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I'm sooo sorry about the little horse baby Oh, that breaks my heart, the poor thing. I'm sure he was comforted knowing you were there with him. That little story made me cry (probably because my cat died today and I'm a wreck)


99 daysssss...wowww!!! That's so soon How exciting!!!!

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I'm sooo sorry about the little horse baby Oh, that breaks my heart, the poor thing. I'm sure he was comforted knowing you were there with him. That little story made me cry (probably because my cat died today and I'm a wreck)


99 daysssss...wowww!!! That's so soon How exciting!!!!


I'm still tore up about the horse..I guess it's because i'm so compassionate about animals..As horrible as it sounds, I would much rather see a person suffer than an animal. I just felt so helpless and..gah..


I'm the same way as you are..i'm so sorry about your cat. I've had animals my entire life and every time we lose one, it's like losing a family member..a very close family member. Especially when it's one you've had for such a long time..

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I'm still tore up about the horse..I guess it's because i'm so compassionate about animals..As horrible as it sounds, I would much rather see a person suffer than an animal. I just felt so helpless and..gah..


I'm the same way as you are..i'm so sorry about your cat. I've had animals my entire life and every time we lose one, it's like losing a family member..a very close family member. Especially when it's one you've had for such a long time..


I'm the exact same way. Animals are innocent and helpless, people are not. I'm much more compassionate when it comes to animals than I am people. It is like losing a family member and anyone who tells you, "It's just a (animal)" makes me want to punch them in the throat.

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I'm the exact same way. Animals are innocent and helpless, people are not. I'm much more compassionate when it comes to animals than I am people. It is like losing a family member and anyone who tells you, "It's just a (animal)" makes me want to punch them in the throat.


Yeah, my boyfriend was like "I don't see the big deal.." and I went off on him like no one's business..he learned his lesson, haha.


Animal cruelty, neglect, abuse..it all makes me literally sick to my stomach. I remember crying over a beetle that was being attacked by ants when I was like 6..and here lately every time I see an animal that has been hit by a car, I get depressed..I really think I might need counseling.

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Yeah, my boyfriend was like "I don't see the big deal.." and I went off on him like no one's business..he learned his lesson, haha.


Animal cruelty, neglect, abuse..it all makes me literally sick to my stomach. I remember crying over a beetle that was being attacked by ants when I was like 6..and here lately every time I see an animal that has been hit by a car, I get depressed..I really think I might need counseling.


I'm the EXACT same way. If my boyfriend ever said anything like that, I would beat him with a chair.


I can't kill bugs. Not even ants or flies. Mosquitoes, ehhh... I make an exception.. but even if it's the biggest, nastiest spider (I just typed sweater?), I'll take him outside.


I hit a fox once and had a mental breakdown.

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I'm the EXACT same way. If my boyfriend ever said anything like that, I would beat him with a chair.


I can't kill bugs. Not even ants or flies. Mosquitoes, ehhh... I make an exception.. but even if it's the biggest, nastiest spider (I just typed sweater?), I'll take him outside.


I hit a fox once and had a mental breakdown.


Yep, definitely hit a turtle on my way to prom a couple of years ago and ruined my face full of make up crying for an hour.

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Ugh, I was SO skinny last year around this time...I hope I can get back to that body..i'm okay with a few stretch marks, whatever..I just don't want that 'pooch' that I see some moms get. My eating disorder frame of mind is creeping back in slowly but surely..I know i'm gaining weight because of Hayden and not because i'm a lard ass but I still can't help but feel depressed. I won't stop eating with Hayden inside me..i'm just worried about what lengths i'll go to once he's out..12 weeks and 6 days until my due date..hurry upppp.


Hayden, for mommy's sake, please do the least amount of damage possible! I'll give you whatever you want! Oh who am I lying to..i'm going to give you whatever you want regardless.

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God, sometimes my mom's side of the family..okay..a certain aunt of mine and her drug addicted, low life, Hep C infested, pedophile of a son just makes our family look like white trash.


You are 40 years old and have never had a job longer than a few months..i'm seriously about to lose my mind and if I see you at my nanny's house again bullying her out of money, I will seriously shoot you.


Okay..rant over.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm so excited about having a boy..seriously..I spent all weekend with Trey's nephews..who are 3 and 9 months..they're so much fun!


Some random girl added me on myspace a few weeks ago who is pregnant..she found out today she is having a boy and her update said something along the lines of "Ugh, found out i'm having a freakin' boy.. ): i'm so depressed."


..really? I don't understand the concept of acting like that. As long as the baby is healthy..isn't that all that matters? It's all that should matter..who cares if it's a boy or a girl. Hopefully she turns her point of view around because with that attitude, I really feel sorry for her baby.

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This would happen..


and he would try to blow it off like it's no big deal.


I'm pissed but i'm not surprised..how does that even make sense?


I could seriously punch someone right now.



What's wrong hon? Don't get all worked up. Hayden might not like the adrenaline rush.

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This would happen..


and he would try to blow it off like it's no big deal.


I'm pissed but i'm not surprised..how does that even make sense?


I could seriously punch someone right now.


honey what's wrong

calm down. you getting so upset is not good for your baby. let's talk. what's going on

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To keep a long story short..back when Trey and I were in our huge 'stressed out fighting' stage..he disappeared one weekend and came home Sunday limping and looking like crap..he said some guy hit him at a party and he got in a fight. He acted shady about the whole entire story and said he wasn't drinking or anything..to be honest, I never believed him about what happened that night..I knew there was way more to it than what he was telling me.


Well..last week I found out by accident that he had court this week..he claimed it was for an old speeding ticket that was going to be dismissed. Well..today I was looking at the files online through our county and found out the ticket was for minor in consumption. I confronted him about lying to me..and he said he wasn't drinking, that the alcohol was just around him..well that's ANOTHER lie..they would've given him a minor in possession..not consumption. His sister also told me he smoked a couple cigarettes around her a couple weeks ago..when we made a pact to stop smoking completely together for Hayden.


I know everyone thinks i'm probably over reacting..[as he seems to think I am] but whatever. I'm so over this crap, I don't need it..I don't need someone lying straight to my face..that's like a slap in the face to me.


I'm over it now..but I just don't want anything to do with him..because his excuse for lying is 'I forgot..sorry'

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It sounds like he made a mistake and he was ashamed of it and didn't want to tell you for fear of your reaction. I'm sure he doesn't want to stress you or the baby out.


I know, I see it from that point of view too..Idk..I just wish he would've told me instead of just lying to my face. Honestly, I wouldn't have been that upset..I just would've shrugged it off as a mistake..but lying to my face I can't just shrug off.

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so what are you saying dang? are you going to break up with him over this?

i know that the lying was wrong but he probably didn't want to upset you. you are going to have a baby together. is this a fight worth picking?


No, i'm not breaking up with him..i'm just frustrated with the whole thing right now and I just need some space to cool off. I can't stand being lied to and even if he had good intentions, i'm still pissed off..he's the last person I want lying to me about anything. Maybe I am being irrational..? I don't know.

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no, i understand completely how frustrating it is. but you know what? he loves you with all his heart and there's no doubt about that. nobody's perfect, and this wasn't a deal breaker or a horrible thing he did. to be honest, when i was reading it, i thought you were going to say that he cheated on you or something. now THAT would have been bad, wouldn't it?


hopefully once you cool off you can explain to him that even though he may have been trying to spare your feelings it really hurts you to be lied to, and you guys can work it out.

but i think men in general just really want to avoid conflict, so i wouldn't take it as something personal.


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