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Post here instead of contacting your ex!

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Blah... I'm going out today.

I am happy!

Not with another man, but with my bestie.

I gotta get off this site!




Jonathan. I want to break NC so badly.

I want to hear your voice, my love.

I forgive you.

Ugh. I can't stand people here anymore. "MOVE ON!"

Blah. Move on into another fail relationship? Is this what the world is made up? Just moving on to the next best thing? Pshh. How can you be certain it will work out with another person? Seriously.

Why fall in love in the first place, when the solution is just moving on, and getting with another person?


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I've decided.


I wont be contacting you any more.

I wont be used by you any more.

I wont have you contacting me when it suits you to offload your guilt, emotional baggage and make you feel better.

I wont help you heal any more.


I know you have issues, are very insecure and have a lot of built up emotions from various traumatic things, but Im sorry, that isnt an excuse for how you were to me. By saying I was too good for you and way out of your league, is also not an excuse for how you were. Both massive cop outs. In that case you should have treated me amazing hoping I would never leave! Yes we had amazing moments and yes I do believe we have a real connection and yes I love you (god I wish I didnt) and wish things were different, that we were still together, but unfortunately your true colours came out and you became a very horrible person.


You are disrespectful, confused, selfish, immature and extremely cruel. To me. The girl you apparently loved with all your heart, your world, your future. Me, the girl who gave you everything, opened up my heart and let my defences down after years of being alone. I finally let you in, fell in love, introduced you to my son (a real honour) treated you so well, put 100% into the relationship, every thing I did was for you and us, but instead of getting it back, I get thrown away and treated terribly. You found someone else, like our relationship was nothing, replacing me like I was nothing. All those words, all those promises, all that 'love'....


I still to this day cannot believe what I went through and put up with. It something I read about, not ever imagining it happening to me. No one has ever spoken to me the way you did, one min with such love, next with such hate. All the nasty things you said about me, to me, all the names you called me, the mind games you played, all the times you humiliated me, made me cry, laughed at me, stopped me from doing things, you let me down all the time, accused me of things, pushed me away, took out every single awful mood on me, talked down to me, never supported me, never showed an interest in anything I liked, disrespected me, tried to change me, broke me down, emotionally drained me and left me exhausted, half the person I used to be.


You've really hurt me and Ill never forgive you. I hope you live with that guilt and regret for the rest of your life. You had me, and you properly messed it up. Your loss.

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2month today of not speaking via any form. 4 month tday of not even seing you apart from a couple of photos. god i doo miss our connection and our nice words we exchange, but i guess now is the time to forget.


we really did have somtehing special. but once again you decide to jump into another guys arms and it happens to be my best mate. both of you deserve each other, because you are both backstabbing %&%


why cant you realise that you cant keep jumping into relationships hoping that the grass will be greener.. you have done it twice before and always come back, well not this time, IF things turn sour with you two then i will no longer be arouns for you to cry on...its time you delt with your issues like an adult...


you dont even realise what you pain you have caused me and how this has efected my social life..ONE day when you snap out of this fantasy world your living in and you will come crashing down.. YOU will have nobody to blame but yourself


good night and good luck

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So. In two weeks, it's going to be two months since our break-up. It's really strange. Truly. I haven't gone this long without contacting you.


It looks like you're taking this time apart and with someone else, to heart. What's stopping you from contacting me? I... I thought you really cared about me. I know you're a caring person. Why haven't you checked up on me? Why is she your world now? She back stabbed me as a friend! Can't you see that?


I'm not struggling as much now. I kind of want to rub it in your face that I'm doing wonderfully without you. You should see how the guys look at me now. I look real good. Going to the gym everyday is paying off, along with taking proper nutrition and care for myself. I know you don't look into appearance in a relationship, but I know it's a plus for you. So honestly, she's ugly compared to how I am now. I don't want to be THAT girl, who starts developing an ego based on looks. Starts becoming obnoxious. Or rather, to put it simply, becomes a b*tch. I'm going to be the better person. I WANT to be a better person. I don't want to be bitter.


I've been going back and forth. Between wishing you both well, to hoping karma gets you both for betraying me. I can't move on if I continue being resentful. But like I said, back and forth. More often me just doing my thing and not thinking about it. I'm already past the break-up. I know why it was done and I've come to terms with it. I agree. I know. It was for the best. I'm still just stuck with the whole back stab. You dating her within days of our break-up, and her not respecting our friendship and just not caring despite her "sincere" apologies.


I truly don't know if we'll ever be friends. Sure there are success stories in exes becoming friends, but I don't know about us. I don't know about her. She was a friend. I was there for her. I listened. I tried in the best of my ability to make her feel better. To make her happy. And then she does this to me. Going out with you, getting serious within the first week with you, because she liked you for so long.


