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I do not wish you well. I wish I was a big enough person to shrug my shoulders, and not think evil thoughts about you, but I am not. I am small, and mean, and full of hate right now. I hope you catch some disease from your man-whoring ways, I hope your cat dies and you have no one to turn to, I hope you get your heart mashed badly very soon. I hope my email ruined your entire day today. I hope you have a crappy weekend. I hope you go out with dozens of women and they all leave you bored to tears, and I hope you think about ME every waking minute of EVERY waking day and I hope you wish so hard to have me back it hurts.

You are a complete jacka$$, and you love to use a bunch of ramblings to try to explain why you are so incapable of being authentic, but I am so glad I called BS on you last night.

You didn’t like that one bit, did you? Good, maybe that will keep you away. I plan on being completely nasty to you, so stay away unless you want another serving of what I dished out to you last night. I got tired of being “nice”, and “understanding” and letting you get away with your foolishness. I just wish I could warn the others that are about to hop on the ol’ Michael train. I wish I could warn them that even though it zips along merrily, it goes NOWHERE.

Oh, I love how your stupid dating profile states that you are looking for something “long term”. What a crock. You aren’t built for “long term”. I hope you suffer long lonely days and nights. I hope you rot in that stupid, ugly rented apartment of yours. I hope a woman walks in there and ruins your life. I hope she does it soon. I hope you continue to keep your ex wife around to drive you crazy. Honestly, you complained about her AGAIN last night, about how crazy she is, and yet you still keep her in your life. You are one stupid man. Sadly, you have charm and good looks going for you, so will never be forced to work on your stupidity. No, you will skate by in life on those two qualities, leaving wreckage in your wake. And then, when you turn around and look at that wreckage, you have this great “out” by saying “Hey – I told you I couldn’t make you any promises!”. How very convenient. Brilliant, actually.

I actually feel sorry for you, you are such a sad, warped man. I am not even crying this morning over you. I am actually laughing at you. God, I hope you DO contact me again so I can pick on you. I really want to abuse the hell out of you. Mess with your mind. Ruin your day, your life. I know, it’s not nice to pick on people who are weaker than we are, but damn, I really want to hurt you. I am going to become your wet dream, and taunt you mercilessly with it. I will lead you on so much and you are gonna regret ever having messed with my heart. You are selfish and just plain dumb. You have got to be one of the best looking dumb men I have ever met. I am sure that some woman out there will be completely satisfied with you the way you are. But not me. You are enormously unsatisfactory. And, unsavory. And distasteful. And you are so smug about yourself that it’s just hilarious to watch you sometimes. It’s like you have no clue. You have zero self-awareness. You don’t even see what a joke you are. That is all you are to me now. A big, fat joke. I just sit there sometimes with my mouth hanging open listening in amazement to the crap that pours out of it. I hope you get the sense that I am laughing at you now.

No longer crying.


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Each day passes makes me see that the chance of us again is not there. You're just the same person. You don't seem to realize your terrible mistakes and learn from them. I don't think you will ever change because you refuse to. How pathetic you are.


I know that you feel guilty, but you're just running away from your guilt. You can't face it because you're faceless.


You were my first true love, and maybe I shouldn't regret anything and learn from my experience, but I just can't help it.

I wish I never met you. I wish I never let you in.


I regret loving you H...

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I hate you, then I love you.

I was fine. I don't know what happened to me I'm so depressed and very sad. I can't stop crying because of you.

The hurt is just too much to take, I can't take it and I don't want to hurt anymore. How can you go on like you did nothing and I never was in your life once? I can't believe you're the same person I was in love with. I'm still in so much love with you though. I wish I could hate you, but I can't do nothing but love you even more.


I can't describe it. It's a contradiction, but even though I know how much we're hopeless, I still want you back and feel like it could happen someday. I don't know what you did to me. I'm so captured and I hate to be so.


If we ain't going to try again, I need to completely let go of you. I don't know how...


I'm so tired. So tired H. Feel me.

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Sometimes I just wish I could know if you miss me at all. Most of the time I feel like I'm over it, but I can't stop thinking about it. But I feel guilty, too, because I know I didn't love you like I said I did. I messed up too. I'm selfish. I just want to feel loved. I want to know that you think of me once in a while. I didn't think anyone could me like you did, but maybe you wouldn't even have liked me if you had actually met me in person first... My self esteem isn't very good, but good God, am I selfish.

I'm just a teenager though, and we dated for only a few months, and I'm acting like this is some tragic event, but it's not. It could be so much worse. But it still hurts sometimes. I really wanted this to mean something but I guess I'll have to wait. I have so much more of my life to live.

Arghhh. I just want to know what you think of this whole break up thing. We've never talked about it and I wish I could ask you, but that's what I'm trying NOT to do.

I could rant for ages. But I'll stop here for now.

