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Is it better if you dont need her?


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Do you think the key to a healthy relationship is when you are supplementing your life with your girlfriend/boyfriend, rather than making them the centre of it? my ex was the air that i breathed. Maybe you need to have a full life without them for you to able to sustain a relationship

what do you think?

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Maybe you need to have a full life ithout them for you to able to sustain a relationship

I totally agree with the above! A partner is not there to "make you feel whole". You should be "whole" on your own. A partner is the bonus which compliments the relationship (imo).

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I feel that you need to feel whole as a person, first.

It is then that you can ADD to it...and feel a completely different sense of energy and have a totally different and healthy relationship when you don't need someone. You're CHOOSING to have a relationship.


Its a beautiful thing when two whole people make a choice to be together.


A partner isn't your life, they are just part of it.

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Do you think the key to a healthy relationship is when you are supplementing your life with your girlfriend/boyfriend, rather than making them the centre of it? my ex was the air that i breathed. Maybe you need to have a full life ithout them for you to able to sustain a relationship

what do you think?


Yes. Never get into a state of NEEDING them. It will be a total disaster sooner or later.

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wanting someone in your life doesnt necessarily mean being with them, eg an ex. That is the crux.


considering the context of the question, i thought it was implied that we are talking about people in a relationship. so yes, my statement is meant to be: in a relationship, it is the most wonderful thing IMO, if my partner tells me, that he doesn't need to be in a relationship with me, but that he simply wants/ likes being in a relationship with me.

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Absolutely. You gotta have your own life, for many reasons. Sounds like you're learning valuable lessons from this breakup.


Do you think the key to a healthy relationship is when you are supplementing your life with your girlfriend/boyfriend, rather than making them the centre of it? my ex was the air that i breathed. Maybe you need to have a full life without them for you to able to sustain a relationship

what do you think?

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