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You're the one who came on to me, but you had no idea that I had a crush on you months before. I accepted you, cared about you and could see us together for a very long time. Unfortunately, the bulls*** spewing from your mouth was enough to push me away and your insecurities caused whatever we might have had in the future to go down the toilet. You lost out because whoever I end up with is gonna be very lucky, and vice versa. Thanks for weeding yourself out early in the relationship so that I can move on to find who I'm actually supposed to be with. Because that's sure as hell not you. Even after all of this, though, I still miss you and think about you constantly. I was gonna text you tomorrow night because we haven't talked at all for a week and a day. I won't do it. I deserve better than you. You even told me that.

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I made it through today. I hate the fact that I have to pass by your house every time I drive down my street. I hate the fact that I could see you walking around campus any day and I hate the fact that we have so many mutual friends. I wish I could just walk over to your house and curl up in bed next to you like I used too. I miss all those tiny things we shared together. I hate still finding traces of you everywhere I look. I don't think I'll ever be able to get over you while I'm still here and even after I move on ever * * * * ing part of NYC reminds me of you, every train line reminds me of somewhere we lived together or a moment we shared. It seems crazy that such a huge place is tied so intimately to one person. When we were together that was something beyond wonderful, but now I'm not sure how I'll be able to get past it.

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I'm feeling lonely, its the start of the easter break and all I can think about is you spending it with her.


What was so bad about my company, I thought you liked spending time with me but it was all an act.


I hate that I torture myself with thoughts of you constantly, I hate that I still care after everything you've done and I still wish you would drop me any kind of crumb - I hate the person i've become for wanting that.


I miss you Hairy

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today i told you i want to forget you. im lying. i want you to come back for me. and thats me being 100% honest with even myself not matter how much i say you dont deserve me. your birthday is coming up in april. i dont know how i will handle that day. i know you have court for your ticket and im sure youl drink with your fraternity brothers. i cant help but think they will pressure you to do something stupid with a girl even though i know thats not in your nature to fall into that stuff. i dont think ill even say happy birthday. you wanted me gone, so i am. i did it because you told me too, because i love you so im trying so hard to let you go. but it was so good to just hear your voice. did you feel that way? im surprised you admitted to wanting to call but i know thats only you wanting to be selfish, but it made me feel good. but if your life is so happy without me, why do you need me in it at all? there can be no friendship between us. do you want me to resent you later while you try to be my friend? it wont work, and im not sorry. i wish your were.

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There was so much of me and my past I never shared with you... it would have helped you understand me. I'm sorry, I just didn't think you were stable enough to handle them, or internalize them and eventually walk away. And now that you've walked anyway, I'll never have the opportunity to teach you about me.


Its better under these circumstances, I suppose. I couldn't have handled you leaving because of my painful past.

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I don't regret our relationship because it taught me so much. I was just a naive girl desperate for love, academically smart but emotionally stupid!

I kidded myself into thinking that a relationship has its share of compromise, hardship and struggles just to justify your behaviour and make myself feel comforted when that repressed part of me was saying 'BREAK UP & GET AWAY WITH HIM NOW!'

Towards the end, I must have said this to myself sooo many times 'If he does break with you this time then don't fight it, let it go' because I just wanted to be rid of you but didn't have the guts to do it but somehow I found the will!


I'm so glad that I'm rid of your problems, your financial issues, your lack of stability. You talk about change but you never will. You will never be happy in your life because of the way you are. 2 years of ups and downs, amazing memories, broken promises, lie after lie, we've been through so much together and I miss you.


But should you one day come back (and I suspect you will) you'll realise that whilst you've been figuring whether you want me or not... maybe I have decided that I don't want you!

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Why after I gave you my heart and made you everything in my life you abandon me? Didn't say you don't give up on those you love? Why didn't fight for me? I would have fought the world for you and never once think of giving up. Oh well, but that's just me apparently... Damn it.

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The weekend is going to be tough - but i'm doing that to myself really. It cant go on like this, i either need to get over you, or do something. Something won't help, but you never know. How silly. I'm even talking rubbish now. But i still love you, something you don't understand i think, me being your first serious realtionship, no comparisons. But i've been dumped, cheated on twice before, and all sorts of horrible stuff, so when i say it, i know it, because i feel it - compared to everything, and this was the best. It's a shame you don't appear so deep because i'd love to tell you this sort of stuff, but i don't think you'd get it. x

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i woke up early this morning, thinking of you as usual. wondering seemingly what your upto.. did you have a good day yesterday? are you happy? are you happy with what you have now?


i went for a run again this morning. today was tough.. i'll go for another one tomorrow before i head out of town to have fun in van.


i remember last easter we went upto the mountains, and spent the time in .... and then drove back. you started to fight with me the last day...


i wonder do you fight with your new guy? or is he perfect.


your friend posted a reply to me having a date on facebook this week.. asking was it a t*ai girl.. funny. your friends are so nice your such a mean you know what.


i'd like to call you right now, and ask you what your doing. but whats the point.. you'll be tired cause you worked at the rest 500000 hours this week... it kind of bugs me you never call/email/etc me to see how i'm doing.. i guess you've completely forgotten about me.


i was thinking about 2 christmas ago,when i suspected you were cheating.. and told you then, if i ever find out you cheat, we are finished right here and there.. and i recall your friend telling me, all the guys you cheated with me on even this past summer. i don't understand you.


i can do so much better than you.. i don't know why i miss someone, who has treated me and disrespected me so much.. you at times make me feel awfull about myself.. you blaming me for all the problems we had in our relationship.. when in fact now, looking back.. i think you were trying to get out.


anyways, whats the point in writing to you... you've moved on.

