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Who will wish me a happy birthday?

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I spent today with one of my ex boyfriends; he wants another chance to be with me, it was weird holding his hand, it was weird having him hold me tight, but I like it. I know that I am a beautiful young lady that a dozen or so young men would fight over; I just have to change and improve myself, to be the best that I can be.


If you've been single for 6 or 7 months as your posts indicate and you feel you're ready to start dating, good for you. But I'll be brutally honest now - remember that your ex's are ex's for a reason. It's better not to open old wounds, and if what you say is true about there being plenty of men who'd be willing then try your luck at something and someone new.


Best wishes, glad you enjoyed your bday

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Hi d24,


No I have not been single for the past 6 or 7 months, I am fresh out of a relationship. My most recent boyfriend did not bother to wish me a happy birthday, I did not expect him to, and because I did not expect him to, I wasn't all that disappointed when he didn't. And yes, I do understand that ex's are ex's for a reason and that it is better not to open up old wounds, which is how I plan to keep things. I will try my luck at something new with someone new when the time is right. The time is not now though.




If you've been single for 6 or 7 months as your posts indicate and you feel you're ready to start dating, good for you. But I'll be brutally honest now - remember that your ex's are ex's for a reason. It's better not to open old wounds, and if what you say is true about there being plenty of men who'd be willing then try your luck at something and someone new.


Best wishes, glad you enjoyed your bday

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