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Post here instead of contacting your ex!

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I think I truly understand now why you decided to end things... You wanted to do so many things with your life, and we are both at different stages in our lives. You realized that by holding onto me you were missing out on all your dreams and aspirations. Sure, I agreed that I would go along for the ride, but you didn't think I would truly enjoy myself. As much as I want to hate you right now, I'm past that. I want you to know I forgive you, but I am doing everything in my power to move on. Time will only tell what God has in store for us, whether it be a reconciliation or an eventual friendship, time will only tell.


You still SUCK for leaving me though! ha

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A year tomorrow I was waiting for you to contact me: it was my Birthday. You sent me a text saying 'Happy Birthday'. After 6 years that was all I was worth to you. I cried myself to sleep because I knew you didn't care and you just couldn't say it. I didn't want to rock the boat. I didn't want us to end.


I came back up to our home on the weekend convincing myself that your lack of contact was a big mistake and that you'd be happy to see me. You'd take me out for dinner maybe. Again, how wrong I was. I was so sad waiting for you to come home. You couldn't have dinner you were out with your friends.


I don't know why I'm re-living these things. I do still miss you in my dark moments where I miss the comfort of your arms. I don't want to hear from you tomorrow...not really. My ego wants to hear from you. My ego which wants to know it was loved, cared for and respected. I don't want a relationship with you. I couldn't put up with your in ability to compromise and your tendency to speak down to me. We didn't understand each other or share a sense of humour. I wish my ego was smaller and then it would be happy to hear from you but I guess it takes time. I would be surprised if did hear from you. You'll forget or remember & not care or remember & respect my wish not to hear from you. If you do text it will be patronizing 'I do hope you are well & have had a fruitful year' type of thing.


I cannot believe I felt suicidal when you decided you wanted to end our relationship...well I can.

It was a big loss, moved city and I had stress at work. What I'm trying to say is I'm glad I held on and that I don't feel that my life isn't worth living because you don't deem me to have that 'special factor' you need to marry someone (6 years really!). But we all change I guess.


What is funny, is that I'm writing this to you here but I know you wouldn't really be interested in reading it.

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To My Ex

Well thank you for giving me the privilege of ever using the term Ex.

However, I am tired of your B-S excuses of not letting me plan for vacations or dates for "us".

And all that pressure of how fatigue you are everyday even on weekends!

Tired of me being so kind to you and sometimes beg for a snuggle? Sure I was a F-Ked up dog.

Not any more.

Now that I am gone, I hope you find peace in manipulating the next stupid guy who'd fall for you.

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Hey. What's up?


I miss you. But it doesn't matter. I love you. But it doesn't matter. I worry about you. But that doesn't matter either.


It's been 6 weeks ya know that? I know that's not a lot of time for you. I've finally learned that after being with you for so long. You're most probably in that I miss her a lot but I'm stubborn and going to make that anger shine through phase.


Hey I wrote that yesterday. Figure I'll just leave it. Since I felt love yesterday. Started doing something else and forgot about you. Good thing cause today I am angry. I'd rather write angry thoughts than waste my time crying or thinking of you.


You're a . A selfish, stubborn, stupid jackarse.


Thing is though, I cant figure out who I'm mad at. You or me. I think I'm more mad at myself. I went from independent girl with a backbone to a spineless submissive girl just treating you like a king. When I think of what I've lost and what I've done with my life, I hate myself. But I didn't care then. All that was important to me was you. At one point, and for a long time I was the same to you.


Then I just watched you slowly distance yourself - ever so slowly that you denied it. Did you really not realize you were doing it? I was like a kid being punished. Anytime we got in an argument, a piece of you left or you took something away from me. Except unlike that child that was being punished, my time out never finished.


It's my fault though. You teach someone how to treat you. And I taught you that it was ok to go take your fits for weeks. I wasn't always like that. I can remember the first year and a half how I would just go on my merry way and ignore you. Then you'd come to me and I'd tell you that I wouldn't tolerate that crap. You didn't like that I wouldn't play your game. But at least you respected me.


