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I finally blocked you. finally, because for a week I was going backwards and I couldn't do that. so I blocked you and many others related to you. I had to. I needed to. I wasn't expecting the tears to come back when I did it but.. no more. No more.

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Dinner was nice, but I feel like you looked at me as a friend.

Please don't say you want to take things slow and see how it goes if you don't have feelings for me.

How can you go from saying I love you...to well...basically starting over.


I miss the i love yous, I miss your kisses.. I miss it all.

I was so hopeful that tonight I was going to get all of that... I am too anxious for us to be back together, that I really do not know if my feelings will allow for me to take things as slow as you want.

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Day 2 after being dumped. Day 2 of of no contact. Hoping I can make it 30, 60, or even 90 days without contacting him. He said he'd mail some of my stuff I need. No excuse to contact him for any reason. I have to get through this with some dignity this time. Please give me the strength not to contact him. He does not want to hear from me. He can't stand me.It happened so fast. He seemed happy, and then one weekend he's screaming that he can't stand me, after three years. I must not look at what he is doing online. I have had enough hurt in my life. Please give me the strength to live through this without causing myself more hurt.

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I am mad at you for making me believe that you really cared for me, when you didn't. I can't believe that you honestly thought that I would be so dumb to not realize that you were sleeping with someone else.


I was too blind to notice that you put all of your effort into finding my flaws and pointing them out to me, instead of looking at what aspects of my personality made me a great person. You found something to complain about me the day we met, and I should have taken that as a red flag.


Every time I tried communicate with you, you saw it as an argument or as me over-analyzing. It was totally impossible for me to say anything ever. I remember when I tried to talk you would cut me off, see it as an argument and stoop to any level to win. The very last time I tried to talk to you gave me a time limit of less than a minute to discuss why I was upset. If you had your way I would just sit there and smile all of the time no matter what I was feeling. You couldn't even communicate that you wanted to break up, instead I was just ignored, and that hurt. I let myself be ignored only because I know it is pointless to try to talk to you. My thoughts and feelings never had any real value to you because if they did you would have wanted to understand.


I am not perfect, and by no means do I think I am better than everyone else, but i DO KNOW that I was too good for you.

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got ma fighting spirit back...and again my clarity to your BS


this aint very charitable of me, but i hope the new job (which im thinkin was utter BS) is really bad... i hope you sit at home kicking yourself that your lil 'punishment' backfired


i hope you grow a pair and actually contact...jus so i can show you through NC that ive moved on and you lost me for good.


sick? well yeah, but not as sick as the games you played with my head and heart....you brought this on yaself and i hope the universe lets you know

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Five months since you ended things with me and I finally feel like I am slowly moviing on with my life as I am sure you are as well. I still can't believe you told my friend you still love me. Whatever those feelings were I doubt they were 'love'.

Did your Mum tell you I saw her a while ago now? It was nice to say hello, just for a minute. Feels like so long since I saw you and your family.

Some of the things you said to me when we broke up on your birthday ring in my ears even now, especially what you said about thinking about sleeping with other women. I hope you are doing as much of that as you can now so that eventually you'll feel ready to stick around much longer when you meet someone super special! It's probably the singlemost hurtful thing, other than the actual act itself, a person can hear from the man they love. I hope one day I meet someone who would never dream of doing, thinking or saying what you said to me.

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I hope she was worth it.


We all get what's coming to us but you acting like I deserved it and like it somehow made what you did justified is completely messed.


You made your bed now lay in it. I'm out the door. When I said we need to let go and let things be I meant that and not that I needed "cooldown" time. W+f does that even mean? That you want time to be with someone else to get over me while I "cool off".


Grow up, man. People keep calling you a douche to your face for a reason.

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Oh, and all those times you asked me if I was happy with you I knew you didn't believe me when I said yes. Too bad I was just too stupid and scared to actually lay it on ya and tell you what was bothering me. But I know you too well. You're too self absorbed. If you don't wanna hear something you turn into a 5 yr old hearing a lecture he doesn't wanna hear! You've done this countless times to me, your friends, even your family! I just wanted to believe you were better than that. But even now you haven't changed.


Too bad I'm moving forward and ur diggin a hole down, deeper, down.

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I loved you so much my dear. I feel the loss everyday of not being that special guy in your life any longer that you call on your breaks and after work as you walk to your car. the morning texts to say morning sweetie. The wrestling matches as we laugh our butts off and playfully flirt as we look into each others eyes. O how I miss the connection we had as we would dance and party with our friends. The smile on your face the kind hearted acts of bringing me food and driving over to see me even though you needed to do laundry, it could wait I was more important.


Then the day came when you decided I was not any longer what you wanted. that I was not making you feel special enough. You had given your all and I was not in the same place yet with you. I am sorry my dearest, I was not there yet. It had only been 5 months, I had been divorced, Had just broke up with a girl I was dating not long before we met and I still had some feelings her. I was getting over her and you really were becoming the most special one to me. If I could only turn back the clock. Why such bad timing! If we would have met later I would have been where you were at at the same time.


Now we talk or text often but see each other very little. I really did have fun two weeks ago with you at the party dancing and pushing each other around. You looking for me all over the room and ignoring your friends to spend time with me. Only dancing with me all night. Falling asleep in my lap in the car for two hours was a gift from God. I never wanted that moment to end. Holding you felt so perfect.


I really have been struggling to let you go but I know I must. You have chosen at this time not to come back and want to be friends and see what happens. I know you dating other guys on and off cuz you told me so. I wish I had more time with you I believe I could win back your heart. I guess that is not what you want. I really wish you would not have sent me that text Saturday night telling me you miss me and your listening to a song that reminds me of you.


