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I talked with a good friend of mine. She's stayed decent friends with my ex, who just recently moved back to where we all went to school, so she told me what he was up to. All I can say is that I am so glad I am with B instead of this guy! I mean, he's not a bad person by any means... he's just "blah." He was when we were dating, and by the sound of it, he's the same now. I don't have any negative feelings towards him anymore, but I just look back and wonder what I was thinking!

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First of all, my husband is such a dork. I love him to death.


Secondly, I don't know which book to read next! I've got "The Name of the Wind" by Patrick Rothfuss, which I've heard is very good from several different sources (one of which is my current favorite author!). But I've also got the fourth book to the Song of Ice and Fire series ("Feast of Crows"). I was really left hanging by the last one, and I do want to find out what happens, but it's not what I was planning. Plus, if I read it now, I'm just that much closer to having to wait several years for the next one to come out. Also, the formatting of this book is a little different, and I hate change so it's freaking me out. Logically, it makes sense to take a break from the series because I've only got two more books to read before I'm caught up with the author... and he has a tendency to write slowly. But I just want to know what happens!

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I'm going to work for a couple hours this morning, then I'm coming home and going on a six mile run with B. When I run with him, it's relaxing enough that I actually enjoy it. He doesn't, though. Poor guy is always so miserable during our runs!


The idea of an ultramarathon has been on my mind lately. I'm kind of considering doing a 50 mile race. It seems crazy, but the thing is that you are running at a much slower pace than you would be for a marathon, and it's pretty much expected that you mix walking in with running. It's not so much running or speed endurance as it is "on your feet" endurance. I think part of the reason it is so appealing to me is that I wouldn't have to worry about time. I could feel totally content and victorious just for finishing. If I ran a marathon, I would always be worried about pace and such. This would awe my family whereas a marathon would only awe them if I ran it at an 8 minute mile pace. So I'm intrigued, but I'm not making any decisions yet.

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I have the best husband in the world. For our anniversary that is coming up, he got me a personally signed copy of one of my favorite author's books (Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson). He had him sign "Never give up hope. Kell be with you." It's perfect because that's what the whole book is about-- fighting against all odds-- and that's what I've been struggling so much with lately. He's such a great guy. I really lucked out.

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I'm trying to decide if I should plan a doctor visit on Monday. I've had a killer sore throat for ten days now... it started to get better, but it has been worse again yesterday and today. When I first got it, I think I had a fever (felt like it, but I don't have a thermometer), but that's all gone now. It's just the sore throat (and some residual cold symptoms that developed about three days after it).


I don't want to go to the doctor because they'll just send me home and tell me to come back if it gets worse/doesn't get better. That's all doctors ever tell me. I don't want to waste the time and money.

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I ran my run this morning at about an 8:20/mile pace. Awesome. Even though I'm not really pushing the pace on our half-marathon training, the results are showing up in my shorter non-training runs. I'm going to the gym this evening to do cross-training and weight lifting with my husband, and now that my first appointment of the day cancelled, I might run with him while he tries to break an 8 minute mile. Apparently he tried at 290 pounds... he was totally sure he could do it, and both his friend and his girlfriend at the time were like, "Um... I'm not sure you can..." So he put $20 on it, started out strong, and literally shut down near the end of lap three. He said he was just lying on the track in misery.

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Ugh, I hate just gasping for air and feeling like I'm dying after a workout, so I know where you're coming from, OG!


In case anyone was wondering, B ran his 8 minute mile today. He ran the first quarter mile in 1:15... of course. What a goofball. I hope we work out when he gets home, but he might not want to after being at work.


In less than a month, I will be in the classroom teaching a bunch of college freshman. I'm quite nervous about it, but there isn't much I can do, so I'm trying to just relax. The thing I'm most worried about is going from a really easy 12-14 hours a week schedule to full time school, part time job, teaching assistant schedule. I know I can do it... I've had a busy life before. But it's just so different than what I'm doing right now that I hope I can make it through the transition period. I need to make a schedule... the important things I need are school, hours for work (though I won't know the schedule till the week of), homework time, housework time, and work outs. Maybe I'll go do that. And maybe I'll come up with a modified version of my Virtue Chart that includes rewards for things I get done. That'll give me motivation.