Then - and I have no idea what happened. I fell apart. Somewhere along the lines you became my everything. I let you walk all over me. I know it wasn't as bad as that sounds but I basically did. You'd stopped making plans, even though I knew you'd be over to visit. It still hurt though. I'd cry and I'd cry a lot. You started saying 'we'll see' or 'not sure'......... but Id ignore it cause I knew youd come. The worst was thanksgiving last year. You were mad at me a week or two before but we were talking..... I never told you how bad you made me feel. But spending all that money on turkey and the works and to wake up early to start cooking it only to wonder why I was being so stupid.


But I knew that your son looked forward to it... and I knew that you would come. And I looked forward to seeing him. Oh weren't we so good at faking how there were no issues with us to him? Have you told him yet? He must be bringing up my name a lot these days and wondering why I haven't called? I miss him like crazy. UGH. I'm done talking. You jackarse , my anger has turned to hurt again. Crying as I type this.............

Oh and thanks so much for calling me back like you promised last week.

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3 weeks and 3 days since I last heard from you. I didn't reply. It was your birthday and I didn't send you a message. How could I? Your last message was just so empty, bland and heartless after 4 years of knowing each other: "we will always have our memories. take care". F*** you! Memories are all I am to you?! Seriously. F*** YOU! Don't you dare speak to me of memories. You have left me with those memories while you happily f*** your new 'girlfriend'. You leave me with these memories while you have so easily erased me from your heart and mind. How the F*** can you do that?! Who the F*** are you? I don't know who you are any more. I only wish that I didn't care.


You seem to be really on an ego bender. Banging your new girl right off the bat till your hearts content, telling the world about it, getting the backing of your male workmates and friends(the ones of seriously questionable morals), drinking, partying, posting 'hot' pictures of yourself on Facebook (we both know that isn't your style. you don't even like the way you look most of the time!). Why are you doing this? Were you that f***ing unhappy with me? If so, I never asked you to stay in that position. You cannot blame me. You cannot tell people that I was the cause of your unhappiness. You had a choice. You did that to yourself. You could have dropped me a long time ago. Or here's a thought, you could have grown some balls and come and visited me! Instead of putting the guilt trip on me that I had to do the visiting. Me, who was sick, broke, and who had already given up my life here to live with you for over a year. But no. All you saw was my issues in the relationship, so I was the one who had to make the moves. Well yes, I had issues. But so did you you idiot. It's sad that you will probably never see that. Maybe if this new girl screws you over. But I doubt she will. It's a shame. Because despite your stubborn nature, I know you have a heart that sees what is real. I know you have the ability to see things for how they are. I've seen it in you before. many times. I did know you for 4 years you know! But this time I just don't think you will wake up. The ego trip you're on is just too good. You'll be riding that wave for a while yet. Sad sad sad.


You missed out on a really amazing life with me honey. Bad luck.

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2 gross exes. It has been so long but something triggers me and I'm reminded of how traumatized I am. It's been so long and my life is 100000000000 percent better but then I think of your gross, scrawny little body wrapped around mine and the many times you violated me and I feel so disgusting, like I am the most disgusting person who has ever lived if I allowed myself to be penetrated by such a loser and creep. Other ex, the same kind of goes for you.


It's hard to let go of my anger toward you both because I know you are both sick in the head and will probably never recover.


Your kind are the most frustrating to deal with because you make things so much harder for yourself for no apparent reason, you have clear anger issues but take no responsibility for them, you betray the trust of your loved ones by treating them inconsistently, you are selfish above all, and always blame others subconsciously instead of looking inward, no matter how ridiculous you look to people who have a healthy outlook. You surround yourself with people who have similar issues and you think suffering is the norm.


Hey I just made myself feel better. You can have your suffering, I'm in a better place now and I no longer care what you do for better or for worse. You are beyond redemption in my eyes.

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It used to make me so mad that you were a hypocrite who wouldn't own up to your actions. Now, you and I would never, ever happen because I don't tolerate that from anyone. Hypocrites are just another kind of person I'm pleasant to, but keep miles away from my heart. You could never break me now and you could never ever know me. Personal growth requires a great deal of bravery, humility, and perseverance so I think I'm correct in assuming you'll never get on my level.


