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Merry Christmas to all of us healing...and to everyone else too!

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I cant wait. Nothing better for a fresh start than a whole new year! Im going to enjoy Christmas to the full, with my lovely family, had a wonderful xmas eve with my best friend tonight.


I am single. And I am happy for the most part. And I will be ok


Edit: Exactly Live-N-Learn, we've learnt valuable lessons in 2010 that will make out 2011's even better.

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Thanks Sapphire! After doing well healing I've unfortunately been feeling really alone the past few days, but that message made me smile just knowing I'm not really alone in the grand scheme of things. It just sucks when everybody around me is happy and excited and I know I'm "supposed" to too, but I just feel so... bleurgh


Today was especially miserable for me, but hopefully tomorrow (xmas day) will be a bit better. 2010 as a whole has just been a huge waste of time for me, so many regrets; but as you say I'll probably look back in the future and consider it a really painful but important lesson. I've got big plans for 2011, hopefully things go well.


Anyway, Merry Xmas to all of you, and hopefully next year will be great things!

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Im going to enjoy Christmas if it kills me! Lol! I am absoloutley determined to have a fab day, and not think about the ex. And just try and look forward to the future. I've made some AWFUL mistakes this year in relationships/dating/trusting people etc. But I wont remake them in 2011 thats for sure.


Fresh start, new leaf. Im just gonna be glad for that.


Your not alone

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After doing well healing I've unfortunately been feeling really alone the past few days, but that message made me smile just knowing I'm not really alone in the grand scheme of things. It just sucks when everybody around me is happy and excited and I know I'm "supposed" to too, but I just feel so... bleurgh

I understand what you mean. I've been feeling this way. My coworkers' happiness/holiday spirit was getting to me. You are not alone!


Merry Christmas everyone! Few more days to go, and a whole different/new year is waiting for us!

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I can't wait. I think im more excited about new years lol.


Me, too.

At first I was sad that the breakup happened before all the holidays. I thought that it would have been so much easier if it happened in the middle of the year..But, I think it might be easier to go through with it when everything around you is dying along with my relationship with my ex.

Although a calendar year is just that--the artificial point people created, I am glad that the end is ending and I can start a "new" year.


This past year was very dramatic: Started to talk to my mom again, graduated, got engaged, had a big disagreement with my mom and stop talking to her again, and got dumped.

Now, I am visiting my mom to reconcile, so that I can close this chapter of my life, and then start a new life next year. =)

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Im glad mine happened close to the holidays, all my friends and family are around, back from uni etc. So I can catch up with people I havent seen in years, reknew old friendships and make new ones. I feel a lot better for it.


My year was much teh same, met someone, got engaged, moved in, broke up, had to start again lol.

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2010 was a learning year. Though very painful, in many ways it has made me a better person. Looking do forward to 2011 and apply all that I have learned. I can promise you i will never allow myself to go through this again with anyone!


Me neither. This was the worst year ever and I will never allow another man to do this to me again. I'm changing many things, including never a guy getting this close again, not being obessesd with dating, and if it happens not dating just one person. The hurt was extremely painful and I can't bear it. I was fine being single and perhaps that's what is intended for me. Of course there is always the possibility I'll meet a great guy who wants to be with me, but I'm done looking for him right now. I'm fine with all of this and in a few months I am joining a singles group and maybe there will be a guy there (or someone will know a great guy).

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Today is definitely harder than I had anticipated. I was in good spirits all day yesterday and last night, but the minute I woke up this morning, I immediately felt down in the dumps, as if a part of me were missing. And I know I can't let this affect the holidays, and I'm looking forward to spending time with my family, but it's hard not being able to share this with the one person that I really love(d). But I'll make it.


Hope everyone else is staying strong!

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Today is definitely harder than I had anticipated. I was in good spirits all day yesterday and last night, but the minute I woke up this morning, I immediately felt down in the dumps, as if a part of me were missing. And I know I can't let this affect the holidays, and I'm looking forward to spending time with my family, but it's hard not being able to share this with the one person that I really love(d). But I'll make it.


I know right? I went to bed feeling fine, and woke up immediately miserable. This post spoke out to me this morning, I feel like this completely. You are so not alone there. And I'll try to not let it get me down in the holidays either.

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