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Ladies, men with hair around nipples?

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Eh okay this feels rather awkward asking about it What do the ladies think about men with some hair around the nipples area. It's not a bush or anything lol but it's somewhat visible if someone gets closer.


It's a hot season here I go to the beach all the time and just a little conscious about this. Should I get rid of it? Do your partners have them?

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No problem with it at all. Personally, I'm a fan of a guy having just a little hair on his chest--and if that means it's around the nipples, so be it. Don't shave it off, that'll just cause discomfort when it grows back! You have nothing to be self-conscious about.

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Every mature man I know has hair on his chest in one form or another, unless he waxes it. I see that as a bit over-the-top in the maintenance department, but I'm sure the same could be said back to me when I sit in a salon chair and get foils put into my hair every 6 to 8 weeks...

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Every mature man I know has hair on his chest in one form or another, unless he waxes it. ...

Same here, lol. Actually, I would find it extremely odd for a man NOT to have even a little hair there. I much prefer a hairy man - at least he looks like a man is supposed to look, not like a 10 year old boy, lol.

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It's normal. Even girls get a little bit.


Amen. I only have 4-5 hairs, but boy, women are expected to be hairless and it's just not true. I remember my friend telling me that when she waxes her legs she doesn't know where to stop because you start seeing hairs on the thighs, on the bottom, on your tummy, and eventually you're going to have to wax up to your eyebrows, lol.


I hate this trend with men shaving/waxing their bodies, it's so... weird! I hope it's not a permanent trend because I'm a fan of natural (as long as it's clean and neat) all the way.

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