I regret it. I regret ever telling her that I felt bad I took someone away from her when she told me she liked you. Why. Why did I say that. What the hell was I thinking.


I wish I can take it all back.

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It was nice to hang out with my best friend.

Didn't think or talk about you.

I finally feel okay.

I miss you still.

What a strange feeling, knowing you'll be all right, when you miss somebody so much. 3

I hate the fact you're slowly... dying inside my mind.

I still want you.

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Weird feeling the past 2 days...I've been way too nostalgic and a bit sad. I'm mostly fine but I get nostalgic...and its the most USELESS emotion in the world. I hate that. I looked at old pictures on my Aunt's FB tonight that she still has up from her birthday back in 2010 of us...they made me cry not gonna lie. I think I'm just ubber hormonal because it's that time of the month or something but it's kind of torture. My brain KNOWS you are not that person anymore. I don't really know what more needs to happen for me to KNOW it. Do you literally need to look me in the eyes and say 'I don't care about you any more, LET GO' for me to finally FULLY let go?? The rational smart part of me knows your not that same person I fell in love with, I mostly accept it and understand it- you don't care about me like that. I DO know it but a tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiny part of me still clings to the past and who you were and what we were. I wish I could KILL that tiny part because it takes control of my emotions and most of all my common sense. I'm a friggin IDIOT when it comes to you. WHY WHY WHY??? Its so frustrating- I feel like I have a dumb little kid living in my head who keeps sticking her hand in fire and the rational part of my brain- the 'mom' keeps saying STOP DOING THAT! You KNOW fire is hot! It may not at first but it WILL burn you! Just like every other time!' But I keep doing it and yup keep getting burned!


And I had weird dreams of you last night. I mean REALLY weird. You were in a hotel room with some random girl. You were so cavalier about it. It WAS SO NOT YOU. And I just tore into you called you all sorts of names, told you how much you changed and how I hated you. I do know you wouldn't do the things you did in the dream...but you HAVE changed in other ways. You AREN'T the person I loved, and part of me DOES hate you. I think it was a little symbolic....It left me feeling all crappy though.


I just hate how when time will pass I through all rational thought out the window and think maybe I can do the friends thing with you....and every time realize I can't. I honestly don't think I'll ever learn. I don't. I've been so mad at myself for this the past few weeks. I've kept it to myself because most people in my life think I'm an IDIOT for all the choice I make regarding you. This last time around did wound me more then I lead on to the people close to me...played it off like 'Yeah we tried to be friends, didn't work out. I'm fine with it' but really it did hurt. Most of all it made me mad at MYSELF because WHAT DID I THINK WAS GONNA HAPPEN???? REALLY?? I wanna smack myself....

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Someone you once loved, were inseparable with, couldn't imagine a single day where they weren't in your life.... the feeling of that person disappearing from your memory slowly but surely... words cannot express that pain.


When it starts to become real that they are gone. Where you can't remember their laugh. Their smile. The glimmer in their eyes.


Seems like I just focus on one specific memory day to day. Today it was from a day over the summer when you and I went to the race track...you stood with me in the rain, looking me in the eyes telling me you just knew you were going to marry me. You just knew I was the one for you, you knew it. You were so adamant about it. I believed you. I felt the same way. That moment was beautiful. Even if it was a lie. It made me feel so amazing inside, like I was complete.


I don't know whats going on in your life. I guess its for the best. For all I know, you could be engaged right now and planning your life with someone new.


Its a weird feeling...you slipping from my memory yet I still miss you. If you came back, I would be there. I would be there.

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It's been a while, since the last time I saw you. Its been how many weeks since the last time I heard from you. I think the most difficult thing is loving someone we can not have. Missing someone so bad and yet you can not anything about it. It was a tough year for me.. Sometimes I regret the day I met you...Maybe if I did not say hello or did not respond to your hello, I wouldnt be struggling this much.


I miss reading your emails. The sorrow and dreams that you have in mind.. I thought we were good friends, even though our circumstances is difficult. I miss you everyday but I couldnt even tell you because it is wrong... I am not sure if I made the wrong decision to stop communicating with you, but I know its for the best.

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Been a weeks since my text message to say happy Easter. Been 2 weeks since you came and got your post and I saw you. I don't think intermittent contact is helping me, but for some reason I still miss you and want to try and make it work. 9 years and you just thrown the towel I with little or no explanation bar " the switch" has gone.


I guess deep down I wonder that with ay switch it can be switched both on and off, but would I really want you back after the horrible things you said ?


