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Thank you indigo, nearly made me cry. I don't know where you dug that entry up from... maybe sometime in November when I was having a really hard time.


I'm so thankful that things are getting back to normal-- and thankful for this journal. I know I'm in a better place than many other people, and for that I am grateful, and I am happy that I am trying my best to create a good home and life for a future family. I really do have a wonderful partner in Alex, even if he came to bed at 6 am today and woke me up from a wonderful sleep Oh MAN was I grumpy. I didn't say anything though because he did try to be quiet about it. First day back to school today. Has been productive and tomorrow will be even more so. Class in the morning, work in the afternoon, deadline for the paper so I have to come back to campus on Weds evening, and then I have bootcamp at 7. Back to reality!

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All I see are pregnancy annoucnements on my facebook. Weddings don't bother me, I suppose because my own is right around the corner. I still have to deal with the jealousy over the pregnancy annoucements though. It's so silly but I understand that feeling Sherry. I have to remind myself I get to move to a brand new country, I get to immerse myself in a wonderful culture, and we get 6 months-a year after I find a job to spend time together before we start trying.

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OG- I'd say that since you're only 22 and you guys have only been together a short while, plus not being in the same country for most of the time, definitely spend at least a year together just being married. Just my opinion that 6 months is incredibly fast. You are so lucky, it's true. You get to start a whole new life in a new country! How exciting


Haha yup, pregnancy announcements and baby pictures! I told Alex about what I have been talking about on here, and he has the same opinion as sweetpea. He said no matter what, he wants to have biological children with me.

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Yeah, we both agreed that we wouldn't start trying (even though we really want to) until about 6 months-a year after I found a job so we could build a nest egg up. Sure CS could support us while I'm out on maternity leave but still. In the perfect world we would be starting as soon as I landed. Sadly, it ain't perfect. So that'll put me at about 24ish when we start, which isn't too bad. Still plenty of time to have 3 or 4 kids. CS will be a lot closer to 30 than he would like when we try, lol.

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Yeah, he's 26, he will be 27 this Oct. No, 30 isn't that old. What bothers both of us is me having children into my late 30's. I mean people do it and they have healthy children but lets face it, there ARE higher risks. And CS doesn't want to have any after he's 38, which will put me at 34. Which if we get pregnant quick like we want will still meet that time frame of 3-4 kids.

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Bleeeeh. I got sick of Alex's tossing and turning (more like jumping) in bed last night so I went upstairs and slept on the air mattress. Was warm and comfy, but woke up this morning (after maybe 4 hours of sleep) feeling like my back and neck are one giant kink. Can't seem to stretch it out... I think I'm shorter, if that's possible. Coffee, now! Then ibuprofen.

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FML. Just when bits of money (between paycheques) start coming in, I get called by the insurance agency. APPARENTLY, the strata insurance (we live in a duplex with no actual strata fees or rules.) wasn't paid in August when we moved in. Alex said it was paid. In November we got a renewal notice for the insurance and we both got confused as to which one it was for. We figured it was content insurance, so we went and paid that off for the year.


Yesterday the other insurance agency called and said that the strata (aka fire) insurance was due Dec 16 and if it's not paid by Jan 16, both halves of the duplex will be uninsured. Right now, if we had a fire, we'd be screwed. We'd lose everything and not be covered. Well, I've been asking and asking Alex to take care of this and he kept brushing it off, not bothering to check on it. Because my name's not on this insurance there's not a damn thing I can do about it.


He's just been so negligent lately, in total vacation mode. Sure I don't make much money, but I have school and technically 3 jobs, and I take care of this house. I think we're going to have one of those serious talks today when he gets home from work. I hate to rant in my journal about this, but I just needed to unload a bit. It freaks me out beyond anything knowing that if there was an accident, we'd lose everything, just because he never got around to taking care of it.

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Well house insurance is completely taken care of... we just have a nearly $800 credit card bill to pay off. FUN! I hope things get smoother as the year goes on, because yesterday I kept thinking that if I could go back in time and just keep the apartment, I would have. I feel like we cheated ourselves out of being financially "happy" for awhile, because Alex only just started in his career last spring and we moved in the summer. But, it was a good investment and I know that things will get better. At least being broke together brings you closer

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Hmmmm I think things will get smoother. Mortgage payment is on the 13th, then come bills, I get paid this Weds and this Friday, then Alex gets paid on the 15th... hopefully the cheque from my Dad will arrive soon, and I just applied for three bursaries. There's no work for me today, but that's okay because I've got a bunch of reading to do already for Global Studies and I need to do some work on the literary magazine for my other class. Yesterday was the final deadline, so my inbox is filled with new items. I'm diving into the new semester and looking forward to learning some new things.


I thought that it might be nice to go to a spa with Alex for our anniversary, but the packages are cheesy! Rose petals, wine, cheese, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate. It sounds nice I guess, but so very cliche. Even just a couple's massage is like $200 per person. I don't think that's really worth it. So... I'm not really sure what we're going to do this year. We're not going to be able to take a trip up island like in years past, but that's kind of overdone now anyways. Maybe we will just stay in town and do dinner and the symphony. I'd really love if we could go and pick out a painting for our living room wall together, so maybe I'll see what he says to that. Anni isn't until March, but I just wanted a little brain break and that's a fun thing to think about.

