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Shelby...as we know it.


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So, several of my lovely dogs decided to kill my precious cat, sadie, i've had since 7th grade last night..


Apparently, around 4am..my dad went outside because he heard a bunch of commotion..turns out there was a pack of coyotes right by our house..and instead of running off the coyotes like our outside dogs should've done...they decided to attack my cat..I told my dad to spare me the details but he said he sat with her for an hour petting and loving on her while she died. Ugh..she had such a funny personality, I loved her..I remember bringing her home from school..some idiot put a box of kittens outside the middle school and she was the last one that no one wanted because she was so tiny. Crying can only help so much but honestly, it just makes me feel more helpless..


Changing the subject..


My friend from elementary/middle/high school had her baby boy yesterday..6lbs and 2 ounces..19 inches long..he's a little bitty thing. Watching her hold him and breast feed him just made me so anxious for what's to come for me. It was so funny, she just barely put her boob in front of his face to feed him and he immediately latched on...all I hear about is people who have problems breast feeding, it's nice to see that it isn't always difficult..even though it probably will be for me! But seeing a baby that tiny again also makes me nervous..they're so tiny and look so fragile..but I have confidence that everything will be okay.

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I'm mentally strung out from work..good gosh. The demanding, rude, idiotic patients that we have..not all of them..but the few that we do have just make me want to scream. I really need to vent or i'm gonna go nuts.


WI - CHILL OUT. You cannot go through 60 7.5mg vicodin in a day and a half and expect to just be handed more refills. It isn't safe for you to be cosuming that many pills in that small amount of time. They're a narcotic..not candy..THIS is why we're withholding your prescription until Saturday..thank you, come again.


PL - You're on county funded health insurance..it takes longer to schedule procedures for you because there's such a mass amount of people who are on county funded insurance. Don't get pissy because it takes 2 to 3 weeks to schedule pre operative testing, you're the one who is choosing not to get your OWN health insurance. So, while you're sitting at home and smoking pot..my tax dollars are paying for your testing, medications and heart surgery..congrats!


CK - Don't get mad at me because your surgery was canceled yesterday..YOU were the idiot who decided to not let anyone know you were allergic to shellfish and iodine until an hour before your procedure..guess what's in the dye that we would be using for your angiogram..? So, really..is this my fault..or yours?


okay, i'm done. I feel better. There's no way I could go on maternity leave yet..I would go nuts sitting at home!

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Awww dang I am so sorry you are feeling stressed out because of the idiotic patients you have to deal with.


I do not have idiot patients but I am on the phone with the social security administration every day and believe me I know what you mean about wanting to scream!


I am glad you are feeling better. When are you planning on going on maternity leave?

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Awww dang I am so sorry you are feeling stressed out because of the idiotic patients you have to deal with.


I do not have idiot patients but I am on the phone with the social security administration every day and believe me I know what you mean about wanting to scream!


I am glad you are feeling better. When are you planning on going on maternity leave?


Oh gosh, social security..I can only imagine!!!


I'm planning on working until my doctor tells me to stop or I go into labor, lol. I have to financially and I want to have as much time with Hayden as possible.


What about you?

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Oh gosh, social security..I can only imagine!!!


I'm planning on working until my doctor tells me to stop or I go into labor, lol. I have to financially and I want to have as much time with Hayden as possible.


What about you?


My plan is to do the same thing. So far things have been great and I have been feeling well. I mean I have my days but nothing I can't handle. I am praying and hoping that I am able to work until I can go into labor. Shoot I am still trying to figure out if I will get paid for the 6 weeks I am supposed ot be gone fior when Gabriel arrives....


My job isn't too stressful, but there are some days when I want to KILL the SSA people. They are so stupid at times. I don't understand why they are in the positions they are in....

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Well, thankfully I don't have pink eye.


Sure, it looks like I have HIV of the eyes but it's not pink eye! My doctor said it's allergies..prescribed me some eye drops and told me not to wear my contacts..so I need to go buy some glasses, hmph.


