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Sometimes it gets difficult to sit and write something so profound or helpful to those who have broken hearts. After all words are only words unless there is emotion attached to it. Too often we tend to see and dwell on the negative in our darkness that it’s hard to see or feel anything that would help us try and pick up the pieces that was once our heart.



Time heals all wounds but with all wounds, the scars are always there. When your heart is broken, it can grow back crooked and misshaped. Though the heart is healed, it can take on a new appearance or even learn to love less if you let it. A hardened heart can be one of the hardest things to let go of. There are times when not loving is easier because the risks of it breaking again are too great. Why try if it is only going to be broken again?



Let me ask you this…



Why try anything if the fear of failing is greater than the want to succeed? Sometimes hearts grow together and sometimes they just don’t fit. No matter how much we want them to, the glue never holds. No matter how much you give, you can’t make something love you back. What you must decide is if your partner is worth the fall? How do you know? The answer is, you don’t know. That’s the rub.



Love just doesn’t happen. You made a choice as well as your partner. Many do not realize that despite your greatest efforts, you can’t make someone love you back. You may have shared months or even years together but if the love isn’t there, what do you have? Companionship? You may try and fool yourself in believing that it’s better than being alone. If you have ever truly been in love, you know the difference. It cannot be mistaken because you get what you give back freely and openly. Love doesn’t have a time limit or an expiration date. Love is the greatest feeling in the universe. Without it, where would we be?



If you had to describe what love felt like to someone that has never been in love, how would you describe it? Sometimes you may hear he common descriptions such as butterflies in your stomach or feeling like nothing is wrong in the universe as you smile constantly and put that extra pep in your step. Love songs begin to take on new meaning and you can’t wait to see your partner, even for a moment. Holding hands with the one you love feels like a magnet. You naturally come together. You hand feels like its home and belongs in the other. Words don’t have to be spoken because the energy of just being with the one you love is enough. How many times have you seen an elderly couple holding hands and just “being”. They do it because of the love they share for one another. Love never ends.



If your heart has been broken, the bitterness can set and stay like wet concrete. If you let it harden, it will be difficult to remove. When love is lost, it’s not the pain that stays with you that hurts so much; it’s your heart wanting the love it had once back that is no longer there. The love IS there but not the form that you’re used to. Love, like a drug, can be addicting and when it is suddenly and unexpectedly taken away it hurts and the symptoms can be difficult to deal with. You can’t go to the doctor and say your heart is broken. There is no cure for a broken heart but time. How much time? ; As long as you need really. You are the one who will know when your heart is feeling better.



Walls can quickly be setup in order to protect an already fragile heart. You try and fool yourself into believing you can protect it. All it takes to tear down the walls is the right time, place and person. In all its greatness, your heart is exposed. Take the lessons learned from before and apply them in order to love with your head and heart.



Love can grow from a simple hello. A tiny spark can ignite into a raging fire if you don’t control it but such as the same with love. You can’t put limits on love and it isn’t controlled with an on and off switch. Someone may say that they don’t love you but what this primarily means is that they don’t love you the way you should be loved. The pain is still the same regardless but take some comfort in know that love hasn’t ended, it has merely changed form. Remember that a hardened or bitter heart doesn’t love as freely as one that is open. If you give or have given love with limits, you will get back exactly what you have given. Why should someone have to prove their love for you if you only give a small percentage?



Being in love is a risk BUT a risk worth taken even if short lived. The way I see it is that the experience alone is worth it despite the possible heartache. Why? Let me put it to you this way. I want you to remember what it felt like when you were in love. Can you remember the first time they kissed you? Can you remember the way you felt when they said they loved you and you loved them back? Can you remember how you felt when you were introduced as their boy/girlfriend? Can you remember the moments between seeing one another and how anxious you were to see them? Do you remember the hours on the phone together even though you spoke of nothing really important? Do you remember what it was like to fall asleep in one another’s arms?



Now take all of those feelings and throw them away. Take all the memories of someone you loved and try and throw them away like it never happened. The truth is, you can’t. Regardless of the downfall of your past relationships, the memories and experiences stick like glue. You may dare to venture in your dark closet of relationships young and old to gain knowledge or experience but learn to look in, find what you need and close the door. Don’t dwell in your past but learn from it. Though your heart may be broken, let time and life’s lessons be your band-aid. Don’t let your heart grow back crooked.




Your Friend,




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I want you to remember what it felt like when you were in love. Can you remember the first time they kissed you? Can you remember the way you felt when they said they loved you and you loved them back? Can you remember how you felt when you were introduced as their boy/girlfriend? Can you remember the moments between seeing one another and how anxious you were to see them? Do you remember the hours on the phone together even though you spoke of nothing really important? Do you remember what it was like to fall asleep in one another’s arms?


Awesome as always, Dave.. but that little piece above is a hard part to read!!
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Good post SD.


Falling in love is probably the greatest thing for most people but I believe it's avoidable, so I'm staying solo. That warm fuzzy stuff brings on obligation, concern and an illusion of being important that evaporates so quickly.

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Dako, I am on the same page. I'd rather be alone right now, though I'm rather enjoying a casual thing with a man who is obviously more interested in me than I am him. I am encouraging him to date others. The truth is, there's not even the hint of a spark for me, I realized after reading SuperDave's post. There's no reason there shouldn't be. It isn't something I can control.


If anybody has any ideas on how to get a spark, let me know.

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Dako, I am on the same page. I'd rather be alone right now, though I'm rather enjoying a casual thing with a man who is obviously more interested in me than I am him. I am encouraging him to date others. The truth is, there's not even the hint of a spark for me, I realized after reading SuperDave's post. There's no reason there shouldn't be. It isn't something I can control.


If anybody has any ideas on how to get a spark, let me know.


Make sure he is aware that youre not interested in more..i am in a similar situation now and not liking it and thinking of ending it....

Honestly i think the spark is either there or its not and if its there, it never goes away, together or not.

I dont think its something that you can create if its not there to begin with.

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