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Oohh Sherry - massages are SO expensive. They're wonderful (my favourite thing) but so not worth it except once in a blue moon. What you could do is a do-it-yourself thing. You could get cheaper (but still yummy) chocolate from the store..and perhaps melt some with strawberries and cream if you like cream.. get your own - much cheaper wine or champaigne .. and get some massage oils (or if you dont have time for that.. just body cream will do) and give each other a 40 minute massage each. That can be so lovely.. and you can even light the room up with a few candles and put some nice music on. You can either go somewhere together and do it in a hotel or even just in your own home can be really lovely...


We're very strange with occasions.. we either completely downplay them or go overboard. One year we didnt want to spend any money at all - so I wrote him a 100 page book/novel that was the story of us (and did actually spend a fair bit getting it bound to look like a book) and he wrote me an 11 page poem called "anniversary". Its funny.. if you are happy - doing something big.. small.. unusual.. cliche - doesn't matter.. you still have a good time


I'll be 31 when we plan on having a kid. I never thought I'd be in my 30s but .. it will take me that long to be ready.. and with uni - it's the best time to do it - and even my H who is the one who really wants kids - doesn't want them until that time. It does make me feel like I'll be a bit "older" and it doesn't help when my friend (who is 29) tells me "I wish I'd done it much younger because it really takes a big toll on your body leaving it late". I'm hoping that is something personal to the individual and it doesnt take a toll on Everyone so badly just because they are a bit older.

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I guess we're romantics, because we often give each other massages with massage bars from Lush, light some candles, and take a hot bath. I guess that's why I'm not so gung ho on spending hundreds of dollars to do that in a hotel when we have a lovely home here One year for valentine's day I put heart shaped notes with reasons why he is awesome all over our apartment. I believe I was naked too lol. I think I'm just going to wait and see how we are for money etc.. before deciding what we should do this year. 5 years is just a huge deal to me, ya know.


Do you both like to write? an 11 page poem sounds amazing!

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I know.. he worked on it for ages. We do love to write but my H really lovely language so labours over every word he writes (and you can see it) .. even if he's just writing a professional article or something for work.


Aww thats lovely that you often give each other massages often with the scented stuff too.. we don't do it too often but its so lovely when we do - its a great way to spend time together.


5 years??? Wow that is enormous! Definitely something to celebrate in a memorable way. We have something called Red Balloon here - which allows you to buy "experience" things together. Like a hot air balloon ride - or learning to make chocolates together etc.. maybe something like that?

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I love when we cook together..hmmm maybe we could TAKE a massage class together and learn how to do it better and get into those spots that really trouble us sometimes. I have never seen a hot air balloon here. There really should be a company because anywhere you look, you see land and sea and mountains... would be amazing to be up in a balloon. I know he'd love that experience so much. I'm not so great with heights, but as long as there is something under my feet I'm okay. For my 21st birthday he took me bungy jumping. Super scary, super fun. This year for his 24th we did an in-tree obstacle course. It was challenging and scary but it was really nice to do it together. He was so good about cheering me on because some of these spots were very high and the obstacles moved... and it was a very bonding experience.


We had a big dinner but I am already hungry 3 hours later, and I have been craving chocolate cake for hours. It's driving me crazy. So, I am going to make chocolate cake in a mug because I don't want to do the dinner dishes and I don't want to bake something normal-sized resulting in more dishes!! I think I will pour some Bailey's in instead of milk and see what happens.

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Oooh the obstacle course sounds awesome! I have taken a balloon ride with my dad when I was 14.. the balloon moves soooooo slowly and the basket walls are so high that I found it a very non-scary experience All those mountains and the sea would make for the perfect balloon ride so that is a shame there isnt a company up there!


What about skydiving? Ive done that once and Loved it (tandem of course) - BUT it only lasts 10 minutes so that's a bit crap. Hmm.. I'm craving chocolate too now but I have to be good about it since I've had several days straight of gluttony.

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Just a small rant--- when you submit to someone intending to have your work published, edit it first! Also, format it to the publisher's specs- Times New Roman 12 is NOT hard to do. Don't send it in random file formats, and for god's sake, don't plaster your name everywhere. I just formatted 3/4 of the final submissions for the literary magazine and I can feel my wrist raging. If I were a paid publisher, I'd have tossed most of those submissions out. I wanted to finish tonight, but I just can't. My wrist has given out. I guess I know what I'll be doing while my news articles are being edited tomorrow


Big fat no to skydiving. Hang-gliding however... Oh and the cake was delicious! Definitely full now.

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I agree with Indigo, you can def do something low key at home or even find something locally that doesn't cost much. CS and I have never really celebrated anniversaries (4,000 miles makes that hard) but on the big ones we try. For our six month I believe we watched a movie together on our xboxs. He'll be flying in on V-Day this year and I already told him I was getting him something (it's small, not expensive, and I told him not to worry about getting me anything other than a card). And he'll be here for our official 1 year anniversary as well (Which is the night before he leaves) so I think we will have an 'in' night that night on the HM, watch tv, maybe order pizza, do a massage thing.

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I love giving my boyfriend massages, and he's gotten pretty good at giving them, too. It's a nice way to spend time together.


A hot air balloon ride is a lot of fun. My boyfriend took me on one during the summer and it was a blast. I don't like heights either, but it didn't seem that bad for what ever reason. lol. Maybe I was just clutching onto him tightly at first and it made me feel better. I would definitely recommend it.

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