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I gave her money, I gave her time

I gave her everything inside one heart could find

I gave her passion, my very soul

I gave her promises and secrets so untold


And she promised me forever-and-a-day we'd live as one

We made a vow we'd live a life anew

And she promised me in secret that she'd love me for all time

It's a promise so untrue

Tell me, what will I do?



Is it my destiny to never find someone who appreciates and is grateful for the care I show them? What a pain. All I ever wanted from you was to love me. I put you ahead of myself for a year. I'd care about your feeling before mine and would give you anything before myself. After I put up with all the problems, you desert me. I gave you my heart and you squashed it. I guess I must learn that I must not put people ahead of myself anymore. Damn it.

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time is ticking by... and i got a number from a super hot girl tonight... to call her next week cause i make her laugh.


haha. its such a nice feeling.... screw you so much... with everything you programmed into me.. nobody would ever find me atttractive.. and now a super hot girl wants me to call her!!!!


i am not over you.... but i can say.. its nice to have another girl wanting to meet up with me... its a soft tug over the big tug you have left in me.. maybe she sees what you nver saw... looser!

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i love you and hate you all at the same time

I wish you stll loved me, i wish we could go back and start over, start it off slow.. i think we would have made it last..


Jumping in with two feet was bad for both of us.

Now here I am..crying every morning bc i miss you

I hate it.

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Why do i beat myself up about you. Never showed me any respect, no wonder as i didn't respect myself for being treated so badly by you. You left me pregnant alone to deal with it, threw me out the hotel room for crying ofter sleeping with you, said some nasty things to me, ignore me and finally intimidate me to the point i thought you was going to hit me.


All i ever did was try to be a friend. How can you live with yourself knowing you've done all that to me. I'm a decent kind person - you know i am. but in your eyes i'm not even worth an apology. Still to this day i make excuses for you, saying the anger and hate towards me is due to your fathers death - i know its not. How can you just treat another person like this. Your scum......

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So close, no matter how far

Couldn't be much more from the heart

Forever trusting who we are

and nothing else matters


Never opened myself this way

Life is ours, we live it our way

All these words I don't just say

and nothing else matters


Trust I seek and I find in you

Every day for us something new

Open mind for a different view

and nothing else matters

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I love you. I do. I don't know where your feelings went or what you want and I'm not surprised you don't either. I wish to bump into you later in life and us work. Im not going to hold onto hope and I'm going to assume its over. But seriously not knowing if its goodbye or see you later kills me. Who is to say its not meant to be? You said somethings that right now what I think you need is more experience. If yourself even has that wish to bump into each other later in life I don't object to it. And you know what I mean. But for now I need to lose all feelings. I'll be missing you, and its sad that you admit it will be hard to top what we had with anyone else and I think you actually know this and It's not just something your saying.

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Dear Lee,


It's been a year and 3 months since you left me, just about. And now it's time for Easter. We'd probably go to church and have brunch with your parents. But you know what? I can't remember! I can't recall one Easter we had together in any detail. I think I remember going to your sister in law's church, but I'm not even sure that was on Easter.

You would think, after spending 7 Easters together, that I would remember but I don't.


I think about you sometimes and feel sentimental because I loved you. You are irreplaceable. My new boyfriend does not make up for what we had, even though he and I do some of the same things. You were truly loved...and always will be.


But the weird thing is, I can't really remember you in detail. I used to feel crushed on the holidays, but now I'm involved with church and it doesn't even really phase me anymore. Still, you are on my mind and I am wondering about you. Your mom just sent me money, bless her heart. I almost forgot the two of you were related.

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Funny I am sitting In the airport there is a couple sitting next to me with 2 new babies and they are fighting....funny I wonder if we had been sucessfull in getting you pregnant how would we have done.... Some new friends Korean and canadian have a little girl that is the cutesy ever.... Last week when we were all out for lunch the Korean girl says I am next. It's interesting breaking up... I remember I wanted to have a baby with Nicole but she never wanted to with me cause of a bunch of reasons... But in the end she said I would be a great father..


I feel so bad for this couple fight fight fight frig I don't

think we ever fought so much

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Hey, jerk...D. called this morning and I reluctantly answered the phone, knowing I was going to tell him that I couldn't see him anymore. He was so happy to hear my voice. I can't believe I almost broke his heart, not believing that he really cared. He told me he adores me. In all our years together, I don't recall you ever saying anything remotely close to that. So, I'm not breaking it off. In fact, he's coming over tonight. Shows how much you know.

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