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Everything posted by Stress

  1. 10 F'n years. 10. 2 kids. Then you go and cheat. Why did you waste my time. If you wanted to sleep around why couldnt you say it and be honest. Because you want to have your cake and eat it too. Must be nice. I would never know. Im not like you. I would never lower myself to you. I hate that I f'in love your dumb a$$ this much. Why. Why do you hurt the one who you KNOW will do anything and everything for you. Always stick by you. Never hurt you. I dont get it and never will. Is it true that most men cheat, and its easier for woman to be faithful. I know not all woman, but I know several that are like me..would go to the end of the earth for their man as long as he stays faithful. NOT ONLY DO YOU CHEAT YOU GET THE B%%%% PREGNANT. REALLY. SERIOUSLY. How the F am I suppose to handle that??? How do I turn my switch for you OFF. For GOOD. I've tried and cant. Ive left you alone for a whole year and still love your dumb pathetic a%%. Why is love so stupid and dumb. I hate it. It feels so good when its good, and so bad when its bad. Always one extreme or the other, never in between. I cant believe im still F'in n love with you. So many unanswered questions. 1)Why did you drag me along this whole time, knowing you couldnt be faithful 2)Why is it such a strong urge to have your cake and eat it too 3)Did you ever love me the way I loved you, the way you said you did, but obviously it doesnt show 4) Why should I take your word that you'll be faithful now and that you want to marry me..after you fathred another?? WHY WHY WHY... WOW, that felt really good to let out, WONDERFUL THREAD =)
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