But I recognize that as your personal choice now. Before I couldn't accept it for some strange reason. I believed you were a stronger person back then, I was really idealistic about a lot of things. Now you would barely register so I want to let that part of me who hates you go already! You cipher. Why do I get so angry with people who I know will probably never change? You don't even know me anymore, and you haven't in a long time. The last time we spoke a year ago you said I sounded the same, which is outrageous, just outrageous. Of course in a conversation between just you and I you can make all the ridiculous statements you want because there is no one to check you or monitor you. You are a coward such a coward. You have made yourself so ugly. When I see you I honestly just see a blackened, rotting soul. But it was all your choice


Like the choice I make to keep dwelling on how much I despise you. You chose to live a cursed life I just think that is so weird. Anyway, I just can't let you drag me down


You are just such a downer even when I'm just looking back on the memories.

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I'm not about to be treated like a piece of again. I hate that you think you are able to do this and get away with it. I know you cheated and lied and still I wanted to work things out. I still do, I told you that I thought we were giving it another go. But you are doing what you always do and lieing about what youre doing and not calling when you say you will. Its my first day home off a weeks long holiday and you didnt even want to see me. You tell me your bothers going in to have a scan for possible cancer and yet dont let me know that it is in fact not that and hes fine. Why would you not tell me that??


I hate that this is your way of dealing with things. To just ignore me and hope Ill go away. Well this time I will and it will be for good. When you decide again in a months time that you want to come back. I won't be there. I deserve better than this and better than you. you are selfish and immature. I have been nothing but great to you, and have given you so many chances and reasoned with myself over why you do the things you do. I love you so much but I cant continue like this, I still have my self respect and your not about to take that from me, like you have everything else.

I put my everything into you and all I get is pain in return. I feel like you just want to hurt me over and over and over again. and I just let you do it.

I dont know if you know what you put me through everytime that you do this. It hurts so much.

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Why does everything have to remind me of you? Like EVERYTHING!?! I can't even go grocery shopping without thinking of you. I have even had to run out of the store in a panic because everywhere I turn something triggers a memory of you. It's really annoying.


I still miss you everyday. I still wish you would wake up to yourself. But as much as I love you, I don't know how the hell we could ever be together even if you did come back to me. Even if you did try and honestly make amends. How would it work? How could I ever get past the pain of you abandoning me for her? How could I ever be comfortable and safe in your arms again knowing what you've done with her (yuck!), and that you've paraded her around your loved ones already. You've ripped apart all of our intimacy. All of our closeness and connection and friendship. You've replaced me and made damn sure the world knows about it. How can that ever be repaired?


Look, I know damn well that I deserve better. But the fact is, the person I love is you. Sad but true. Why did you sabotage it all? You don't even realise that you sabotaged the relationship even when we were together. What were you afraid of? Someone genuinely loving you and genuinely seeing the goodness in your beautiful soft heart? I know you were drawn to me because I am a 'good girl', but it seems the other side of the coin is that you couldn't handle that. Perhaps you were just so used to being treated poorly. And hey, I can relate to that too. I couldn't believe that a man could be as lovely as you. It wasn't something I had experienced before.


But now I don't even know you. I still have you on Facebook. Even though it hurts, I'm not ready to change that. It causes me grief at times to see things on there. But on the other side of it, your behaviour is almost comedic to watch. A tragic comedy. If you keep it up it will become embarrassing. And it sure helps me to feel detached from you! Well, at least detached from the person you have decided to be now. The person I know and love is still well and truly alive in my heart. But he's not talking to me now. He's vanished. And in his place is a stranger.


Good luck with your ego trip x

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Eugh, it still hurts to see you on Facebook. It's shocking at blocking you when you are tagged in friends photos. You're not that attractive & have really lost your hair. Still. I'm really jealous that you get to keep P&L. I can't see myself being invited to their wedding. You are very much in their friendship group & area. I dislike myself for being so jealous but I really loved hanging out with them. Have I been replaced? I don't know but a self sabotaging part of my brain imagines I have been with a model of perfection. This is not true. I also found you hard to really relate to I guess & wouldn't want to return to our relationship. I just hate having an emotional reaction everytime I see you. I wish I could be indifferent. Hopefully one day I will be. I'm so glad we are no longer in touch.


There's this guy who I've been speaking to and quite like but I'm unsure of how he sees me. I almost want to ask your advice as a friend. Part of me wants to never trust men again because you were meant to be different and love me but in the end you 'weren't sure'. What is being projected onto me that is never fulfilled because I am human?


