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Everything posted by Lostagain100

  1. Day 9 Things have been going well. It's crazy how the emotions come in waves. One second I'll want to reach out, the next I'm indifferent. At least now that I'm thinking rationally I can see that the relationship probably would have never worked out. Onto day 10!
  2. I think I truly understand now why you decided to end things... You wanted to do so many things with your life, and we are both at different stages in our lives. You realized that by holding onto me you were missing out on all your dreams and aspirations. Sure, I agreed that I would go along for the ride, but you didn't think I would truly enjoy myself. As much as I want to hate you right now, I'm past that. I want you to know I forgive you, but I am doing everything in my power to move on. Time will only tell what God has in store for us, whether it be a reconciliation or an eventual friendship, time will only tell. You still SUCK for leaving me though! ha
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