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Shelby...as we know it.


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I had several night terrors..not nightmares...night terrors last night. I think i'm starting to get sick. I have a lot of internal conflict right now and i'm not even sure if i'm justified in feeling the way that I feel. Nothing feels right, just one of those days I suppose...I've had a rough past few nights so I guess that's why.

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Spent the night with K on Saturday night. We went back roading for an hour around the lake and then we went to see Last Vegas. It was SO hilarious. Honestly it was the best movie I have seen in forever. Probably cuz' I work with elderly people all the time so I really understood all the jokes about high cholesterol, cancer, heart healthy diets, etc. So so so funny, I would definitely pay to see it again. Spent the rest of my time with Hayden. My mom is taking him to the doctor today because he's been kinda sickly the past week.


This week is going to be insane at work...really dreaded it this weekend but I'll pull through as always.

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Things are going really well. Like i've said several times before, it's just me getting used to being in a 'normal' relationship. He's so easy going and it's just so different from how I am. I'm neurotic, insecure, anxious, selfish sometimes... Last week was hanging out with his best friend and they were tagged at a bar with two girls whom are their friends. I got upset about it at first, I was honestly upset for a couple days...I had been having a rough day just by chance on those days and it didn't 'go over' well with me. I never said anything to him about it. Now looking back, I really just didn't have any legit reason to be upset. The girls they were with have been their friends for a while. They're nice girls, I like them even though I don't know them well. I fully trust K, which is another thing i'm having a hard time with because both of my last relationships had pretty much zero trust. Another issue I had is that his best friend cheats on his girlfriend [he actually just broke up with her though] and I worry sometimes about his behaviour rubbing off on K. They're completely different personalities though and K confides in me that he doesn't agree with his friend's actions. I can't expect K to go home every night when he can't be with me, he has friends..a social life..I have to remember that and not be selfish. He would be with me more if he could. We spend time when we can and I have to be okay with that.

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Ugh, I hate that my doctors work with/know K's mom...one of my doctors is constantly telling me that he's gonna tell her i'm a stripper on the weekends and that i'm pregnant and I don't know if it's K's baby or our fat persian doctors....


Sorry, but that's just funny right there LOL. Sounds entirely like something I would do.


As for worrying about the friends behavior rubbing off on K. You can worry about anything, doesn't mean it will happen. K is a grown person. He is who he is. A friend isn't going to rub different values off on him.

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I know, edmund. I have to remember that they have been best friends for a very long time and surely if the behavior was going to rub off on K it would've done it by now. I just can't worry about though. I trust K and he's given me absolutely no reason not to.


and yes, my doctors give me so much hell..it's almost exhausting how much crap we talk to one another.

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TMI alert: I'm on a 90 day birth control pill which means I don't have a period but every 3 months. I've been on it for over 3 years, I usually never have any issues. I'm not supposed to start my period until next week but last wednesday my body decided to start bleeding...my body faked me out yesterday like it had stopped but then *WATERFALLLLL* over night. It's Tuesday and i'm still bleeding!!! My regular periods are only like 3 days long. . I feel hormonal and miserable and crampy. I'm second guessing every decision I make and making mountains out of mole hills. So ridiculous. I just had to vent.

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I'm going to a christmas party/chinese christmas [or gift exchange, whatever you call it] party in a couple weeks. It's being thrown by the county hospital's surgery clinic that my surgeons work at...my boyfriend's mom just so happens to work there too. In the SIX years i've been employed here, i've never gone. One of my doctors gets super excited about it and brings tons of gag gifts...he's really excited that i'm actually coming this year. I'm so nervous though cuz K and I are gonna ride to the party with his mom and dad...it's at this great mexican place that serves my favorite margaritas and there will be an open bar. O_O I'm limiting myself to TWO margaritas though. I can just see myself getting drunk around my ornery ass doctor, my boyfriend and his parents and making a complete ass of myself. No idea what gift to bring though. There's gonna be a bunch of doctors there...what can I buy that would even be desirable to them?

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Hayden is staying home with my dad today cuz his babysitter had doctor appointments. I was tiptoeing around my room this morning getting a few of his things together like extra underwear, a pair of socks and stuff like that for Hayden for easier access to my dad since he's still got that device on his leg...all the of the sudden, Hayden starts stirring...rolls over..and says "mom. I need my ninja turtle jammies on before you leave........................please." When did he grow up? Sometimes I feel like such a hag of a mom cuz I work so much and then I come home and i'm not 100% into it. I lack patience sometimes. I lack creativity. I'm not a pinterest mom. My favorite part of our weekends is when we snuggle up on Saturday and Sunday afternoons and take a nap. I feel guilty for not having some extravagant craft or event to take him to every weekend sometimes...sometimes we just stay in our PJ's all day and watch movies. I will always struggle with working mom guilt. One girl i'm friends with on facebook and in real life..she's 21..has a 5 year old and a 1 year old..she decided to be a stay at home mom and constantly posts on facebook about homemade goodies and snacks she makes for her girls, the crafts they're gonna do today, how lucky she is to stay at home with her girls and how well mannered and well behaved they are. I shouldn't feel guilty when reading her posts but I do.

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So many single moms face the same guilt. I come from a single mom. I don't hold into the memories of the crafts or baking we did. I hold on tothe fact that she was always there, worked hard, taught me little things like writing and spelling certain words, and telling me stories of all kinds if things. Good moms aren't good bc they craft. They're good bc they love.

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So many single moms face the same guilt. I come from a single mom. I don't hold into the memories of the crafts or baking we did. I hold on tothe fact that she was always there, worked hard, taught me little things like writing and spelling certain words, and telling me stories of all kinds if things. Good moms aren't good bc they craft. They're good bc they love.


thanks hers. I tried to rep but I haven't spread enough love around yet.

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