Trey's sister, who is 6 weeks ahead of me goes in today to talk about being induced. I can't believe it's already that time..


9 weeks or less for me.

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Well, thankfully I don't have pink eye.


Sure, it looks like I have HIV of the eyes but it's not pink eye! My doctor said it's allergies..prescribed me some eye drops and told me not to wear my contacts..so I need to go buy some glasses, hmph.


Trey's sister, who is 6 weeks ahead of me goes in today to talk about being induced. I can't believe it's already that time..


9 weeks or less for me.


Dang, I can't believe how fast time flies I remember barely reading your initial post about false positives and here you are almost done. I am so excited for you, especially since you are only 4 weeks ahead of me.


I am really glad you did not have pink eye! I am sure the glasses will not be too bad. By the way are the allergies pregnancy related or are they just regular allergies?

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Dang, I can't believe how fast time flies I remember barely reading your initial post about false positives and here you are almost done. I am so excited for you, especially since you are only 4 weeks ahead of me.


I am really glad you did not have pink eye! I am sure the glasses will not be too bad. By the way are the allergies pregnancy related or are they just regular allergies?


They're just regular allergies..i've just gotten them pretty bad this year. Especially when all the pollen and junk initially got in the air at the beginning of spring.


Hopefully this eye stuff goes away soon!

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I'm at 158lbs..bluhh..I was 135 when I got pregnant..but my lowest was 120..so my goal for after I have Hayden is to get down to 115..and I will get there, I can't wait to start working out.


I am sure you can trust me, my sister gained a whole lot of weight when she was pregnant. She lost all the weight and a little more, she is currently 115 pounds and she does not even look like she had a baby!

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I really feel sorry for that guy, he has no clue what he's getting himself into.


I have to be in this hell hole for 4 more hourssss, ugh..then sweet freedom for my 3 day weekend. (:


I'm sooooo full of chipotle, I feel disgusting and I didn't even eat the whole bowl like I normally do. Blechhh.


I can't wait to soak up the sun and swim this weekend..

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I floated down the river on Saturday and decided to forget to put sunscreen on my feet..


omgggg, they're still killing me..and they swelled to the point of looking like balloon shaped feet that someone blew too much air into. I felt like such an idiot..you better believe when we go again on saturday that i'll be slathering my feet in sunscreen.

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Am I the only person who can't stand snoop dogg? He irritates me beyond belief.


I'm at work by myself today and i'm afraid i'm going to end up ripping my hair out..Monday is the day that patients come out of the woods with all of these random ass problems and the phones ring off the hook. OMG, it's ringing again as I type..and it's one of the psycho ones, lovely. I'm really not in the best of moods to be answering phone calls..i'm losing my patience by the day. -breathes-


blahh, anyway..


My grandma is in a rehab facility near my work so i'm going to take her lunch today - at least I get some sort of a break.


I got the most amazing pedicure this weekend..hot stones, paraffin wax, steaming hot towels, massage..ahhh, I would love to do a full day at the spa..with a full body massage, facial, mud bath..that type of stuff..that would be amazinggg.


Counting down the days until my little boy is here, i'm SO tired of being pregnant..so so tired.

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What do you do when you reach your breaking point?


Your words don't mean anything to me anymore and you try to make me feel bad for 'throwing away' nearly 2 years of our lives together down the drain..but nothing ever changes, you keep saying it will..but it doesn't.


I'm to the point where I can't do it anymore..the arguing..the two day silent treatments, then trying to act like we're okay again..i'm way too close to giving birth to our son, I just can't do it.


Is it sad that sometimes I just wanna say '____ it!' and do this by myself..? I can't. Hayden is your baby too and I would never take that away from you..but if things are like this now...they can only get worse after Hayden comes..right?


I'm backed into a corner and I don't know how to get out.

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I sleep so crappy when i'm by myself, seriously..I just can't sleep well..I toss and turn..even though i'm utterly exhausted. It just doesn't come to me when i'm not with you.


I would never depend on a man to support me..but I depend on one to sleep with..? I'm so freaking weird.

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