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I slept in when I shouldn't have. I have tons to do today. "Day off." Alex's gift I ordered online STILL hasn't arrived. I emailed the seller asking for a tracking ##. I'll be so sad if all he has to open on X-mas morning is a housecoat. He deserves something fun! I feel melancholy this morning, but I have two parties tonight so I need to chipper up. House needs to be cleaned, various things need to be delivered, x-mas cards sent, reading for class to do, things returned, etc...


My throat hurts today. I get tonsil stones and on top of that, I've had this really thick mucous in the back of my throat, so I feel like an entire side of my throat is swollen and closed. It woke me up during the night , and I tried my best to flush things out, but it didn't quite work.


I fell into a deep sleep after Alex left for work and slept till 10, when Jehovah witnesses came knocking (loudly) at the door. I told him I'd been sleeping, he asked me some question about the dead, and I told him that I couldn't do this right now, that I was going back to bed. This is the first Christmas without a card or a visit with my grandma, and I just don't want to go there right now. Especially not half-asleep. I think Moe enjoyed my crack about Jehovah's assholes, because he seemed to meow in agreement. He was comfy in bed too. Well, time to go clean and shower and run around town!

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I got EVERYTHING on my list done! What a day. Then I got home to a sick Alex who asked me not to go out tonight, because he wants me here. He's done it for me, and now I wish he hadn't because he's in bed, and I'm home bored while my friends are out having fun! This really sucks because I can't do anything for him, and I'm crabby that I'm missing my staff party and another party I was going to later tonight with my writer friends. To console myself I bought a couple of perfumes. I've been wanting nice perfume since I was a teen. I went to get him gravol and decided that since I have been working so hard and my favourite perfume was on sale ($20 from $65) I'd get it. Then I couldn't decide which one to get, so I got Guess and Ralph Lauren. The Guess one is full-sized and Ralph is the half size. Sooo over $100 worth of perfume for $40. Okay! That's my christmas gift to me. Perfume was the one thing I really wanted, so I'm good.

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I'm supposed to be working there... but yeah I dunno. I'll call them today and see if I can get Sunday switched around. I stayed in bed until 11 this morning. Soooo relaxed. After I let Moe in, he came to snuggle with me too. Java is chilling on the loveseat and Moe is looking out the window. I'm not sure if he licks the condensation off the windows because he's thirsty, or so he can see outside. Again, he's either really smart or really dumb. My paycheque sucked today. I'm so disappointed. Taxes are bad! I feel like I worked my butt off for nothing. Lately I've been thinking about taking some vocational training, to be a secretary or something like that. I feel like there is no real light at the end of the tunnel when it comes to school... just more school and more delaying the start of what I want my life to be. I guess I'm just having some doubts about how important a career really is, because it seems to me that life is about so much more than just work.

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I remember what I was going to write on here last night. So I have this rival, only she doesn't know we're rivals. She's beautiful, smart, and my journalism prof treats her as his little pet. Yeah, I'm jealous of her. She also works in the mall, and we ran into each other yesterday. She told me all about how she is moving away, and it made me soo happy because while I like her, I also really don't like her. I make nice, but I really get envious of her. I worked my butt off for 3 months at the local paper, she interned for a few weeks, and has ended up freelancing for them. This morning I was reading the paper and found that she has a column now! It's a silly little entertainment thing, but STILL. Why does SHE get a column? This is the ambitious side of me that I don't like.

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Good for us!! I did ten minutes on the elliptical at a good clip as a warm-up, then the fitness class (abs, butt, thighs) for 1 hour. I'm gonna sleep like a baby tonight because I've been tired and out of it all day. We went to Alex's boss' Christmas party at his house this afternoon. It was really nice to finally meet him and his wife and all the others who are involved indirectly with the company. After that I went to work for a three hour shift and it was really quiet in our store, considering it's one of the last shopping days before Christmas. It was quiet enough for me to do my vacuming while the store was still open, so I didn't have to stay until close. When I got home, Alex and I watched Anastasia. It's like he read my mind in that I needed to watch a Disney movie, because I suggested that we watch a movie and he went right to the Disney/cartoons, as opposed to his usual selection of action or sci-fi. I just freaking love him. So much.