I dream of the birds. Them I really do miss.


It's also hard to talk about incidents that happened because a large majority of the last few years has been spent with you. Discussing where I was at a certain point I am likely to have spent it with you.


I am jealous of you and how much of an easy ride our break up has been. Although, I'm not doing too bad...I think you'd criticize me more than I would myself which speaks volumes.


I miss the city & I miss my friends who will by fault of location end up your friends in the end

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How could you make me feel bad about not calling when you cheated on me 12 months ago. How could you rationalize judge my action when you were with someone else after only two weeks. Why did you feel the need to break my spirit when you knew I was better without you? I hope you are well. Never contact me again.

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I've been watching YouTube videos all night. Mostly I've been watching live performances and covers of Madness by Muse. It's such a great song. When I first heard it when it came out, I got so emotional because it felt like it was about us. About how I was feeling about us since we were parted by distance and I had the time to think about things. And then a few months later, you finally heard the album too and said that Madness was amazing and it made you cry. I know it made you cry because of us. You're such a sensitive lovely soul. And I was too scared to be vulnerable and tell you that it had the same effect on me. *sigh*


I wish I could just hug you right now. I know I'm supposed to hate you or feel anger towards you. And I really do sometimes. But it doesn't change the fact that I still love you and wish you could be in my life. I miss you sweetheart.

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Thank you for writing the poems about me. I just saw them this morning. They did make me feel kind of happy and then very sad. I wish we were together so we could celebrate like we usually do. We could get Indian food or some other Asian dish. We could go to a museum or a zoo and enjoy the day together and discuss the rest of today and the future too. I miss you so much but I know those days are long gone and over.

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get out of my head! can't believe you would throw away what we had. i invested so much time and energy in making us work despite the distance. you're not worth it to me anymore. i hate this feeling. i hate the thoughts of you popping into my head when i'm trying to concentrate on other things like WORK! i wish i had never met you. the pain you bring me on a daily basis is because i fell so hard for you. i told you in the beginning that i have my walls up and very skeptical about letting people in. you assured me it was ok. i put down my wall and let you in. only for you to destroy what i've built up to get to where i was when we met. i need to move on from this. i will move on from this. what the hell is wrong with me to keep on holding on to whatever it is that is making me feel the way i'm feeling? i'm confused, anxious, sad, and emotional these days. leave my thoughts alone!

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When we were in the car and you told me your ex was going to the *** concert and probably wants to go to *** it really irritated me. I'm sick of hearing about her. I also like both those artists and both of them sing songs that are about sex/relationships. Every couple usually has a song. I don't want to hear about it. I want to have something that is special between us and not have songs I like ruined by the thought of her.

I feel like I've also said so many times about how I like to lie in bed and cuddle in the morning but I felt if I told you it would just kill things again. I've already had you walk out on me twice during sex and talking about it too much was not good. I just felt like in the long run I don't know how much of that I could put up with/brush off, especially if it's difficult to talk about it calmly. I felt like I need someone who is a bit more sensitive to what I say and just listens, takes it on board, not storms off. I also felt like if I say something then you are only doing it because I said so. If I brought up my ex everytime you said something about yours maybe then you might stop, but that seems childish.

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i know it sound stupid, but i still want you back. I don't know why i became so insecure like that.

What else do you want from a relationship? what else do you expect more from me? why don't you let me know?

I can't understand, you keep saying that i'm perfect, awesome... or all of that nonsense but thing that hurt me the most is i can't even bring you happiness. I love you and i adore you and gave you all what i have.

you knocked on my door, and i opened my heart for you, you bring me to the dream world with so many sweet lines and promises.

i just can't get it, just can't get it. Why can you hurt me like this? being abandoned by the one that i love and care the most!

how can it be that easy for you?

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It's been nearly six months and it still hurts, I hate you so much for what you've done to me.


You're the person who's hurt me the most and you always will be the person who's hurt me the most, I hope you never forget that.


You broke me and tore me apart and one day I hope you understand just how much you hurt me, I hope nobody breaks your heart but then again I hope they do because then you'll know how it feels.



You're a coward who doesn't deserve happiness.

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