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I certainly don't miss that type of workout! Ever since I stopped running competitively, I've avoided the near-death type of workout, opting for the good, strong tiring workouts instead. I figure I'll probably have to go back to the death ones eventually, but I've been enjoying the break!


Okay, so I've made a decision to eat more vegetables. I am a fairly healthy eater. I eat a lot of fruit, and I almost always eat lean meat and whole wheat. I don't indulge on sugary or fatty snacks too much (though I do sometimes!). But I just hate, hate, HATE vegetables... so I don't usually eat them. And I really don't even buy them often because they usually end up rotting in the fridge. But I just saw a documentary about two obese guys that just totally changed their lives by juicing (with mostly veggie juice). They lost weight, and even more impressively, they overcame chronic illnesses and no longer need medication. So I figure the least I can do is focus more on vegetables. Right now, I probably only have vegetables two or three times a WEEK. Awful, I know. So I'm going to try to improve on that. Maybe I'll start with trying to have at least one real serving a day and move up from there. I've been putting this change in my life off for a long time, and it's time to bite the bullet and learn to like vegetables!

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My husband and I can't keep unhealthy snacks in the house regularly for that very reason. The other day, I decided to get some actual "snacks" at the grocery store. They weren't terribly unhealthy snacks or anything, but we really hadn't had snacks in the house for a month or so. Later that night, an entire sleeve of saltine crackers was gone... and I was home alone that night! I have no willpower!


Going to the gym is pretty much the best thing you can do for your body. I read once (or saw in a documentary, maybe?) that overweight people who exercise regularly are usually actually healthier than people who are the right weight but don't exercise. I always use that fact to encourage B when he feels unhealthy because of his weight.

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Really? I heard on this news program the other night if you go for just an hour a week - one hour - you can actually improve yourself better because you can exercise too much. So to keep me going back and not make it seem like a chore and something I look forward to I have cut my work out time down to 30 mins a day (since I do it after my 8 hour work shift). One day I'll do a full 30 mins on the tread mill (like I did tonight) and then the next day I'll do no cardio but work on the machines like the ab machine, the inner and outer thigh machine, and arm machines. I do a good bit of stretching on that night too. It's really helped me stay on top of it this time around. I went last Wed and Thurs, was off Fri so I didn't go. Went Sat and Sun, didn't go last night because I didn't feel well, and then I went today. And I much rather do the machine so I know in order to get to that day, I have to do the cardio day, I can't skip it. Working so far, lol

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Folks who read my journal... if you've got the time, check out this thread: My husband and I are having yet another tiff in trying to determine what is responsible and what is overboard. The thread kind of missed the boat when it was on the front page, so I haven't gotten the responses I'd like (and need... I don't know what to do!).


Anyway, workout fail today. I got up early, went to the gym, swam, and when I was getting dressed realized I'd forgotten my shoes to lift. So I had to go home. Doh. Once home, though, I did 100 pushups punctuated with ab workouts... I'll try to lift sometime this week, but we'll see how that goes...

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I found out the main reason B was so adamant about the trip to his family's is because he wanted to surprise me with a night at the beach as a late anniversary thing. Now I understand and feel bad... I'll talk to my boss the next chance I get and see if taking the extra time off would reflect poorly on me. Maybe I'll ask B if we can leave a day later or something so I can still get a few hours in that week... we saw a good deal on used tires for my car (about $120 in all, compared to the $400 we were seeing elsewhere), so maybe we can do something.


Workouts this week:


Monday: 3 mile run, fifty pushups

Tuesday: 2.85 mile run, 1 hour of basketball, fifty pushups

Wednesday: 3 mile run

Thursday: 30 minute swim, 100 pushups, 8 minutes abs, 1.5 hours basketball

Friday (projected!): 7 mile run

Saturday (projected!): 1-2 mile run, 2 mile walk, 50 pushups

Sunday: off!

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Practice, practice, practice! When I was a kid, my older sister used to do 100 pushups a day to help her run faster (seems useless, but it's not!). It was a good idea, so I kind of followed suit. I would do 100 pushups a day sometimes during the summer and usually during track season. It's like my muscles just never really forgot, and I can always get back into doing pushups fairly easily whenever I start them again.


Pullups, though... those I've never been to master!

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