So we talk today and you want to hang out one night this week. I know I will go but how will it be? Can I control myself and be cool and fun, or will I be a wimp and tell you how much I want you back. I am a little afraid to see you. Part of me wants to go and try to point out to myself all the things wrong with you so that I can protect my heart. I doubt it will help much. I hope you feel a connection with me and start having a desire to come back.


I want to let go but you give me hope. Maybe I am a fool but I just cant let go yet. I miss you baby and want you back. I know that not many people get back together after what I put you through not caring enough when you did. But I am there now and maybe it is too late. You may not ever be able to trust your heart to me again.


So I chose to suffer to continue to show you how much I care in hopes you will come back and believe me. We had something pretty special, like nothing I have ever had before. I hope you feel it to. You are an amazing woman and I am going to try to be your friend and not push the issue or even talk about us getting back together. You have to be the one to do that. You know where I stand the next step is yours. I hope I can do the friend thing until you either come back or get in a relationship. Then I will be able to let go.


I really wonder what your thinking about me. How you are feeling. Do you have a part of you that might come back? I really wish I knew. You send me so many mixed signals. I will be happy when this whole process is over.

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I really wanna call you..I wonder how you're doing, if you still want me. I know I've put you off completely from contacting me, I wonder if you have any idea how much I miss you. I don't contact you because I don't feel strong enough and because I can't fully trust my feelings at the moment. I wanna tell you that I'm sorry, I couldn't open up to you. Noone seems remotely as interesting as you. I assume you may not feel the same because you work in a more artistic environment and maybe you meet lots of other unusual people. I am mostly by myself and I create my little stories that you so liked. I wish I was yours again, I could be with you and not look elsewhere. I wish I could tell you all those things I want but pride and need for power stop me. I'm scared of your rejection but I'm also scared of losing you forever. I wish there was a way for me to know what you feel. And I'd tell you if there was any hope. I'd tell you how much you mean to me. That I've missed your smelly hair and your quirky ways. And dreaming of the best with you, how we are gonna be so successful. But maybe this is just a deluded dreamer's thoughts and in reality you have moved on and you are not trully interested. I still pray for you to tell me that I'm the one for you.

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My ex texted me a little over an hour ago and I feel tempted to respond so I am just going to write what I would say here.


He texted me "hey u".


I felt somewhat relieved when I received this because it makes me feel like he is thinking about me, but I think I felt more appalled by it. My relationship just faded, and the break-up was unclear. I am not sure if he thinks we are even still together, but on the chance that he does why has he not texted me since sat night until now? He has been a nasty person to me, and placing all the blame on me, and all he has to say is "hey u"?


Way to go and not recognize your wrong actions once again. I am not going to run to you because you decided to text me a "hey u". I am not going to allow you to treat me the way you do. I have this hankering irrational voice inside that is telling me that if I don't text back he might never text you again, but is that necessarily a bad thing? Just because he doesn't feel that he has done anything wrong does that relieve him from the responsibility of owing me an apology?


I caved and let him back in during the past two awful weeks, I let him blame me. I let him walk all over me. It doesn't matter if he thinks he is wrong or not. I shouldn't have to tell him that he is. Therefore, I say screw you to your "hey u".

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I just read what I wrote last night. I was so tempted to contact him right now, but reading over my above post has helped ease the urge a little. For how long I don't know. I literally caved four minutes after writing what I did above last night and texted back a single line.


Why do I want to talk to him? He has made it apparent that he is not that interested in talking to me. If he was he wouldn't have ignored me for so long when our break up was not even clear. The "hey u" was a total mind melt because now all I can think of is contacting him this whole morning. I hate him for sending it to me.


So what if I did contact him? What am I going to say? Something meaningless like how good the movie I saw last night was? Would I hope to slide into some sort of small talk? Show him that I am weak and pathetic and willing to chase after him, and give him attention even after he has ignored me for so long? Praise him for not wanting to see me the last five times I asked? Accept that there are most likely other women in the picture?


No I am not that weak person. I deserve better. I deserve someone who wants to be with me. I know I can be difficult at times, but somewhere there is someone who won't mind it.


I am going to lay down in bed, watch tv, and maybe take a nap.

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I miss you so much. so much.


I can't forgive what you have done to me, playing with my feelings. And I can't accept that you don't like me anymore - even though it is clear you don't. How can you just turn off feelings like that.


I really thought we had something special, was I stupid? I don't know if I miss you or the idea or you more. Either way I am so lonely and just long for someone to hold and to hold me.


You are selfish, so selfish. You made such a big deal out of staying friends, and yet you never contact me just to ask how I am. We only ever communicate about work.


I just feel so stupid and I want to get over you. I want to have someone else in my life

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I hate how you just changed. I wish we didn't argue so much. Maybe you would still care like you used to. I wish you realized that you started a good deal of those arguments even though you blamed me. Why couldn't you just be content and not look for flaws in me ALL OF THE TIME so you could use that against me. I miss the way you were.


I don't know why I miss you so much, because I shouldn't. You are a toxic person. All of my friends think you are a loser, and I am being desperate for even considering speaking to you again.


Why am I so desperate for you when I know I can do better. 50% of the time we argued you actually fought with me to lower my standards so I can be with you.


My long time friends have known many of my ex's and they think you are the worst of them all. I am ashamed of myself. Why can't I listen to the people that care about me. I must refuse to see the obvious.


I don't know why I miss you, but I do.

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Today I needed your support. But I had to deal with it myself.


Sitting in the waiting room at hospital, surgery pre-admission, made me think of the time you had to have that surgery for your arm. Made me remember the day you broke it, that painful night. I tried my best to be there for you.

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