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Q for the ladies: renting a movie


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So ladies, you've been dating a guy for a few weeks and you're headed to his place to watch a rented movie. You've been to his place before, so that's not new.


Anyway, this is such a small thing, but I'm just curious about the varying opinions out there and, goshdarnit, overthinking small things is what ENA is all about!!


Would you rather:

a) he had already rented the movie to save the two of you the time, but made the choice on his own (if you choose this, explain how his movie choice would affect your decision)


b) he waits so that the two of you can go and pick the movie out.


Personally, I prefer (b), because I think picking a movie can turn into a fun little exercise. It can also, of course, backfire if one or two of the people are very indecisive.


Opinions? Experiences?

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B, because it gets you out in a public situation with her, and picking out a movie can tell you a heck of a lot about a girl's personality, not only from what type of movie she ultimately decides on (though pay attention to the movies she narrows the ultimate choice down to as well), but how decisive she is and how she makes decisions in the moment. Not that it's some magical 8 ball that tells you everything about her, but I think it's better and more entertaining than just having the movie ready to go.


It works both ways too though. She's going to be picking up on your cues as well.

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I want to say A because frankly, I hate to choose. It's not a woman thing, it's a me thing - if I feel under pressure to make a choice, especially one that affects someone else, I freeze up and find it very difficult to state a preference even when I know what I would like to say. And if A did happen, I would have no problem with that if the film he chose was something I liked. Whereas if it were a terrible choice, I'd be both dismayed and annoyed that he made such a bad choice without thinking to consult me.


But like others have said, B might be more fun, going to choose together. Assuming you're both comfortable enough to make a choice!

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I want to say A because frankly, I hate to choose. It's not a woman thing, it's a me thing - if I feel under pressure to make a choice, especially one that affects someone else, I freeze up and find it very difficult to state a preference even when I know what I would like to say. And if A did happen, I would have no problem with that if the film he chose was something I liked. Whereas if it were a terrible choice, I'd be both dismayed and annoyed that he made such a bad choice without thinking to consult me.


But like others have said, B might be more fun, going to choose together. Assuming you're both comfortable enough to make a choice!


This is why personally, I'm comfortable with B. Part of B is recognizing when you're with an indecisive woman and just going ahead and making the decision. If she's indecisive, she knows she's that way and she'll practically will you to make a decision for the both of you anyway. That's been my experience.

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I want to say A because frankly, I hate to choose. It's not a woman thing, it's a me thing - if I feel under pressure to make a choice, especially one that affects someone else, I freeze up and find it very difficult to state a preference even when I know what I would like to say. And if A did happen, I would have no problem with that if the film he chose was something I liked. Whereas if it were a terrible choice, I'd be both dismayed and annoyed that he made such a bad choice without thinking to consult me.


But like others have said, B might be more fun, going to choose together. Assuming you're both comfortable enough to make a choice!


But you create a conundrum here. If his taste in movies sucks, B would have been much better because you could have circumvented his poor taste with other options and a say in the final decision. You still have the choice to state your preference and avoid dismay and annoyance even if you choose not to.


If you go with A, it's a gamble completely and you could end up watching some 80's movie with Chuck Norris (not that there's anything wrong with that sort of movie, just that I doubt it's the ideal date movie in any reasonable person's eyes ).

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Either way would be OK with me.


If he picked the movie out in advance, I would be interested to know what choice he made and the reasons why he chose it. That would give me clues as to his interests, and then again it might also be sweet if he picked something out with me and my interests in mind.


My b/f and I usually get together for movie night once a week and sometimes we pick things together through Netflix, or other times we both bring a couple of movies that we had lying around at home, and we choose one. Once in a while he has surprised me with things I hadn't expected and I ended up being exposed to some great films I wouldn't have seen otherwise.


We also like watching concert DVDs because it's easier to have a conversation while you're watching -- you don't have to worry about missing part of the plot.

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I guess i would choose B, although i think i'd be pretty easygoing about picking a film to watch; i don't imagine having a long argument about it while making the choice, lol. It would be fun to pick a random film that neither of us knows much about, and just seeing how it is together.

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Years ago I went out with a guy and we went to pick out a movie. He was not into the choices I made and decided on a movie HE wanted to see that I wasn't thrilled to pieces about. I also chose a movie. We watched his lame movie first and then he decided it was time to leave so I had to watch my choice on my own. We only had a few dates..he thought too highly of himself..and, as I later found out from someone who knew him...this guy used to like to check himself out in the mirror all the time....Carly Simon's song "your're so vain" springs to mind! LOL

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If you guys are not pressed for time, I pick b), because like you said, the act of going there and picking it out can be fun.


If you'd rather not waste the time, ask her ahead of time and get it.


I wouldn't get it w/out her input UNLESS she says go for it. Nothing like an evening turning boring if you get, for instance, a war flick and she HATES those.

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Years ago I went out with a guy and we went to pick out a movie. He was not into the choices I made and decided on a movie HE wanted to see that I wasn't thrilled to pieces about. I also chose a movie. We watched his lame movie first and then he decided it was time to leave so I had to watch my choice on my own. We only had a few dates..he thought too highly of himself..and, as I later found out from someone who knew him...this guy used to like to check himself out in the mirror all the time....Carly Simon's song "your're so vain" springs to mind! LOL


I think if there were ZERO movies there that you two could both agree upon, that was a redflag on its own! I can't imagine there were NO movies you both could have somewhat enjoyed - yeah must have been very little compatibility there!


I was always pretty agreeable on stuff like that. I didn't have to love the movie to enjoy the time spent watching it with someone I liked.

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however the first movie I watched at my house with my husband I picked something he liked.........Full Metal Jacket.....and I spent the entire time with either my eyes closed or my fingers in my ears.


But how NICE Of you to pick something he liked! You're a real trooper.

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But how NICE Of you to pick something he liked! You're a real trooper.


Hehehehe.....now though I have seen 21 years of war movies.......... I ask him how he can watch these things since a lot happened to real people. He says cause that is exactly why. It was real. Now I love a good horror movie and he thinks I am loco.......and he says if you abhor violence how can you watch this? I say........because it is NOT real.

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