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I went to bed at 11 last night, and slept like a rock until 5 am when the tv/an upset stomach woke me up. I think I fell back asleep around 6 a.m., but wound up sleeping in until exactly 10 a.m. I hurried to the gym, but when I got there, everyone was already way into their circuits and the door was locked, so I decided to go back home. I did level 2 of the 3o day shred.. kind of poorly, but I was sweating and tired, so I know I tried! Abs are sore today.

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I looove Disney movies..


There was a time when I was addicted to the gym - and even though I was in pain practically all the time and especially when I woke up in the mornings - it was the kind of pain I loved.. because it reminded me of how much I'd achieved at the gym

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I go through phases. I'm trying to teach myself to be reasonable, because it's either all or nothing with me. I need to get to a happy in-between place.


So, I don't care if this makes me a horrible person, but Alex's brother is over (called while on the ferry, no real advance warning) and I already want him to leave. He's a little punk. He never shows me any respect and has never tried to get to know me. The most I get out of him is a hi, how are you. He's a fan of blasting the tv and leaving his * * * * everywhere and I'm just not in the mood. I told the two of them when I got home from work that I had a headache, and asked them to turn the tv down, they did for about 5 minutes and now it's back up. I'm in the bedroom and it's just booming, and my head is pounding. Alex always acts differently when his brother is around, not intimate at all. So ya know what? I'm done. I'm working every single day, I don't want to shop or bake or sew anymore. I want to come home, relax, and enjoy the little time off that I get between semesters/work. Alex can take care of the men's gifts. I am not sewing any more pants.

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The boy decided to stay at a friends place in a town about a half hour away from here. We talked a little bit, but I don't know if he'll ever really warm up to me. As soon as he left, Alex got all schmoopy again. He made his specialty for dinner: enchilada casserole. Om nom! Moe won't leave my side today. Everytime I lean over or move, it turns out that he's been snuggled in beside me the whole time.

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I popped an extra strength ibuprofen, we all had dinner and then the brother took off. He was supposed to meet Alex here today so they can go and pick up their mom from the airport (a good 2 hour+ drive away) but he just called and left a message saying that he'd be back tomorrow morning instead. I relayed the message to Alex and I could tell he was disappointed. If being in the army hasn't got this kids head out of his butt, I don't know what will. Oh well!


I have decided that I am going to enjoy the little holiday I have before school starts up again (I have Dec 24 and 25th off.) I started sewing another pair of pants and screwed up, then the machine screwed up, and then a needle broke. Meanwhile Alex was all "pay attention" to me, and I was resisting, determined to get these stupid pants done. By the time he came back home from running an errand I had said screw it, put everything away, and I told him that I was sorry, but I was not going to sew any more pants. I said that I am not going to spend what little time off I have stressing out about christmas presents, and that he could take care of the men's gifts. He was fine with that, and I thanked him for being so understanding, because thinking I could get it all done was kind of a costly mistake. He just wants me to be happy, as per usual. So we had some snuggles and quiet time, where I did not think about things that "need" to get done. I just relaxed, and now I am sipping on some coffee.


He's going to hit the mall tomorrow (hopefully with his brother) and do his shopping. I asked him if he needed any ideas about what to get me, and he said well I know you really well, I know what you like, but is there something in particular. I told him about how I have been resisting the urge to buy a small silver chain bracelet and this silver "love" ring for months now, and that's all I had really hoped for. Other than that, we have each other, our wonderful little house, two lovely cats and a beautiful christmas tree. I'm happy.


I'm probably the happiest right now that I've ever been in my life, but I know it's not the kind of happy where I am going to come crashing down in a few days. It's full-on contentment. I'm working as much as I can to help us make ends meet and I feel like that is my purpose right now. I feel like I am contributing, if only a bit, which really helps up the happiness factor. I still have three hours before I need to go to work, and then after work some friends and I are going to a pub to celebrate a birthday

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Today I worked at my seasonal job from 12-4, came home and had dinner (Alex's Mom went grocery shopping and made dinner) so I was able to come home, relax for about an hour, and then head off to my regular job, where I worked from 7-10:30. After a night of very poor sleep, I was feeling sick this morning, but able to power through the day. I feel okay now, but my feet hurt! I'm so so so grateful to mom in law for footing the bill for christmas dinner/meals while they're here. She's asked me to make a list of things we need so she can make another trip. It's nice to have a mom figure take care of you for a change of pace. I haven't had that since I was 17. Tomorrow I don't work until 7:30 p.m., so I am going to stay home all day and vegetate.