I don't know but wherever you are I do really care for you still and wish we could give it just one more go before giving everything up. Ere was nothing n the break up really.... Just a disagreement ad you getting cross with me when I'm down and having a difficult time. I'm sorry for struggling but everything got to me.


Whatever happens I won't forget our time together

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Gotye's Somebody that I used to know lyrics are just perfect. That songs just plays in my head over and over especially Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over Part of me believing it was always something that I'd done Exactly. You really are just somebody that I used to know...when it's all said and done. I could talk to you again, even spend time with you but I don't know you at all anymore. You really are just somebody that I used to know....

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you hadnt loved me since January,i hadnt made you happy since then so why leave me in March!! Why keep he hanging on,why plan hoildays with me,why talk about our wedding!

you wont even be civil to me anymore,its like the past year didnt even happen! i gave you everything but yet you didnt even like me. Used me,used my heart and used my money!! I cant believe you have done this to me and i just want to be over you so bad because actually you aint even worth my time or my tears

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With every passing day we continue to become strangers even more. I'm not sure if it's because you don't want to talk to me or if its because you're too stubborn to reach out and talk everything over. I still have my days where I miss you more than anything, and my days where I despise you. You changed me for the better and for the worse. You opened my eyes to so many things, but in doing so you changed the person who I really was. You made me feel like because it didn't meet your standards that I wasn't good enough. Well I'll tell you what, I am too, damn good enough. I have a great life filled with amazing friends and an even more amazing family. Just because I liked a few things different from you doesn't make me not good enough. I wanted to share my life with you, but all you were concerned about was your next 2 week fling. Good riddance, because everyone (and now myself included) believes I deserved way better than you. Part of will always love you, but part of me wishes we never met. We'll see what happens down the road, and we'll see if god really intended for you to be in my life and if this is one of his paths I had to take for lifes learning experiences.

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I think you were on a date last night and I think you took her home. I hope she makes you happy.

I defriended you on facebook today and blocked you on gchat. I am determined not to let you hurt me anymore. The unintentional hurt hurts most of all because then I can't even hate you for it. So I have to cut you off and protect myself.

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I heard the ice cream van accross the street. It was one of my favourite moments when we'd hear it and run for ice cream. I wasn't sure what to do..I got excited because I wanted to see the ice cream man. I went anyway, he was so happy to see me. He thought you were on your way too and he asked me 'the boy?' I said 'he's not here anymore'. He was very surprised. I didn't know what the reason was to tell him so eventually after chatting a bit I said you weren't ready for something serious. He gave me the ice cream for free and said I am a lovely girl and will find someone else. If you were here we would have had a lovely Easter day together, it was difficult last night at the church. But I do it all anyway rather than hide away.


I do a lot on my own. And most times it's cool, it's stress free like that. I know I miss you, I miss our randomness, the fun and talking to you. I may never completely understand why it was so hard for you. I do feel better though and moving on bit by bit.

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Well I did it. And I don't know what came over me but I'm actually glad I contacted you today. It didn't set me back like I thought it would. If anything now hopefully it will fuel me to really move on. Or at least let go of the hope. Because I did have it, only because of the way you left it. There was no formality to it, and as much as it does hurt to hear "it's over", it would have helped me. All you did was walk out...and I guess that could have said it all right there, but you knew I didn't want it.


I didn't even expect to hear back, let alone 3 minutes later. But I feel somewhat good that you replied instead of ignoring it. You just said coldly, without any thought at all "I just don't think its a good idea. Sorry." I know I'm going to analyze those words til I'm blue in the face tonight. But whatever. I agree with you, it isn't a good idea to see you right now. But I would rather have heard, "No, go away, stop contacting me, we're over" This ambivalence is killing me, and it has been since the night you left.


I guess I have to count this as breaking NC. There goes my hard work. And yet another ego boost for you, demolishing rejection for me. You continually play it out like I'm the bad guy.


I have to be done. I want to be done. I do it to myself, I swear....its like I want the pain...

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I hope the next 4 months pass by quietly without me hearing from you in any way.

please please please please please-- don't come here. i will freak out. I don't mean to be so mean about it but I am more than over you. I honestly can't be reminded of my mistake. I'm pretty sure I am just being really paranoid.


I'm so ashamed of myself for being in love with you once. It's just so gross and embarrassing. you're just really not my type...but I don't want you to know that, or care about that. I just want you to pretty much erase me from your mind. but you are being so CREEPY and friendless and weird. I think your friends and family are so weird. and they look down on me so it's basically perfect. we can just go on with our lives.