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I am really starting to see that you weren't ready for me. I wish you could have been honest with yourself and me when I asked you. I see now that you used me (unintentionally) to forget your marriage and her cheating on you, and you were trying to recreate what you thought things should be. Now you are probably doing the same thing with her.

I guess you can't be alone. That makes me feel a little bad for you.

I can't believe you didn't even text or email me a Happy Birthday, I did for yours.

I guess now that you have someone new you can forget about me and how you said you really wanted to have me in your life even if as a friend.

I guess we aren't suppose to be friends


I wonder if you miss me? Do you ever think about me? Do you ever think about calling me?

I hate that I still think about this. I hate that even though there was this sweet guy sleeping next to me last night all I could think about was you.


I see now who you are and I know I don't want someone like that in my life.

But I still can't understand how you went from loving me so much to not loving me at all in what was not even a day.

I guess I am still angry. I still want bad things for you.

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10 F'n years. 10. 2 kids. Then you go and cheat. Why did you waste my time. If you wanted to sleep around why couldnt you say it and be honest. Because you want to have your cake and eat it too. Must be nice. I would never know. Im not like you. I would never lower myself to you. I hate that I f'in love your dumb a$$ this much. Why. Why do you hurt the one who you KNOW will do anything and everything for you. Always stick by you. Never hurt you. I dont get it and never will. Is it true that most men cheat, and its easier for woman to be faithful. I know not all woman, but I know several that are like me..would go to the end of the earth for their man as long as he stays faithful. NOT ONLY DO YOU CHEAT YOU GET THE B%%%% PREGNANT. REALLY. SERIOUSLY. How the F am I suppose to handle that??? How do I turn my switch for you OFF. For GOOD. I've tried and cant. Ive left you alone for a whole year and still love your dumb pathetic a%%. Why is love so stupid and dumb. I hate it. It feels so good when its good, and so bad when its bad. Always one extreme or the other, never in between. I cant believe im still F'in n love with you. So many unanswered questions. 1)Why did you drag me along this whole time, knowing you couldnt be faithful 2)Why is it such a strong urge to have your cake and eat it too 3)Did you ever love me the way I loved you, the way you said you did, but obviously it doesnt show 4) Why should I take your word that you'll be faithful now and that you want to marry me..after you fathred another?? WHY WHY WHY...


WOW, that felt really good to let out, WONDERFUL THREAD =)

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Just thought about the time we spent in Savannah Ga, and all the times I drove from Orlando to Charlotte to see you for just 2 days at a time. Thought about the reason why i would drive 600 miles one way to just see you for so little time... Stuff like this rips me up.... I know i'm dwelling on this but, You gave me motivation once. There is an important quote I found that really makes sense to me.


The worst way to love someone is to sit next to them, knowing they don’t love you back."


I think about this everytime we have class together.


Breaking NC only makes it worst...

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35 Days NC today.


So we've been broken up for 11 weeks and I'm so curious to what you have been up to. I wonder if you still think of me often. Probably best you aren't checking mine either... because I'm flirting with a lot of girls haha. They are just distractions though, part of me would still consider taking you back. The other part is extremely wary of you. I'm no longer sad all the time, but I still miss you.


I want so badly to unblock you on Facebook and see what you've been up to. But we all know that will only bring back feelings of attachment at this point. Blocking facebook was the best thing I did for myself, and I'm not going to relapse on that point.


I hope we can talk someday.

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hi beloved

you talked to me twice today here at work.

you tell me i'm strong and beautiful. i know you're just trying to take care of me.

i don't want to disappoint you by giving up.

i just don't know how to do this, give YOU up, find joy again withOUT you.

i miss you, i love you, i'm so desolate without you

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I'm going to be the best thing you have ever lost. Just watch me. Better then your rebound, better then any girl you've ever seen before. Stronger.

Because that's what this break-up is doing to me. I'm working on my shape, I'm letting my hair grow out and I'm on a diet. I've bought some new clothes.

I'm getting over you. I will get over you. And then, when you finally wake up and realize what you have lost, I'm gone. Goodbye.

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I miss you...SO much. I miss everything about us and about you. You're not perfect, but you are perfect for me. And you know I'm perfect for you. We just have to grow up. Gosh I think we're crazy for hoping we'll be together again when you're ready. I still have hope. But I don't know how you'll feel after awhile. Anyway....gosh I gotta stop wanting to text you!



And I REALLY need one of your hugs right now. Man

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So S another day goes by and you've spoken to me for the 2nd time in 3 days. I wanted so badly to run back into your arms again today, but I can't. I can't let you know that you still partly have my heart, or you'll just use me again. 5 years is just so hard to replace tbh. The thing is S I've found someone else who is slowly kidnapping my heart like you did. He's funny, sweet, caring, doesn't drink, doesn't physically hurt me and he's made me feel so safe again. He just thinks of me as just a friend atm, but it could change. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I wish you'd give me back the piece of my heart you still have. You don't want it- you made that clear by picking her. I wish I knew what to do S.