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I have a perma-headache and a case of "I think I hate my boyfriend's brother" The kid is rude to everyone, self-absorbed, and I am so glad he's leaving tomorrow morning. I hate to feel that way, especially on Christmas, but I want him gone. Out. Other than that, this week has been very nice. I went shopping with Alex's Mom yesterday and it turned into "pick out what you want", so I got very spoiled. I went practical, but I'm pleased with what I chose. His Mom is just so happy to have a good career finally and to have the means to help family out and spoil us. We went on a hunt for wine glasses, a toaster, and we were going to do shoes, but I found a bedding set. We finally have a queen sized comforter for our bed and matching shams/bedskirt. The whole room looks much better! His Mom and I have been having a great time together. I'll miss her when she leaves on boxing day. Her fiance has warmed up to us as well. One morning I woke up at 5 am and gave up trying to sleep at 7. He and I just sat around drinking coffee, eating my mom's fruit bread and reading while waiting for the others to wake up. It was nice. It was Alex's brothers birthday "party" last night so we got him a great ice cream cake and had burgers and curly fries for dinner. Then I went to work at 8 pm till midnight, since we were moving the store around at the bath and body place. I finally got more than 4 hours of sleep, so that was cool. Today we all trooped to the mall, where I refused to let mother in law buy me shoes too. Alex's sister was and her bf arrived last night (just left) and she got some high heeled boots. Alex and I picked out a purse for his Mom, and then we all ran errands. Have been sitting around, half-assed making dinner for awhile. No big dinner this year, just turkey, potatoes, stuffing, corn, and maybe salad. We're going to church tonight, then opening presents. This family opens gifts at midnight-- it's something Alex has gotten me used to. I'm kind of hiding away in my bedroom right now. The tv is on some show about artillery and it was making me angry because it's CHRISTMAS. We don't need to watch shows about guns or gangs, which is Alex's brothers favourite topic. I have the whole day off tomorrow and we are going to sit around and eat leftovers/ watch movies most likely. I just want to rellllllax and not hear any more loud tv/guns

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mmm.. ice cream cake..


Ohhh Iwant a big x-mas dinner! I think when we have kids I'll definitely make a celebration out of x-mas eve. Might be a bit hypocritical to celebrate 'christmas' (seeing as we aren't religious) but I'm going to make up some reason to celebrate and do the whole thing anyway. I LOVED celebrating as a kid and I want my kids to have that experience too.. just love that big happy family feeling.. and the magic in the air and the yummy food etc...

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CS and I aren't religious either but we will most def. be celebrating Christmas. I'm on board for us getting up early on Christmas morning, he and the kids having tea while I have my coffee (I will NEVER be able to drink hot tea. Sorry. lol.), then CS passing the gifts out, then having a large Christmas dinner that I have worked my butt off making the night before, including ham and maybe some of my mom's home made fudge shipped over to us.

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Relaxing today. "mom" made eggs benedict for breakfast (which I'd never had-- delicious!!) and I made my christmas phone calls. My Dad's not doing well at all, which is bugging me, but all I can really do is hope that he realizes what he has right in front of him-- family, a home, working vehicles, pets who love him, grandkids, etc... Life hasn't gone according to plan, and my once-devoutly religious father has "lost his faith". Didn't even go to church on Christmas. That's so weird for him, and for my stepmom. I also talked to my sister, and my aunt from my Dad's side. We had a nice talk and she told me that something strange happened concerning my grandma who passed in June. My aunt had been at the gravesite a few days ago, and asked my Grandma to give her a sign that she was happy. A couple days later, she discovered this dusting of white powder on my uncle's bedside table. She describes it as looking just like snow, and after searching, has found nothing else in the house that resembles this powder, and it's not from the ceiling. She's sure that it's from Grandma, and it's her reassuring them that she is at peace. It's a really nice thought, and I choose to believe it as well. It makes sense that it's on my Uncle's side, because they were really close and he spent the most time with her. So, that was a really nice thing to hear on Christmas (or anytime, really) My younger brother is in town and is going to come over for leftover turkey. I was going to go to my mom's house, but she didn't sleep well and has to work today, so she's napping instead. I did see her a couple of days ago though, and we had a nice visit.

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