Please leave me alone. I deserve to be happy and I finally got through so much pain and unhappiness and I just want to live my own life for once. I am tired of all you crazy people, like my mom, dad and people like you. You guys can be as crazy as you want, but I am normal and I want a normal life.


You can have your creepy thai jersey shore gf or whatever she is...I am honestly not jealous at all. I really don't care about your sex life in any way.

I'm sorry you became even weirder after our break up but at this point it's not my fault and it's not my problem and I don't need to feel guilty for that.


I'm just trying to repel you from afar with my words (since I refuse to actually contact you.) I refuse. I deserve to be away from you.

Seriously i am freaking out. Please stay away from me, at least until I have an amazing boyfriend and I don't need to worry about you creeping me out and making me feel like a loser for dating you. I would never want you to read any of the hurtful things I'm saying now but I MEAN IT. LEAVE ME ALONE.

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Oh I think you are a giant jerk hole that should trip and fall and knock your crooked nasty teeth back to the way the should be. Oh I think you should go * * * * your stupid fake best girl friend and get it over with. I want to hate you but I can't and that pisses me off! I hope your heart hurts the way mine does. I know it will. Pretty much you just suck a lot.

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Haven't heard a peep from you since Friday, do you remember, Friday afternoon, alone and bored in your office? You were looking at your personal-porn stash of pics of me, (very hot pics, granted) and called me, knowing I was alone at my desk. You wanted me to talk dirty so you could get off, before you left for the weekend.


As always, it worked very well. And....nothing from you all weekend.


I already know....I should cut you.... completely cut you from my life. I deserve better, I do.


I'm hot, I'm sexy, I have a high sex drive, I'm attractive, I have a great body. I'm well read, intelligent, articulate. . . . . I'm fun, low maintenance and down to earth.


Why am I hung up on you? Seriously, * * * do I see in you? Really? Hmmm you hadn't done half the things in bed, that you wanted, until you were with me. SMH, you've got great potential, but you totally don't deserve me.

I need to move on. I can do better than you.

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hey just wanted to see how you are doing and to see how the baby is doing.i miss and love yall and sorry about the fight over the phone 5 weeks ago.you really hurt my feelings,yelling at me for nothing and making me feel bad.we always had fun talking,but every 3 to 4 days you go through a mood swing and start yelling at me.it was the first time in a while,i stood up for myself and i'm being punish?then your mom got on the phone and said those mean things to me(you are 25 and i'm 27,we are not kids no more).i want to call or text you and the baby so bad,but after your mom called and woke me up.talking about if i ever call or text you,she would press charges against me. i know your mom hated me but come on,i was good to you,her and the baby!this isnt fair at all,i was a good husband and father! i cooked,cleaned,potty trained our baby and worked and made sure you got more rest then me!

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I been having a lot of fun without you.

Me and my rebound.. took it to the next step. It was amazing. I am not going to lied... I did cry after, but... me and you are over. You won't ever... touch me like that anymore.


I went to concert today. A song played, "The heart of the matter" I thought you, during the whole song.


"I got the call today, I didn't wanna hear

But I knew that it would come

An old true friend of ours was talkin' on the phone

She said you found someone

And I thought of all the bad luck,

And all the struggles we went through

How I lost me and you lost you

What are these voices outside love's open door

Make us throw off our contentment

And beg for something more?


I've been learning to live without you now

But I miss you sometimes

The more I know, the less I understand

All the things I thought I knew, I'm learning them again

I've been tryin' to get down to the Heart of the Matter

But my will gets weak

And my thoughts seem to scatter

But I think it's about forgiveness


Even if, even if you don't love me anymore


Though lyrics ring my heart and mind, over and over again...

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I backed off from the new girl who was so much in to me. I knew I should not have told you about it. You told me to take it slow with her and I thought you were contemplating reconciliation. You flew to meet this guy all the way to a far away country and decided to get married, that too without giving me any hint! I know you don't awe me any explanation, but I would have preferred a text rather than notified by a common friend who came to know thru Facebook.(btw you never posted anything related to me in 5 years of our courtship on the Social netwirking sites!) You told me to slowdown with the new girl whereas you decided to marry him in a single date! How foolish of me that I shared everything even though we broke up last December. You kept me on the loop for the next 3 months, occasionally leading me on. Indirectly sabotaging my promising new relationship. I knew we were not meant be together. But I don't deserve such a treatment for being such a loyal understanding BF for 5 years who tolerated your giant mood swings. Where is the respect! I am not hurt that much as I was expecting this, you are at your unpredictable best. I am not happy for you either. What goes around, comes around..Better watch out..


As for me, the previous out of the blue break ups made me strong enough already to survive one final blow. Thanks for the good times! And see you on the other side..

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