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I hate feeling lazy for hanging out with my friends on a Saturday night. That means I have four hours of homework to make up tomorrow. I've been doing homework or working non-stop. I've been up by 6:30 every day (and most days earlier). Next weekend is Labor Day. As sad as this is, I'm only excited because that will give me more time to do homework (as well as one less class to do homework for). Also, hopefully the tutoring place I work for will be closed so I can just have all day to do homework. I worked about 15 hours this week (too much!) and will work about 20 next week (WAY too much!). Gosh, why did I go and decide that I could do grad school?

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Up at 6am. Homework till 8am. Four mile run. School and then homework till 2pm. Work till 5pm. Class till 9pm. Home. Homework till 10:15pm.





Up at 6am. Run. Clean house. Homework till 10:30am. Went to husband's school to see him sing. Lunch at 11:30am. School at 12pm. Work at 4pm. Home at 9pm. Done at 10:30pm. Feel like I should do more homework, but my mental facilities are shut down.


Three more days till the weekend!

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Ugh, I was surprised by an addition to my shift today upon arriving at work. That's always nice. The kid that I was surprised with was... painful to work with. He didn't care, didn't want to be there, and was basically just guessing. I had to pry every bit of information out of him. He wouldn't even try to summarize paragraphs. He'd just say something totally not even applicable. It's not that he couldn't do it. It's that he didn't care. His excuse? "Yeah, I'm pretty tired from school today." I wanted to say, "Yeah, so am I. I've been getting up at six and have been completely busy with school, work, and homework till nine for the past week. That's a week full of 15 hour days. So I think you can pull yourself together for another hour and a half." Of course, I didn't say that. But gosh... now I am just wiped out. All I want to do is eat fast food and watch TV. But I really should get some reading finished before I veg out.

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I don't even know what to do. Where the hell are we supposed to come up with three grand? That's what we get for trying to help someone out, I guess. The funny thing is, it's her second DUI and she'll probably get some community service for it. We're the ones that have to pay the price for it.



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A few months ago, a co-worker of B's borrowed his car (with the intention of buying it). She lied about having insurance, drove drunk, and hit someone. Just got a letter in the mail that we're responsible to pay the damages. B is out of town so I'm just kind of stewing on it. I guess we can take out more student loans...

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OG, was there anything you could do about it? Did you try to fight it at all?


Not really, no. The wreck was my ex's fault - he failed to yield on a turn - but I had liability on the car so the insurance company paid for the other guy's car to get fixed - liability did not pay for my car to get fixed, however. So I didn't have to pay anything out of pocket for the wreck and the wreck history went on my ex's driving history. When I got my insurance on my new car last year, the wreck didn't even show up on my insurance history. Why are you guys having to pay out of pocket?

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Exactly. B is just too trusting. I suppose that as bad qualities go, that's a good one to have, but it's not uncommon for him to lend out money that never comes back or trust someone to keep their word when I am sure that there is no chance of it. The good side of that quality (being loving, trusting, and accepting) is one of my favorite things about him, but he needs to learn to protect himself (to protect us, really, because now when he gets hurt I do too).

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I don't think he would do that. In a way, it's a bummer because, really, she should be the one paying for all this. But in another way, I really admire him for not wanting to take it to court. He takes his faith very seriously, and whereas it seems that most Christians who "take their faith seriously" do so by judging others and acting like they are perfect, he takes his seriously by truly doing his best to follow Jesus' example... and that includes making sacrifices for other people even if they don't deserve it.


Of course, I don't want to turn this into a religious debate, and I don't think it would be wrong to sue her (considering the blame does lie with her). I just can't help but respect him for always following his conscience even when it means trouble for him.

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I got SO much done this weekend. I'm done with all my reading for this week AND next week. I'm well into my Unit Three plans which aren't due until next week. I'm also well into my Hamlet research which isn't due until next week. I've got a batch of spaghetti sauce (with meat and vegetables) in the fridge so B just has to cook up some noodles for it when he's hungry. It is accompanied by a tuna casserole that B just needs to cook. Those should make enough meals for the week, and if not... I've got a roast in the freezer that I can stick in the crock pot. I also made a cake and went grocery shopping. I'm doing laundry right now, and the apartment is cluttered, but not dirty.


I do SO much better when I am slightly ahead. The more "ahead" I am, the more inspired I am to keep doing stuff because that pressure isn't on me. If I'm barely keeping up, I've overwhelmed and don't want to face what I'm doing. Plus, really hitting it hard during the first half of the semester makes the second half-- when EVERYTHING has to be done-- a lot easier. Man, if every weekend were a three-day weekend, I'd be golden.

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The nice thing is that I had time for that this weekend too! I went over to a friend's house for dinner last night and it was wonderfully relaxing. And this evening, B and I are going out on a fast food, cheap movie date. I definitely needed this weekend... too bad it's almost over!

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Busy, busy, busy. The first real papers of the semester will roll on in tomorrow, so I'll be grading for the first time! Wow. I'm done with all of this week's homework (it's always my goal to get all my homework done that I need to get done before the week even starts). So tomorrow, I'll wake up, run, maybe read a little bit, and then go to school to sit in to observe some of my colleagues' classes. Then teach, then homework, homework, homework, then class, then home.

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Dying. I always wondered how the heck people even managed to work 80 hours a week. Now I'm pretty sure I'm close to one of them. To be fair, it's not all working, but all of my "responsibilities" (school, work, domestic stuff, exercise) are taking up about 15 hours a day this week. Monday was about 15, Tuesday 15, Wednesday 15, Thursday 14 (hopefully), Friday 13, and Saturday and Sunday will probably be about six each. I just feel like I have literally no time to myself. THIS is my time... the 30 minutes after I get home before I go to bed.


How does anyone actually do this? How can I keep doing this?

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I would, but for me, physical activity is the foundation upon which the rest of my life lies. When I'm good about exercising, organization falls into place for me SO much better. In the past, dropping exercise leads to staying up late (because I don't have to run in the morning, right?) lead to getting less stuff done at my prime (in the morning) leads to panicking and staying up even later... it's a vicious cycle! I'm only running about 3 miles daily, so that's only thirty minutes a day which thankfully isn't a huge time commitment.

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Good day today. I started off so worn down and frustrated. I talked to the head of the first-year writing program (basically, our teaching go-to person) about how to balance my life. She gave some good tips and just talking about it with someone who was involved made me feel better. Then, lo and behold, I got to leave work two hours early. So I came home, did some homework, got fast food with B, did a little more homework, and was done with everything by 8:30, which is probably when I would have gotten started otherwise. My to-do list for the weekend isn't too terribly intimidating, and next week should be less intense since I don't have to grade papers. I'll be in bed before 11... and tomorrow (as of right now!) I'm only working two hours when I expected four, so I'll get a much better start on stuff this weekend than I expected. Oh! And one of my husband's friends (mine now too, I guess!) is cooking dinner for us on Monday. I won't be there, but I'll have food to eat when I get home.


I'm feeling much more okay about everything than I was earlier.

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