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I alternate between missing you so bad, to feeling like you're a complete idiot for letting me go!


No one is perfect, and I definitely have fault, but when I hear about all these men complaining about their girlfriends, how they're ungrateful, uninteresting, not intelligent, unaffectionate, etc., I look at myself and realize you lost me -- a good woman, who was loyal, loving, and devoted to you and your happiness.


But maybe that's not what you want. You left when it got too "hard," when you had to give more than you wanted, because you are SELFISH and care more about yourself than others. I'm not going to fault you for that, but I know I am the only woman you've ever been IN love with, and you let me go.


It didnt have to be that way. It hurts. I miss you. I wish we had more time together, but I realize what I have to offer someone, and it's a lot and special. Men dream of meeting a woman like me: a sensual lover, a devoted partner, a compassionate person, a loyal friend.


You're loss, honey.

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Hey kimber... Well I really wanted to write you this note to get all this off my chest. Well I just turned 30 yesterday.. and it was my birthday. It was kind of bittersweet, I am shocked I didnt hear from you, not even a happy birthday at all... but I guess I understand considering I just deleted you from my facebook and took down all of our pics together.


I was in shock when I woke up on tuesday morning and saw your new profile pic, I cannot believe you have moved on so quickly... but Honestly I know we are not right for each other and not meant to be and I do not want you back which is why its so weird for me to be feeling heartbreak... I dont get it.. this is the first time ive been in a break when I don't want you the other person back. I guess its not about wanting you back, its more to the fact that your out of my life and we will never talk again. I guess thats kinda of a sad thought.


I dunno Kimber, maybe out passes will cross again one day, Im not sure, but I do wish you the best and I hope your happy in your new relationship... good luck.. You will always have a place in my heart

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I don't really have much to say I'm just tired and wish I could stop thoughts of you from rushing in. I'm so much restless and crazily miss you. I wish you would contact me very soon. I need you to do so, so please do. I've been thinking to reach out to you, but I'm still not sure of doing this. I want you to reach out to me, please stop me from contacting you and do make the move first. Sigh

Sounds pathetic. I hate this.

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I don't even know what to say. You were gone since Friday and now I have to see you Wednesdays and Thursdays for our group meetings. At first, I thought it'd be great to see you but now, I don't even know anymore. It's painful to see you there but you're not talking to me. The first night, I took it lightly and now, I don't know. I miss you horribly. I miss my best friend. I miss talking to you, knowing about your life. I hope you missed me. I hope you missed talking to me. Now, I feel sad and not quite sure what to do with myself. How long before you realize that I'm gone? How long before you contact me first? You said you would distance yourself from me to make this work and now, those silences are so bittersweet. I rather you talked to me. UGH.

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I miss you honey. I feel like talking to you right now, but it's not the right time yet.

I wish you would contact me in a few days before I get to make the step. Leave your stubbornness and selfishness behind and just follow your sensation and reach out to me. You still have my heart, and it still feels like I'm only yours, and you're mine. I wish you would feel the same way too.


Though you've hurt me like hell, mistreated me, and didn't appreciate me, yet I still can forgive you and start fresh if you would just come back and fix it. You know why, because my love for you is way stronger.


I wish you could hear me calling.

I wish you would think of me fondly before you get to sleep.

I wish you would dream about me every day.


Have a peaceful night H. x

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Hello CC,


I feel like an idiot because after 3 1/2 months...I still miss you, even though you treated me less than human the last two months of our short relationship. My heart still drops down to my stomach when I think back to 3 weeks ago when you told me you were happy with you're new chick (who you haven't known that long), and you were ready to take on the responsiblity of her 3 yr old child. It hurts even more because I have not heard from you since then. I have my family and friends around me telling me how much of an insensitive jerk you are, I see it for a while and think i'm better off but I'm reminded of the good memories soon after i'm back at square one. You've took sooo much from me....your friends, your wonderful family, Lakewood and my self-esteem. Through all this I have no desire to check your facebook or to contact you...whats the use??? I have to keep in mind that you are not happy and you're a selfish human being and it'll be only a matter of time before your true colors will shine through, because its unrealistic you've changed in a 3 month span. You actually think all your deep-rooted issues will go away with this new chick???....please. Change starts within. As long as you habor the anger you have from your parent's divorce, your dad, and your ex...you will never change. I almost feel sorry for her and her child, because she'll soon deal with your many moods...but thats none of my concern. I know I'll come out of this a better person from all of this..so apart of me is not worried. You may take joy in the fact that you hurt me (because you are sick in that way) but I know who I serve and HE will see me through all of this.


Hope you live to sleep well......someday.

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