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For ENA moms and moms-to-be!!


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Hey everyone!! Hope you are all doing well! Sorry I haven't been on really, I'm just trying to soak up as much time with my angel as possible. I know Hers updated you guys, but our baby girl Alicia Katherine is here!! She was born 6/15 at 8lbs 3oz,I was in labor for 18hrs & to tell you the truth it wasnt as bad as I thought it would be, the dr came in a few times and saw my contractions getting really strong & asked if I want some pain meds, meanwhile I'm sitting there waiting tv lol....so first time moms dont be too scared I did get an epi towards the end though so maybe that's why it wasn't sooo bad? Overall it was a great experience & I would do it all over again in a heartbeat for her


Alicia is a doll, she doesn't cry unless she is hungry, her diaper can be wet & she wont even wake up, so I'm constantly checking it to make sure she's dry. She is sooo strong the drs/nurses were all so shocked how strong she is already, she likes to hold my fingers and squeezes so hard lol. Here are 2 pics of her, I'll add more when I have some more time this week!

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OH MY GOODNESS...she is absolutely beautiful AC!!!! I'm honestly glad that I had my tubes tied because after looking at that beautiful little girl, who looks ALOT like my Landon as a newborn, I would be trying to hump any man that walked by me trying to make one!! hahahaha!!!


Just a side note that I wish I had done--I saw a digital photo album where parents had taken one picture everyday for the first year of their son's life. I wish I would have thought of this. Landon changed so much in the first year that I would love to be able to look back and see the pics.

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OMG What a doll!!!! She is BEAUTIFUL!!! *sigh* Can you believe you are already making my ovaries ache? lol!!!


I am very happy to hear that you had a relatively easy birth. That will give hope for the mommies to be, hehe. My story surely didn't help


Are you breastfeeding Alicia?

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Oh my gosh, ac..she's just beautiful! I'm so glad labor wasn't that bad for you and that she's being such a good baby..lucky lucky girl! Give my congrats to her daddy as well, I know he's so proud!






I went to my 36 week appt today and got checked for the first time [eeeeek] so while I was hoping I was at least dialating a little or thinning or something..I wasn't..I heard the words.."closed and thick.." and the phrase "your cervix has some work to do!"


gee, thanks. LOL. Oh well, he said he gives me a couple more weeks since Hayden has such cramped living quarters but i'm not getting my hopes up..i'm gonna let him cook, if that's what he wants.


Hope all of our pregnant mommies are feeling good and staying cool in this heat and all our other mommies are doing great too!

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Thanks everyone!! She is so sweet & I still can't believe she's mine! Hope you are all doing well, I am not around as much as I was before, but I do try to read this thread at least once a day.


Arwen - yes I am breastfeeding, she is a champ at it & the minute she was born she was latching like a pro. I think she had to teach me how to breastfeed lol. The first day I wasn't do it 100% correct because it wasn't comfortable, but the ladies in the hosptial helped a lot and we are doing great!

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Thanks everyone!! She is so sweet & I still can't believe she's mine! Hope you are all doing well, I am not around as much as I was before, but I do try to read this thread at least once a day.


Arwen - yes I am breastfeeding, she is a champ at it & the minute she was born she was latching like a pro. I think she had to teach me how to breastfeed lol. The first day I wasn't do it 100% correct because it wasn't comfortable, but the ladies in the hosptial helped a lot and we are doing great!


awww AC we are all so happy for you. Don't worry new mama I think all the mama's and mama-to-be's understand with the new baby it is crazy. We miss seeing you on here but we know you are with that beautiful little angel


I am so glad you are breastfeeding...it is very good for the babies


When you get a chance post some more pics, we want to keep seeing that cutie.

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Aww thanks Luna, I am going to upload some new pics tomorrow and post'em. I have probably a thousand of them already & its only been 8 days LOL.


Catdancer - thank you for the picture suggestion, I am definitely going to do that, I think its a great idea!!

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I went to my 36 week appt today and got checked for the first time [eeeeek] so while I was hoping I was at least dialating a little or thinning or something..I wasn't..I heard the words.."closed and thick.." and the phrase "your cervix has some work to do!"


gee, thanks. LOL. Oh well, he said he gives me a couple more weeks since Hayden has such cramped living quarters but i'm not getting my hopes up..i'm gonna let him cook, if that's what he wants.


lol... I am happy that here it's not so common to check these things before labor starts Not something you want to hear huh? But you still have some time haha. Hopefully your cervix will understand what to do


Mine didn't

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lol... I am happy that here it's not so common to check these things before labor starts Not something you want to hear huh? But you still have some time haha. Hopefully your cervix will understand what to do


Mine didn't


Arwen, I have a feeling mine won't either! I really don't want to be induced..I would love to just go into labor on my own but I have a nagging feeling that i'll have to end up being induced.


Also, arwen..I remember you posting about an issue you were having right around the same time as where i'm at..[37 weeks pregnant]..about having those morbid feelings like having a car wreck and something happening to the baby or something just horrible happening..


The past few days i've gotten really down that it's too good to be true that i've made it this far and have had such a healthy pregnancy..I feel like something is just bound to happen and all the hopes, thoughts and dreams I have about my little boy are going to be yanked away from me. I really feel horrible about how i'm feeling..I would give anything to make it go away but I can't help but think about it when i'm driving to and from work - people are so reckless with driving, it's ridiculous! I'm terrified some type of freak accident is going to happen and i'm just going to happen to be involved in it.


I really hope this isn't a sign that i'm going to have post partum depression..


I just want Hayden to be here safe in my arms..but I guess once he's here i'll have a whole new set of worries, right? Is that a part of being a mom...? Worrying about your child? I mean I'm not obsessing over it and I haven't said anything to anyone about it..but it's just kind of a black cloud following me around at a distance. It's not obvious..but it's still there.



[note: this was directed just to arwen, I just remember her posting something like it! Please, if you have any words of wisdom..I could use them right now.]

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Oh Dang, I know exactly what you mean. I worried myself sick all through my pregnancy, and still do (to a certain degree) and Littlepants is 21 months old now. I drive 50 miles one way to work every day, that's 100 miles a day on the road. I drove like an old lady and avoided all other traffic worrying about my "precious cargo", getting in an accident, or going off the road in the winter. It is totally normal. Between the excessive hormones and the stress of the coming little one, the mind can reel out of control very quickly. I don't think it is really a sign of PPD, as I didn't have issues with that after LP was born. I think it's just a normal mental process we all go through when prepping for a new baby. All of a sudden your old top priority (yourself) is replaced with a new top priority (the new baby), and that takes a little adjusting to. My life revolves around our daughter, I would give my life for her in an instant, but I also have to talk myself down from panic attacks to this day when I get worried about her going somewhere or something happening. I even lay in bed at night and my mind wanders to all sorts of strange things, what would I do to protect LP if there were a Hollocaust situation in the USA, what would I do if someone broke into our house and took us hostage, what would I do if someone carjacked us while I had LP in the car with me... and to be honest, I always think I'm going bonkers for thinking these things, like I'm willing them to happen. Then I realize that even though these things may never happen, it is my maternal instinct to protect my child at all costs and my overactive imagination getting the best of me.


I wouldn't worry about it too much, I really do feel it's pretty normal to excessively worry about the unknown. It's when you start obsessing and it hampers your daily life that you have to worry about. Everything will be fine, I promise! Take care and enjoy these last few weeks, he'll be in your arms before you know it!

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