can not forgive.


Learn not to rely on others for something such as birthday congrats.

People forget.

My Father used to never wish me happy birthday, until I made the effort to take a step forward and say I am here.

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Thank you for your happy birthday wishes. It really helps. My ex has yet to text me or to call me and wish me a happy birthday. A lot of my friends have texted me wishing me a happy birthday, or just giving me a call to wish me a happy birthday, or wishing me a happy birthday through aim, or posted have a happy birthday on facebook and it really brightened up my day. Whether my ex wishes me a happy birthday doesn't even matter now. I spent today with one of my ex boyfriends; he wants another chance to be with me, it was weird holding his hand, it was weird having him hold me tight, but I like it. I know that I am a beautiful young lady that a dozen or so young men would fight over; I just have to change and improve myself, to be the best that I can be.



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