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Happy father's day


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Just like a thread was made on Mother's day why not one for all the daddies here.


Feel free to share any special moments with your dads, anyone you wanna write about........ However you wanna express yourself....


LOL, sometimes I'm still his little girl. Think I will always be no matter how old I get, even though I can be spoiled and rotten at times.


He's the only man that will never steal from me nor trick me in anyway. A boyfriend or husband can but not a father. The one that will jump right away if he sees some jerk mistreating me in anyway. A friend, boyfriend, etc. can let me fall in a maze full of traps and stab me behind my back, not my father. He looks out for me.

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I love watching my son and husband together. My son follows his dad around like a little duckling and wants to be just like him. It's adorable.


I sent my own dad a gift but for me what makes this Father's Day really special is the relaionship between my little boy and his dad.


Happy Father's Day to all the ENA Dads!

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My dad has the most infectious, booming laugh in the world. He is always ready with a willing ear to listen to all my problems, and has no problem telling me (when warranted) "Listen, kiddo, the sun will still come up tomorrow. I promise." He cooks a mean steak on the grill, loves animals, and is so tender and patient with his own elderly parents. He still brings my mom flowers "just because." He is just the best, and I love him.



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My biological father... let's not go there, he was no father to me, reasons which I won't disclose on this thread, but I have a daddy...a real daddy to me...they say blood is thicker than water... well love is thicker than blood... and my daddy... he is amazing to me...one who listens...cares for me...takes care of me...loves me...is truly remarkable...he really is one of a kind...he isn't perfect, but no one is...he makes mistakes, but everyone does...I love him and couldn't bare life without him...


Happy Father's Day Daddy...

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My Dad was strong, kind, and funny. He had so many friends, it's hard to count them all. Above all else, he taught me to be true, be honest, and not let them get you down.


From my son, homemade Fathers Day card...."putting up with my cr@p since 1995!"

I woke up to a pancake and bacon breakfast, all the dishes put away, and the paper ready to read!

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My dad was great in a lot of ways. He knew a lot about uncondtional love and passed that onto me.


I also want to say Happy Father's Day to all the dad's in our armed forces who can't be with their children today. The sacrifices you make are tremendous, and thank you seems so small.

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My Dad has been my hero all my life... even more so when he suffered a massive stroke last year and had to relearn to walk with months of aggressive and painful physical therapy. Him walking me down the aisle 6 months after the stroke was one of my happiest and most emotional moments, as was our father daughter dance.


My hubby is about to be a dad, we're expecting in 3 weeks. I can't wait to see him with our baby and I know he is going to be a wonderful father too. He lost his own father to a terrible accident at age 2 so I know this is a bittersweet day for him too, as he thinks about what he missed out on with him.


Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there!

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Happy fathers day to my American friends. Hope you all had a good day. In Australia fathers day is in September but never the less its a special thought for the men who do love and care for their families and people in general.

Becoming a father was very humbling and when I saw my first child a baby daughter born I knew I had witnessed a miracle. It made me realise how special every person on this earth is.

My wife...that beautiful creature that woman shared the gift of love to raise our kids. Its through these experiences..that a father grows with emotional maturity. It is something special to be a dad...a better appreciation of the journey to nurture children and in turn a greater appreciation of the efforts of all living people. An appreciation of all people who decide to live nurturing lives..moving towards better days. My fatherly instincts have drawn me to try and help others..

Happy fathers day guys!!


















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